chapter 8

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jake woke up feeling like a brand new person

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jake woke up feeling like a brand new person. the pounding headache, scratchy throat, and chills from yesterday were long gone.

he stretched in bed, feeling much lighter, but something felt off. a weird voice, distant, echoing his name. he rubbed his eyes, dismissing it as just a leftover from whatever strange dreams he had been having.

he checked his phone. class was in an hour, so he quickly got ready, stuffing his bag with his textbooks and phone charger. today, he was determined to get back to his usual routine.

as he stepped outside, the cool air hit his face, waking him up completely. he spotted jungwon and jay walking ahead, the two of them clearly in a deep conversation. jake jogged to catch up, waving at them as he approached.

"look who's alive!" jungwon greeted with a teasing grin. "you good now?"

"yeah, finally," jake replied with a little smile. "thanks for abandoning me yesterday, by the way."

"hey, don't blame me! heeseung hyung was more than happy to take care of you," jungwon said, raising an eyebrow as if he knew something more.

jake's face flushed a little, but he brushed it off, trying to sound nonchalant. "yeah, he was... really helpful."

jay joined in, "seriously though, you looked like you were gonna pass out."

jake sighed. "i know. but i'm all good now. just gotta catch up on everything i missed."

they continued walking, but jake couldn't stop thinking about what jungwon said. *heeseung was happy to take care of him...* that thought stuck with him, and before he knew it, they were already in class.

jake sat down at his usual seat, eyes scanning the room. heeseung wasn't here yet. his stomach twisted a little..

he didn't know why, but he suddenly wished heeseung would walk through that door. like, right now.

the professor began the lecture, and jake tried to focus, but his thoughts kept drifting back to yesterday. how heeseung had been so gentle and caring, staying by his side, cooking for him. and jake... well, he liked it.

he started doodling on his notebook absentmindedly, thinking about the way heeseung had ruffled his hair, the way his smile made jake's heart skip a beat. it wasn't just friendly anymore, was it? jake could feel the butterflies building up every time he thought about heeseung, and it was driving him crazy.

just as jake was lost in his thoughts, the door creaked open, and there he was.. heeseung, strolling in like he owned the place. his hair slightly messy, probably from running late, but still, he looked perfect. jake's heart did that annoying flip thing again, and he quickly looked back down at his notebook, pretending to scribble something important.

heeseung spotted him right away and walked over with a lazy smile. "jakey! you feeling better?"

jake nodded, trying to act cool. "yeah, thanks to you, hyung."

heeseung chuckled as he sat down next to him. "good. you were a mess yesterday."

jake pouted a little, leaning closer to heeseung, his voice softening. "aww, hyungg... are you saying i'm a burden?"

heeseung blinked at him, clearly taken aback by jake's sudden whining. "what? no, i just-"

"but you said i was a mess," jake interrupted, his voice dropping to a playful tone, lips slightly pouty. "i thought you liked taking care of me, hyung."

heeseung laughed, a little awkwardly, scratching the back of his neck. "i mean, yeah, but-"

"then you should stay with me more often," jake said, teasing but also kind of serious. he leaned in just a bit, his voice dropping to a whisper. "i get lonely, you know?"

heeseung's eyes widened slightly, and jake could swear he saw a faint blush creeping up his neck.

before heeseung could respond, the professor called on jake, and he quickly sat back up, answering the question with his brain half-functioning. he tried to focus on class, but the warmth radiating from heeseung next to him was too distracting.


when class finally ended, jake stretched, feeling the tension in his shoulders release. he was ready to grab lunch, but instead of heading out, he turned to heeseung with an exaggerated sigh, giving him his best puppy-dog eyes.

"hyung, can we eat lunch together today?" jake asked, dragging out his words a little for extra effect. "i didn't get to spend much time with you yesterday, and i'm still feeling a little weak."

heeseung blinked, clearly a little caught off guard by jake's whining. "you- what?"

"pleaaaase," jake whined, leaning into him dramatically.

heeseung rolled his eyes, laughing, but the soft expression on his face didn't go unnoticed by jake. "fine, fine. let's get lunch. but if you act like this in public, i'm ditching you."

jake grinned widely, his heart fluttering. he knew he was being ridiculous, but it felt so good having heeseung's attention. as they walked to the cafeteria, jake couldn't help but bump his shoulder into heeseung's every now and then, making little comments and jokes just to keep him talking.

they grabbed their food and sat down at a quiet table. jake's eyes stayed glued on heeseung as they ate, watching the way his fingers moved, the way his lips curved into a smile when jake made some silly joke. jake felt his chest tighten again, this was bad.

heeseung noticed him staring and raised an eyebrow. "what's with you today? you're acting weird."

jake blinked, quickly snapping out of his daze. "huh? what do you mean?"

"you keep looking at me like..." heeseung trailed off, narrowing his eyes. "like you're up to something."

jake smirked, leaning closer. "maybe i am."

heeseung chuckled, shaking his head. "yeah, well, whatever it is, you're not fooling me."

jake just grinned, but deep down, he was wondering how long he could keep this up before he messed it all up, being this close to heeseung. teasing him, joking with him, even though it was fun, but it was also dangerous. because every little moment was making his feelings grow stronger.

and that was a problem.

[ 💭 ]
finally updating again after abt 1 week or more of exam week and me getting sickk!!
ill be updating weekly again now!! 💓

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