Chapter 3: It's My Initiative

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A Year Later...

"Excuse me, are you accusing me?" You met the gaze of the man in the black coat, who seemed to be the orchestrator of this unwanted meeting.

"Yes," he responded bluntly. "That's precisely why you're here."

Sitting back in your chair with a smirk, you retorted, "Oh, please. You and I both know I did you a favor."

"How is rebuilding the fugitives' lair doing us a favor?"

"Fugitives? They saved your lives," you snapped back. "They risked everything to save the world. They died so we could live. What part of that don't you understand?"

The panel of observers exchanged skeptical glances, but despite your pointed arguments, they remained firm in their stance.

"Saving the world doesn't excuse their actions. They're still a threat, and they can't be free," one of them insisted.

"We're asking you to stand down and let us handle the operation," another added.

"That's not happening under my watch," you replied sharply as the cameras of the paparazzi began to swarm like Christmas lights.

"Why? Who are you to defend these fugitives as if your life depended on it?"

The question made you pause and regard the man in the black coat with amusement. Did you dare give him an answer? No.

"It's none of your business," you said decisively, standing up with an air of finality. The paparazzi followed you out, their questions unanswered.

You disliked giving away information, especially when it was desperately sought after. The last time you had, it had resulted in betrayal and abandonment. You were determined not to make that mistake again.

As you drove back to the newly rebuilt Avengers Compound, the only sound was the hum of the engine-a soothing constant amidst the chaos.

Upon arrival, you noticed an unfamiliar black SUV parked outside. Unbothered, you walked past it into the main building, where an agent approached you with a forced cheerfulness.

"Good afternoon, ma'am. How was the interview?"

"Nothing I can't handle," you replied curtly.

"That's good to hear!" The agent's smile faltered as he wiped a bead of sweat from his forehead.

"Start talking, or I'll make you," you said, raising an eyebrow.

"There's a disturbance inside. Someone's causing a scene, and you might not like it," he reported nervously.

You followed him into the building, where a chaotic scene awaited. Agents were arguing, and at the center was a man who seemed to be the cause of the commotion.

You made no immediate move to announce your presence, preferring instead to wait until all eyes were on you. The room fell silent, and the man in black stepped forward.

"Director Nick Fury," he said, his tone stern. "This is private property, and you're trespassing."

"Trespassing?" you scoffed. "Am I the one arriving in a mysterious black coat and SUV? With all due respect, 'Director,' you're the one trespassing."

"I beg to differ," Fury countered.

"No need to beg," you said coolly. "You're under arrest, or I can offer you a chance for a private conversation."

Fury eyed you with a mix of defiance and resignation but followed you willingly.

"Agents," you addressed them dismissively, "carry on."

In the elevator, Fury stood beside you, clearly eager to converse. You cut him off first.

"How was space?"

"Peaceful," he replied, avoiding eye contact.

"If that's the case, then why are you back here?" you asked.

Fury sighed, waiting until the elevator doors opened before speaking. "Because you took something that belongs to me."

"Like what? The compound?" you shot back. "It's not yours, and I didn't take it from you. I'm simply doing you a favor."

"Favor is built on lies."

"But I'm not like you, Director," you said, batting your eyelashes. "I'm not like everyone else. You created the Avengers Initiative, and I'm just continuing it. There are more people out there with enhanced abilities who need protection."

"I'm not letting you use my Initiative for your so-called charity."

"Charity?" you echoed, offended. "Is that how you view it? Is that how you saw Tony Stark? A tin can in a suit-just a charity case for you?"

"Of course not," Fury said quickly. "What I mean is you don't have the right to own my Initiative."

"Too late," you said, with a smirk. "You've lost your heroes. Now it's my turn."


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