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     i woke up on my own and rolled over in bed, burying my face deep in my pillow. i dont want to go to school today.. oh wait! its saterday there is no school! i smiled to myself and rolled the rest of the way out of bed before walking to my bathroom. i tied up my hair in a messy bun before washing my face and brushing my teeth like every morning. then i walked to my closet and put on a pair or hot pink shorts and a white crop tee that hung loosely off one shoulder. i also put on a few friendship bracelets and a necklace before heading downstairs to grab a spot of breakfast. once i got to the kitchen i grabbed a granola bar, something i didnt have to mess with much, and then headed outside to my backyard. i havent really seen my backyard yet so i was a bit surprised at how big it was. there was much room to run around in and do things, there was a big inground pool with a waterfall and slide built into a rock looking wall, and there was also an inground hot tub. it was nice. the patio i was standing on was also very nice, it had a table and chairs along with a small bar and kitchen. i could spend a lot of time out here. i smiled as i looked over everything once more and then i went back inside to see my dad in the kitchen getting a glass of orange juice. "good morning dad." i said as i finished my granola bar and threw the wrapper away. "oh hey Em. i need to talk to you." he said and i raised an eyebrow before sitting down at the bar. "im leaving today on a buisness trip for a few days." he said and i frowned. "really?" i asked sadly and he nodded. "okay." i sighed and he gave me a reasuring smile. "it'll be okay sweetie. Pat offered for you to stay with her and her family while im gone." he said and my eyes went wide and i shook my head. "no! its okay." i said quickly and he gave me a weird look. "i dont want to be a burden." i said and he sighed. "well then she said if you didnt want to stay she at least wanted you to come over for dinner every night so you at least eat a good meal." he said and i smiled before nodding. "that sounds good." i said and he smiled. "well i should be going, my plane leaves in an hour." he sighed as he looked at his watch and then chugged the rest of his juice. "i love you and be good. no parties while im gone." he said teasingly and i smiled before hugging him. "i will be good." i said and he kissed my cheek before leaving. well now i was alone for a few days... what to do? i sighed to myself and walked back upstairs to my room. i went over to the window and sat down before grabbing my book and reading. i dont know how long i sat there and read, but it was getting dark out and i heard a knock on the front door. i quickly saved my page and shut the book before racing downstairs. i got to the door and yanked it open to see Zayn leaning against the frame of the door, a smirk on his face. "my mum wants to know if you're coming for dinner?" he asked and i nodded while bitting my lower lip. "well lets go then." he said as he pushed himself upright and began walking back to his house. i sighed and slipped on a pair of TOMS before following him. "ah Emma! there you are." Pat said as i walked inside her house and i smiled at her. "thanks again for the offer of staying here." i told her and i saw Zayn tense up. "you are still welcome to stay." she said as she placed her hand on my upper back and guided me to the dinning room. "no i will be fine." i said and she nodded. she pulled out a chair for me and i sat down, Zayn sitting down beside me. as we all ate Pat would ask me about my family and how i liked it here so far. i would answer her and tell her all that she wanted to know as i ate, i would also catch Zayn staring at me every once in awhile. once everyone was done i sighed softly. "well thanks for the food Mrs. Malik. you are a lovely cook." i said and she chuckled. "thank you dear and call me Pat." she said flattered and i smiled. "well i really should be getting home, i have a few things to do." i said as i stood up and she smiled. "Zayn why dont you walk her home?" she asked and i groaned inwardly as he sighed and stood up. "come on." he mumbed as he walked towards the door and i followed behind him at a good distance. the short walk was quiet and once i got to my door i walked inside. i was about to close it when Zayn stopped me by putting his foot in the doorway. "go get changed into something warmer, we're going out." he said and i was a bit shocked. he didnt even ask me, he just told me... "hurry." he said slightly annoyed and i let out a huff of air as i glared at him before turning on my heel and walking up the stairs. i went to my room and locked the door before quickly stripping down and changing into a pair of dark skinny jeans, a Hollister swearshirt, and a pair of red converse. once i was finished i let my hair done, it falling in waves around my face, and then i went back downstairs to see Zayn looking around my living room. once he noticed me he smiled and then walked towards the door. i quietly followed him as we walked back over to his house and then he got on his motorcycle. "i am not getting on that thing." i said as i crossed my arms and he sighed. "Emma get on." he said and i shook my head. "if you dont get on i will make you." he threatened and i groaned before getting on, wrapping my small arms around his muscular torso causing him to tense up. once he started the engine i rested my cheek against his back, the cool leather of his jacket giving me chills. we slowly