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we road down a dirt road into a forest, i had no idea where we were going. we began to slow down as i held onto him tighter and looked around. i could hear yelling and cheering coming from the distance as we stopped in an open feild where a bunch of cars were parked along with other motorcycles. "where are we?" i asked as i got off and he just got off and kicked out the kickstand. "just a place." he said as he grabbed my hand and led me to where everyone was. i looked around at all the people drinking and doing drugs and frowned. why does he keep bringing me to places like this? only bad things seem to happen at places like this. i sighed to myself as we kept walking until we stopped at a place where a bunch of people were screaming and yelling as two guys in the middle beat the crap out of each other. the people surrounding them were cheering them on as they tossed money into the circle. i cringed away as i watched the blonde punch the bigger guy in the face, causing blood to fly from his mouth. "50 on Niall." Zayn said as he gave a guy who had a bucket the money which the guy dropped in the bucket. "Zay-" i was about to object on him betting when he pulled me of somewhere else. i sighed quietly and kept my mouth shut as we walked over to a keg. "hey bro!" a guy said as he handed Zayn a cup and then me one, this time Zayn did not object and i didnt either. i looked down at the yellow/brown liquid and slowly brought it to my lips. i took a small sip and cringed as the disgusting taste hit my tongue, causing me to almost gag. i toughed it out and took another sip before looking up at everyone who were just watching me. i looked around at everyone feeling a bit awkward and then looked at Zayn who was just looking at everyone and drinking his drink as well. "come on." he mumbled as he grabbed my hand again and led me back to the fighting rink. i noticed his friends from school cheering and standing by the make-shift rink and thats where we went. "hey Zayn." Harry said as he chugged his drink and then he looked at me with a raised eyebrow. "you brought Emma here?" he asked, like i wasnt even there. "yeah. got a problem?" Zayn asked coldly and Harry chuckled before shaking his head. "naw." he said before going back to watching the two men fight. i sighed to myself and took a swig of my drink, something tasted off about it but i just kept drinking, not really caring. about 15 minutes later we were still standing there watching the men fight when i started feeling off, i felt light headed and dizzy. i looked down at my empty cup and saw some white specks, someone spiked my drink! those motherf*ckers! i took a slow deep breath as my heart pounded like crazy, i thought it might pound right out of my chest. i kept staring down at my cup as i reached a shaky hand up and gripped Zayn's arm. "what Emma?" he asked and i looked up at him, breathing heavily. "Emma?" he asked as he grabbed my face and looked into my eyes. "what did you take Emma?" he asked and i shook my head before looking back down at my cup, becoming pissed. "someone spiked my f*cking drink!" i said angrily as i threw the cup down. "Emma i think we should go, come on." Zayn said as he wrapped his arm around me and began leading me away. "no Zayn!" i shouted and a few people began staring. i tried to get away from Zayn so i could go do something, that something i dont know, just something, but his grip on me was too strong. "Emma stop fighting me." he groaned as we made it to his motorcycle. "Emma look at me." Zayn said sternly as he stood in front of me and grabbed my face roughly so i would have to look at him. "do you want to make me happy?" he asked and i bit my lip before nodding. "then stop fighting and get on the bike so i can take you home." he said and i slowly nodded. he sighed and let go of my face before getting on his bike. "get on Emma." he said and i hesitantly got on. i wrapped my arms around him as he started up the motor and then we took off. i held on tightly to him as i watched the trees fly past us. everything felt so weird, almost numb. i hated the feeling, but in a way i liked it. i closed my eyes and let the feeling of the world spinning around me take over as i listened to the sound of the tires against the gravel road. "Emma we're home." i heard Zayn say and i opened my eyes to see us parked in his drive way. i let out a huf of air and quickly got up before stumbling and falling on my bum in the grass with a small gasp. i looked up at Zayn like a lost puppy and he chuckled before getting off himself. i watched him as he kicked out the kickstand and then walked over to me. he placed his hands under my armpits and lifted me up like i was a doll and it was nothing. "come on, you're staying with me tonight." he said as he wrapped an arm around my waist to help me stand before we walked into his house. "now be quiet Emma, we dont want to wake anyone up." he whispered as we began walking up the stairs slowly. once we got to his room he shut the door and i sat on his bed, not knowing what to do next. "here, you can wear this." he said as he threw a pair of sweatpants at me and i caught them. i stood up as he turned back to his close and stripped off my pants. when he turned back around he looked a me wide eyed and i just ignored him and put on the sweats before crawling onto his bed and laying down. i heard him let out a huff of air before going to his bathroom and coming back moments later in a pair of black sweatpants and white shirt. "Emma get up." Zayn said and i got up as told. he looked at me and bit his lip before pulling down the covers and laying down. "okay come lay down." he said and i did as told again before he pulled the blankets over us. i wasnt really tired, but yet again i couldnt seem to keep my eyes open and it bugged me to death at the moment. i sighed and scooted closer to Zayn who was laying on his back looking up at his ceiling. i snuggled into his side and layed my head on his chest before passing out.

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