chapter 5

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jake rolled over in bed, squinting at the morning light creeping through the blinds

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jake rolled over in bed, squinting at the morning light creeping through the blinds. the alarm hadn’t gone off yet, but he was already awake. maybe it was because of everything that had been on his mind lately—well, mostly just one thing. or rather, one person.

hey, you getting up, or should i throw water on you?” jungwon teased, already halfway dressed and ready for class.

i’m up, i’m up,” jake muttered, dragging himself out of bed and into the bathroom. he splashed some water on his face, trying to shake the strange nervous feeling in his chest.

walking to school with jungwon was the same as usual, except jake couldn’t stop glancing ahead where heeseung was walking with jay and sunghoon. something about him just made jake feel... different. he wasn’t exactly sure what it was, but it was there, gnawing at the back of his mind.

"you good? you’re quiet today," jungwon asked, giving jake a nudge.

"yeah, i’m fine," jake replied quickly, trying to act normal. he didn’t really know what to say. it’s not like he was gonna tell jungwon about the weird way his stomach flipped whenever heeseung smiled.

as they walked into class, heeseung waved them over to where he was sitting. jake took the seat next to him, feeling a little tense but trying to keep it together.

you okay, jake?” heeseung asked, leaning in a little closer. “you’ve been kinda off today.”

huh? nah, i’m good,” jake said, trying to brush it off with a smile. “just tired.

you sure? ‘cause you’ve been quiet, like really quiet,” heeseung said, raising an eyebrow.

jake shrugged, his heart picking up speed. “yeah, just stuff on my mind. nothing big.”

heeseung looked at him for a second, like he wanted to ask more, but he just nodded and smiled. “well, if u say so

thanks, hyung,” jake muttered, feeling his face heat up for some reason. he looked down at his desk, wishing he could just stop being weird around heeseung.


the day passed in a blur, but jake still couldn’t get rid of the weird feeling hanging over him. at lunch, they all sat in their usual spot in the cafeteria. jake was trying to focus on the conversation, but every time heeseung laughed or said something, it pulled his attention right back.

so, jake,” sunghoon started, catching jake’s attention. “you joining us for basketball again later?

uh... maybe,” jake replied, not really thinking about it.

you’ve been spacing out all day, dude,” jay said, smirking. “something on your mind?

jake felt all eyes on him, including heeseung’s. “nah, i’m good. just tired, like i said earlier,” he repeated, hoping they’d drop it.

well, basketball will wake you up,” heeseung joked, nudging him.

jake found himself nodding, even though he wasn’t sure why. “yeah, okay. i’ll come.


later that evening, jake was back on the basketball court with the guys. they were goofing around like usual, but jake felt more relaxed this time. maybe it was because heeseung was there, always making sure jake was included in the jokes and conversations. he was just... nice to be around.

as they wrapped up, heeseung tossed jake a water bottle and sat next to him on the bench. "you did pretty good today."

"thanks, hyung," jake said, feeling a bit shy again. it wasn’t like him to get nervous around people, but something about heeseung just... threw him off.

heeseung looked at him for a moment, then asked, “so, what’s really been on your mind? i can tell you’re thinking about something.”

jake froze for a second, not expecting the question. “oh, uh... it’s nothing, really.”

come on,” heeseung nudged him playfully. “you can tell me. i’m not gonna judge or anything.”

jake hesitated, then shrugged. “just... stuff. i don’t really know how to explain it.

heeseung didn’t push, just smiled and nodded. “well, whenever you wanna talk, i’m here. no pressure, though.”

jake felt a small weight lift off his chest. he didn’t know what to say yet, but the fact that heeseung was willing to listen meant a lot.


back in the dorm, jungwon was already in bed, scrolling through his phone. jake tossed his bag on the floor and sat on his bed, feeling more relaxed after the day.

how was basketball?” jungwon asked without looking up.

it was good,” jake said, lying back on his pillow.

jungwon smirked. “and i saw you hanging out with heeseung a lot today. getting close, huh?

jake’s heart skipped a beat, and this time, he couldn’t just brush it off. “yeah... i guess,” he admitted, feeling awkward but needing to say something.

jungwon glanced up, raising an eyebrow. “wait, do you... like him?

jake stayed quiet for a moment, unsure how to answer. “i don’t know... maybe? i mean, he’s just... i feel different around him.”

jungwon’s face softened, and he put his phone down. “hey, that’s okay. liking someone is confusing, especially when it’s not something you’re used to. but you don’t have to figure it all out right away.”

jake nodded, feeling a bit of relief. “yeah, i guess. it’s just... weird.

jungwon gave him a supportive smile. “just take your time. no rush, okay? and if you need to talk, i’m here.

jake smiled back, grateful for jungwon’s understanding. “thanks, uwonie. you’re a good friend.”

i know,” jungwon said with a wink, making jake chuckle.

as they settled in for the night, jake’s thoughts drifted back to heeseung. maybe he did like him, but he wasn’t ready to deal with that just yet. for now, he’d just let things happen at their own pace.

[ 💭 ]
guys im actually rlly x1000000
sorry bcs ive been not posting, these days ive been so busy with school, joining events and extra lessons at school.

sorry guys 😭😭

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