backed up and then took off, the wind whipped around us causing me to grip tighter onto him and squeeze my eyes shut. i dont know how long we drove but finally he slowed down and stopped in front of a house that was flooding with drunk people and loud music. i slowly pulled my arms away from him and got off before he flipped the kick stand and got off. "stay next to me and dont leave my side." he said as he wraped his arm around my shoulder and led me inside. we weaved through the crowds off people dance, drinking, and smoking what looked to be weed and cocaine. i bot my lip as we walked into the kitchen where i saw his three friends from school and an older guy, maybe twenty or twenty one. "good to see you could make it Zayn." the older guy said as he handed him a cup with what i was guessing alcohol. "and who is this?" he asked as he checked me out with a smirk. "dont even think about it Louis."Zayn growled as he glared at him and the guy, Louis, chuckled. "would you like a drink sweetheart?" he asked and i was about to say no but Zayn butted in. "shes not drinking." he said and i looked at him a bit shocked. who was he to say what i could and couldnt do? he wasnt my father. "okay then.." Louis said as he shrugged and chugged the rest of the drink in his hand. i stood there awkwardly as Zayn talked to his friends and slowly drank his drink. "Zayn, we need to talk." a big guy said as he walking into the kitchen and Zayn gave him a sharp nod. "dont you move from this spot Emma. i will be back." he said and i bit my lip before nodding. i watched him as he left and then i looked around, noticing his friends had gone with him. i sighed and just stood there, not knowing what to do and feeling out of place. i really didnt want to be here, why did he even bring me?! "well arent you a cutie." someone said huskily in my ear from behind and i froze. i stood there as the guy who said it walked around me with a drunken smile on his lips. "my names Chase. are you here with someone?" he asked and i nodded, just wanting to run and get away from him. where the hell was Zayn?!? "well how about you ditch him and we get out of here?" he asked trying to be sexy, but he was drunk and it failed. "no." i managed to get out and he raised an eyebrow at me. "well im not really asking." he said before grabbing my arm and yanking me towards him. "let me go." i said as i tried to pull away from him, but he was so much bigger than me. "sorry no can do." he whispered in my ear before lightly biting my earlob and i felt like i was going to be sick. "stop." i mumbled as he grabbed my hips. i placed my hands on his chest and tried to push away making him chuckle. "you're not getting away from me." he growled and i let out a whimper. next thing i know i am being pulled away from his arms and then he is on the ground. i watched in shock as Zayn stood over him and began punching the hell out of him. "Zayn stop!" i screamed and he suddenly stopped and turned around to look at me with a glare. once he noticed how terrified i was his face soffened and he stepped off the guy. "lets go." he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me out of the house. we walked, well i stumble, to his motorcycle and he let go of me before getting on. i quickly followed his actions and got on as well before wrapping my arms around him again. i didnt care that i just watched him beat a guy almost to death, i just wanted to go home and forget about all of this. i wanted it to be over already. once we got back to his house i quickly got off and just sort of stood there. "come on Emma." Zayn mumbled as he grabbed my hand and dragged me to my house. i was still a bit shaken from what had happened back at that party, i mean i have never seen a fight in my life until that moment. we walked into my house and he pulled me upstairs to my room. "get some sleep Emma." he said as he let go of my hand and i looked down, noticing his busted up hand. "wait!" i said as i grabbed his hand gently again and he raised his eyebrows at me. "let me clean you up." i said as i gently tugged on his hand and he followed me to my bathroom. once i got the light on i let go of his hand and grabbed the first-aid from under the sink. i then got out gauze, cotten swabs, and rubbing alcohol. i bit my lips as i poured the rubbing alcohol on the cotton swabs and then took his big rough hand in my small one. i gentley dabbed it on his cuts and he hissed in pain. "sorry." i mumbled as i kept cleaning the blood from his hand. "have you gotten shorter?" he asked out of the blue and i looked up at him, he was a head taller than me and then i looked back at his hand. "no." i said as i grabbed a dry cotton swab and dryed off the alcohol. "the last time you stood in front of me you were at my eyes." he said and i chuckled softly. "i was wearing heels." i told him. "oh." he said and then everything was quiet again. once his hand was clean and disinfected i wrapped up his knuckles. "there." i sighed as i sat the gauze wrap down and he flexed his hand. "thanks." he said and i smiled. "it was nothing, you saved me from that creep." i said with a shrug and he chuckled which caught me off guard. that was the first thing i have ever heard come out of his mouth besides words and the occationaly growl or sigh."i should go." he mumbled after a few moments of silence and i sighed as he walked out of my room and downstairs. i bit my lip and put everything back up before changing into pajamas and crawling into bed.

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