Our Little Secret

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        i woke up to a knocking and i groaned before sitting up on my couch where i had fallen asleep last night while watching Friends. "hold on!" i shouted as i tossed the blanket off me and stood up, my whole body slightly stiff. i rubbed the sleep from my eyes and walked to the door, the cold floor on my feet causing me to get the chills. i yawned and opened the door to see Zayn standing on the porch. "hey Zayn." i said groggily and he flashed me a small smile, something i never thought he did. "hi. my mum wants you over for lunch today." he said as he shoved his hands in his pockets. "okay. i will be over a bit before noon then." i said, slowly waking up and he nodded. "okay." he said and then turned around before walking off my porch. i bit my lip as i watched him walk away and once he made it to his yard i shut the door lightly before sighing. what time was it anyways? i trudged into my kitchen and looked at the small digital clock on the stove that said 11. i groaned as i realized i didn't have much time before rushing upstairs to my room. i quickly grabbed something from my dresser and slipped it on before untying my hair and letting it cascade around my shoulders in small curls. i checked myself over before grabbing my phone and checking the time, 11:45, right on time. i sighed with relief and shoved my phone in my pocket before heading downstairs. i made my way to Zayn's house and once there i knocked on the door. "hello dear!" Pat said as she opened the door, a big smile on her face. "hi." i said softly and she took a step back to let me in. "food is on the table, i made Chicken Alfredo, Zayn's favorite." she said proudly and i smiled before walking in and to the dinning room. once i got there i saw all of Zayn's sisters digging into their food, but Zayn was not there. i sat down in one of the empty chairs across from Donyia and picked up my fork from the napkin it laid on. "so are you and my brother a thing?" Donyia asked and i almost dropped my fork, i looked up at her a bit shocked and shook my head. where would she get that from?? "well you should be, he really likes you. i have never seen him act the way he acts towards you. he is usually always cold and distant, but he's starting to go back to his old self when he's around you." she said and i felt a small blush rise to my checks. suddenly i heard the chair next to me move and i glanced over to see Zayn sitting down. he looked at me and gave me a small smile before picking up his fork and i heard someone giggle from across the table causing both Zayn and i to look in that direction. "what did you do with my brother? he never smiles." Waliyha said teasingly and Zayn glared at her. i giggled and lightly shoved him on the shoulder causing him to look at me before rolling his eyes. i heard Wayilha and Donyia both giggle this time but Zayn and i ignored them and concentrated on our food. once everyone was done eating Pat took our plates to the kitchen and i didn't know what to do. "why don't you two go do something? get out of the house!" Donyia said and i bit my lip before sneaking a glance at Zayn who shrugged before standing up. "come on." he said as he pulled my chair for me and i stood up. "what are we going to do?" i asked as we walked out of the house and he shrugged. "ooh! i know what we can do!" i chirped as i grabbed his hand and dragged him across the street to the small empty park. i let go of his hand once we got to the sand and i ran to the swings, instantly plopping down into the middle one and looking over at Zayn who stood where i left him. "come on, don't be a prude." i said teasingly as i began to swing myself back and forth slightly. i heard him chuckle as he shook his head before slowly walking towards me and sitting into the swing next to me. "come on have some fun, i promise it will be our little secret." i said in a whisper and he smiled before slowly swinging back and forth. "so your sister is very opinionated " i said as i swung a bit higher and Zayn burst out laughing, his laugh making me smile. i like him this way, smiling and happy, not scary and monotone  "so are you." he said teasingly and i rolled my eyes at him while smiling. i looked up at the sky that was turning grey. "you know this is nice." i sighed happily as i leaned my head against one of the swings chains and glanced at him as he looked at me with a crooked smile. "yeah it is." he said before looking at the rest of the empty park that we had to ourselves. "Zayn can i ask you something?" i asked softly, a bit afraid to ask the question. "mhmm?" he hummed as he looked back at me with raised eyebrows. "why are you nice to me?" i asked and he bit his lip. "i don't quite know.. it just sort of happened." he sighed and i nodded. "sooooo.... does this mean we're.... friends?" i asked slowly and he chuckled. "i guess so." he said with a smirk and i giggled. "that's not something our fellow classmates are going to get used to." i said with a smirk and he chuckled softly while shaking his head. suddenly i heard a car honk and i looked over at my house to see my dad pulling into our driveway. "my dads home!" i said excitedly as i got off the swing. "i'm going to go, i will see you tomorrow!" i said to Zayn before running across the street and to my dad who was getting out of the car. 

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