chapter 6

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jake woke up with a heavy feeling in his chest and an annoying scratch in his throat

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jake woke up with a heavy feeling in his chest and an annoying scratch in his throat. he groaned as he rolled over in bed, his head pounding. the room felt way too cold, even though he was under his blanket.

"great," he muttered to himself, realizing he was probably coming down with something. just his luck.

jungwon was already up and rushing around the room, packing his bag. "hey, you good? you don't look so hot," he asked, barely glancing up as he tugged his shoes on.

"wow that's rude..." jake teased while jungwon rolled his eyes.

"i think u caught a cold or something," jungwin said hearing jake's voice rough and scratchy.

jungwon frowned but quickly checked his phone. "ok u need to rest, ill cancel all my plans."

"no won-ah, go have fun. ill take care of myself" jake said, trying so hard to make jungwon agree.

"you sure?" jungwon asked one more time, he wasn't too keen on leaving his best friend behind.

jake gave a weak nod, trying to act like it was no big deal. "yeah, i'll be fine. don't worry about it."

jungwon gave him an apologetic look before grabbing his stuff. "okay, but text me if you need anything. gws hyung"

once jungwon left, jake collapsed back into bed, shivering slightly. he pulled the blanket tighter around him, but it didn't help much. everything ached, and his head felt like it was stuffed with cotton.

he tried to fall back asleep, but his body wouldn't cooperate. his phone buzzed on his nightstand, and he lazily reached for it. it was a message from heeseung.


hee hyung 💗

: yo, u good? u weren't at class today

yeah, just feeling a little sick. :

: oh
: where u at rn?

home, why?:
read 2 minutes ago..


he didn't expect much more than a quick 'get well soon' but not even five minutes later, there was a knock on his dorm door.

"who is it?" jake called, his voice hoarse.

"it's me, heeseung," came the familiar voice from the other side.

jake blinked in surprise as he dragged himself out of bed to open the door. there stood heeseung, a concerned look on his face, holding a plastic bag full of groceries.

"what are you doing here?" jake asked, confused.

"you said you were sick, so i figured you could use some help," heeseung replied, stepping inside without waiting for permission. "jungwon told me he was busy, so i thought i'd check on you."

"you didn't have to do that," jake mumbled, feeling a little embarrassed as he shuffled back to his bed. "it's just a cold."

"yeah, well, you look like you're about to pass out," heeseung said, placing the bag on the desk. "have you eaten anything?"

"uh... no," jake admitted sheepishly.

heeseung sighed and started pulling out ingredients from the bag. "good thing i came by. i'm making you something to eat. you'll feel better after."

jake blinked again, surprised at how casually heeseung was handling all of this. "you're gonna cook for me?"

"yeah, i know my way around a kitchen," heeseung said with a smirk. "just sit tight. i'll whip up something quick."

jake, still feeling like a mess, lay back down while heeseung busied himself at the small kitchenette in the corner of the dorm. the smell of something warm and comforting soon filled the room, making jake realize how hungry he was despite feeling awful.

after a little while, heeseung brought over a bowl of steaming soup. "here, it's not much, but it should help."

jake sat up, taking the bowl from him. "thanks, hyung... you really didn't have to do this."

"it's no big deal. just eat," heeseung said, sitting on the chair across from jake, watching to make sure he took a bite.

the warm broth felt like heaven as it slid down jake's sore throat. he let out a soft sigh of relief. "this is really good."

heeseung grinned as he ruffles jake's hair. "told you."

jake continued eating, feeling the warmth of the soup chase away some of the chills that had been gripping his body.

heeseung sat with him, occasionally checking if jake needed anything else, but otherwise staying quiet and just... being there. jake couldn't remember the last time someone had taken care of him like this.

"you didn't have to stay, you know," jake said after finishing his soup. "i don't wanna keep you from your day."

heeseung shook his head. "i'm not going anywhere until i know you're feeling better."

jake couldn't help but smile a little, his heart doing that weird flip again. "thanks, hyung. seriously."

"don't mention it," heeseung replied, his voice softening. "you'd do the same for me."

they spent the rest of the afternoon in quiet company, with heeseung occasionally checking jake's temperature and making sure he stayed hydrated.

jake couldn't help but feel a little guilty for taking up so much of his time, but at the same time... it was nice. having heeseung there made being sick a little more bearable.


as the evening wore on, jake started feeling a bit better. he was still weak, but the headache had faded, and the chills weren't as bad. heeseung noticed the change and smiled.

"see? a little food and rest, and you're already looking better," heeseung said, standing up to stretch. "i should probably get going so you can sleep more."

jake felt a pang of disappointment, but he knew heeseung was right. "yeah, i guess so. thanks for everything today."

heeseung picked up his bag and turned to leave but paused at the door. "if you're still not feeling great tomorrow, text me. i'll check on you again."

jake nodded, smiling weakly. "i will. thanks, hyung."

heeseung gave him a quick smile before slipping out of the room. as the door clicked shut, jake leaned back in bed, staring up at the ceiling.

heeseung had gone out of his way to take care of him today, even though he didn't have to. jake couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to it than just being a good friend. and as much as he tried to push it down, his feelings for heeseung were becoming harder and harder to ignore.

"what am i gonna do about this?" jake whispered to himself, closing his eyes.

but for now, he let himself drift off, knowing at least for today, he wasn't alone.

[ 💭]
a lil filler ep
kicking my feet in the air rn

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