Will he allow himself

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        i tackled my dad in a hug and he hugged me back tightly, not saying a word. "hey dad! how was the trip?" i asked as i pulled away and he looked down at me, sadness in his eyes. "dad whats wrong?" i asked as i took a step back. "honey, your mom's left. she ran away to the states with another man. im so sorry." he said whispering the last part and i kind of just stood there. i looked at him shocked, not wanting to believe what he was saying, this couldnt be happening. why would she leave us like this? did we do something wrong?did i do something to make her want to leave?? "baby, i really am sorry." dad said softly as he took a step towards me. i shook my head and quickly turned on my heel before running down the street, my name being yelled from behind me. i kept running, not caring where i was going, i just needed to clear my head. "Emma stop!" i heard Zayn's voice from behind me and i stopped. "Emma." he panted as he turned me around to look at him, his face contorting in pain as he saw the tears staining my cheeks. "its gonna be okay." he sighed as he pulled me into him, his strong arms wrapping around me and squeezing me gently. "its okay." he whispered into my ear and a sob escaped my lips. "she left us. my mum just ran away with someone else." i choked out. "did we do something wrong? what would make her want to leave?" i sobbed and he held me tighter. "was it something i did?" i asked and he stiffened slightly. "no Emma, you havent done anything wrong, your mum is insane to abandon you." he mumbled into my hair and i buried my face in his neck. after a few minutes of just standing there crying i calmed down and pulled away. "im sorry." i mumbled as i looked down and wiped the tears from my cheeks. "it okay." he said and i looked up at him and gave him a sad smile. "how about we go get some ice cream? that might make you feel better." he suggested and i nodded. "that would be nice." i said and he took my small hand in his big one and we began walking to the nearest ice cream parlor a few blocks away. the whole walk we didnt talk, but it wasnt awkward at all, it was quiet nice. "you dont have to do this you know." i said as i watched a group of girls from our school on the other side of the road staring at us. "its alright, im in the mood for ice cream anyways." he said with a shrug and i looked over at him, a small smile on my lips. after a moment i looked down at our hands intertwined together and my stomach did a little flip. i dont know how or why i am falling for him, but i am and im hopping he feels the same. thats the thing  though... can Zayn Malik even love anyone? will he allow himself? "well we're here. what do you want?" he asked as he walked into the small shop and i took a deep breath, the smell of freshly made waffle cones filling my nose. "um, i'll just have a vanilla cone i guess." i said as i looked up at the prices of everything. "alright." he said as he let my hand go and walked up to the counter, pulling out his wallet in the process. "can i have to vanilla cones?" he asked the lady behind the counter and she punched it into the cash register before Zayn handed her the amount of money he owed. " i will have it out to you in a moment." she said before walking off to go make them for us. "you didnt need to pay for me Zayn, i have some money with me." i said as he walked back to me, a smile playing at the corners of his lips. "its fine." he said and i gave him a thankful smile.once the lady finished making our ice cream she handed them to Zayn and Zayn handed one to me. "thanks." i said before taking a like of it and smiling, i really love ice cream. "do you want to sit in here or go walking around?" he asked as he looked down at me and i looked up at him before gigging. "lets go walking, i want to share this sight of tough Zayn Malik eating an ice cream cone." i giggled and he chuckled while shaking his head at me and taking my hand again before leading me outside. we walked to a small park a bit down the block and just walked the path as we ate our ice cream. i glanced over at Zayn as he took a bit of his cone and got ice cream on his nose making me smile. he tried looking at the ice cream on his nose and i giggled before untangling my hand from his and wiping it of with my sleeve. he smiled and looked at me before taking my hand again. "thanks." he chuckled and i smiled. "thanks for this Zayn, its really helped." i sighed as i looked down at my melting ice cream. "its nothing, im just being a good friend." he said with a shrug and i felt my stomach drop a bit. a good friend... he didnt think of me as anything more than a friend. i dont know why im feeling this way, i knew he probably didnt like me any other way, like i said earlier i dont even know if he can. we stayed silent for the rest of the walk as we ate our ice cream and once we were done we headed back home. "thanks again Zayn." i said as i untangled my fingers from his and took a step up one of my porch stairs. "your welcome. so i guess i will see you tomorrow." he said as he shoved his hands in his coat pockets and i nodded. "i suppose so." i said before looking up at him and smiling. "goodnight Zayn." i said and he smiled down at me. "goodnight Emma." he said and then i turned towards my house and went inside, the house empty, my dad gone. most likely at a pub or something, drinking away his pain.i sighed and walked up to my room before changing and crawling into bed, once my head hit the pillow i was out like a light.

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