chapter 7

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the next morning, jake woke up feeling a bit better

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the next morning, jake woke up feeling a bit better. his throat was still scratchy, and his body was achy, but at least his head didn’t feel like it was going to explode. sunlight streamed through the curtains, and he blinked groggily, realizing he had slept through most of the night for once.

as he sat up, he noticed a message on his phone.

hee hyung 💗:
how’re you feeling?

better, thanks to you.
seriously hyung, you saved me.

he dropped his phone back onto his bed, a weird warmth spreading through his chest. thinking about how heeseung had taken care of him yesterday made something stir deep inside him. he wasn’t sure if it was the lingering effects of the fever or something else entirely, but there was no denying how much it had meant to him.

he sat there for a few minutes, just replaying yesterday in his head—the way heeseung had looked so concerned, the way he’d stayed without being asked, and the way he’d cooked that soup, like it was the most normal thing in the world.

before jake could get too lost in his thoughts, there was a knock on the door.

come in,” he called, his voice still rough from the cold.

to his surprise, heeseung poked his head through the doorway. “morning, sleeping beauty.”

jake chuckled despite himself. “you didn’t have to come again, you know.”

yeah, but i wanted to check up on you,” heeseung said, stepping fully into the room. “jungwon told me you were still kinda out of it last night, so i figured i’d swing by.

jake smiled. “you’re really too nice for your own good, hyung.

heeseung shrugged, his usual carefree grin tugging at his lips. “someone’s gotta make sure you don’t die from a cold.”

jake’s stomach fluttered again, and he tried to play it off by coughing lightly. “i’m really feeling better today, though. i think i’ll survive.

“good to hear.” heeseung walked over, placing the back of his hand against jake’s forehead like he had yesterday. “you’re still a little warm but better than before.

the touch sent a shockwave through jake’s system. he wasn’t sure if it was the fever or the fact that heeseung was standing so close, but his heart started racing in his chest. he cleared his throat, trying to act normal. “yeah, a lot better. you don’t have to keep worrying about me.”

heeseung let his hand drop and gave a small laugh. “too late, i’m already invested.”

invested?” jake teased, raising an eyebrow. “in what? my health?

heeseung smirked but didn’t answer, his eyes flicking to jake for a second too long before he looked away.

a small silence filled the room, and jake wasn’t sure what to say. the air between them felt different today, like something unspoken was hovering right beneath the surface. jake couldn’t figure it out, but he knew he wasn’t imagining things. not anymore.

heeseung’s phone buzzed, snapping them both out of whatever moment they were having. he checked it quickly before sighing. “ugh, jay’s bugging me to help him with something. i should probably go.

jake nodded, trying to hide the disappointment that crept up inside him. “yeah, no worries. thanks again for coming, though.”

heeseung threw him one last smile before grabbing his bag. “i’ll see you around. and remember, text me if you need anything.

i will, hyung. promise.”

with that, heeseung headed out, leaving jake alone in the dorm again. jake lay back on his bed, staring up at the ceiling and thinking about how everything felt different now—how heeseung’s smile lingered in his mind longer than it used to, how his heart seemed to do this weird flip whenever he was around.

there was no denying it anymore. jake liked heeseung. he *really* liked him. and the thought of it sent him into a quiet panic because now that he knew, what was he supposed to do about it?

as much as he tried to act like things could stay the same, jake knew that heeseung had already started to take up way more space in his head than he had before. it wasn’t just about friendship anymore—it was something more.

i’m so screwed,” jake muttered to himself, covering his face with his hands. part of him wanted to just come clean, tell heeseung everything, but what if it ruined everything? what if heeseung didn’t feel the same way?

he stayed like that for a while, battling with his own thoughts until eventually, exhaustion took over, and he drifted off to sleep once again, the weight of his feelings pressing heavily on his chest.


later that afternoon, jungwon finally came back, looking frazzled from whatever day he had with jay. “hyung! you feeling better?

jake sat up, nodding. “yeah, much better.”

good, good. i was worried when i left this morning,” jungwon said, tossing his bag down. “heeseung hyung came by again, didn’t he?

yeah,” jake replied, trying to sound casual. “he’s been taking care of me.

jungwon raised an eyebrow. “heeseung hyung, huh?

jake’s face turned a shade darker, but he shrugged. “yeah, he’s just been helping out.”

right,” jungwon said with a knowing smirk. “just helping out.”

don’t start,” jake warned, but his friend only chuckled.

whatever you say, hyung. whatever you say.”


that evening, jake found himself scrolling through his messages with heeseung, re-reading the texts from earlier, his heart doing that same dumb flutter again. he hesitated for a moment before typing out a quick text.

thanks again for taking care of me today.
it meant a lot.

hee hyung 💗:
anytime, jake.
that’s what friends are for.

jake stared at the message, feeling a mix of emotions swirl inside him. maybe for now, friends was enough. maybe for now, he could be okay with just that.

but deep down, he knew that this was only the beginning.

[ 💭 ]
another filler cz why not 😞

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