Not All Bad

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     i woke up to the sound of my alarm clock beeping my my ear and i sighed. i wasted a whole Sunday doing nothing but lazing around in sweats and watching stupid shows, i guess its okay though, i needed it thats for sure. i yawned and sat up before turning my alarm off and getting out of bed. i grabbed some clothes from my dresser and then went to go take a fast shower. i washed my body and hair as fast as i could and then i got out before putting on my fresh clothes. then i straightened my hair and applied a bit of makeup before walking downstairs. i wasnt too hungry so i grabbed a banana and scarfed it down before grabbing my bag and began walking because it was so nice out, i got to school about 10 minutes before class started so i ran to my locker, as i was getting my things i heard someone walk up behind me. i turned around thinkng it was Kaytlin, but it was some bleach blonde girl with way too much makeup on, making her face look tanner than the rest of her. "um hello." i said and she glared at me. what was her problem? "you're a bitch." she said and i was confused. "no one likes you here, you should just go back to were you came freak." she spat making me more confused. why was i a freak? what had i done to her to make her act this way? you are fat and ugly and no one likes you. you're a loser." she said with a smirk and the two girls behind her giggled. "leave me alone." i said annoyed as i turned back to my open locker to grabbed a pencil. suddenly she shoved me into my locker, knocking the breath out of me. "whats going on here?" i heard a familiar husky voice ask angrily and i turned around to see Zayn standing in front of the bimbo, his fists and jaw clentched. "uh-uh" she stuttered terrified of him. "you touch or talk to her again and i will kill you." he growled as he took another step closer. "Zayn stop." i said softly as i touched his arm and he relaxed before taking a step back. the girl looked around completely and utterly terrified before her and her friends ran off. "are you okay?" he sighed as he turned to look at me and i bit my lip before nodding. "good." he said and then walked off down the hall to Art. i sighed and shut my locker before following him. once i got into the classroom the bell rang and i scurried to my seat next to Kaytlin. "hey!" she chirped happily and i smiled. "hi." i said back. "okay class! get with your partners again!" Mrs. Reed said as she walked in and then everyone got up and moved around. Zayn came and sat down next to me like he did last time. "thanks for standing up for me." i said softly as i looked over at him and he shrugged. i bit my lip and looked down at the desk, not knowing what to say or really do. i sighed and laid my head down on the desk. "why dont you talk to me?" i asked as i looked at him and he just stared at me. "you talked to me last night." i said and he sighed. "you do realize we cant do this project if you wont tell me anything about yourself..." i trailed off and he folded his arms over his chest while leaning back. "you want to talk? fine come over to my house after school." he said and i bit my lip before nodding. the rest of the time we just sat there in silence as a few of our class mates glanced at us. once the bell rang i quickly got up and rushed off to my next class.

-after school-

"hey what are you doing later?" Phil asked as he walked next to me down the hall. "i think Zayn wants me to come over so we can work on our Art projects." i sighed and he frowned. "how about you ditch him and you and i can go hang out?" he suggested and i bit my lip while shrugging. we stopped at my locker and he leaned against the neighboring one as i put my things up. "so what do you say?" he asked as he wiggled his eyebrows and i giggled. "i dont know..." i trailed off. "Emma." i heard a husky voice say and i saw Phil stiffen. i slowly turned around and Zayn was standing vey close behind me. "hi Zayn." i said, but he kept glaring at Phil. "did you walk?" Zayn asked as he finally looked down at me and i nodded while shutting my locker. "i'll give you a ride." he said as he grabbed my hand and began dragging me away from Phil, i didnt even get to say good bye. as Zayn dragged me out to the parking lot and to his bike everyone was staring at me wide eyed, like he was dragging me away to my death or something. once we got to his bike he got on and stared it up. "get on." he said and i sighed before getting on, wrapping my arms under his leather jacket to keep them warm. he reved the engine and i rested my cheek on his back as i watched our classmates stare at us. "stop staring you freaks." i mumbled to myself as i turned my face and i felt Zayn chuckle under me before we took off. once we got home and he stopped his bike i got off and fixed my outfit. "come on." Zayn said as he walked up to his house and i followed him through his house and up to his room. he sat down on his bed like he did the last time i was in here and just watched me as i looked around, this time not being as shy. i looked at all the books he had on his shelfs, lightly touching the spines of them as i read their titles. i glanced at Zayn who was still just sitting back and watching me closely. i turned back around and walked over to his desk where he had papers everywhere, covered in doodles and sketches. i looked at some of them and was amazed at how good of an artist he was. "you are very good." i said as i moved some of the papers to see more underneath. "is it true?" i asked a few minutes later as i kept my back to him. "what?" he asked and i heard him move around on his bed a bit. "that you're in a gang, that you've killed people." i said softly and he stayed quiet. i turned around and he was looking at me with a hard expression. "is it true?" i asked and he nodded. "yes." he said and i bit my lip. i nodded and then turned back around to his desk and looked at more pictures. as i was looking through all the drawings i saw one that caught my eye, i was a bit shocked as i picked it up and looked at it closely. it was me, Zayn drew a picture of me. "you drew me?" i asked as i turned around to see him standing behind me. i looked up a him as he looked down at the picture in my hand. "so?" he asked as he looked at me and i looked back down at the picture. i sighed and sat it back down on his desk before looking up at him. suddenly his phone rang breaking the silence between us and he answered it. "hello?" he asked as he kept his eyes on me. "yeah okay, be there soon." he said and then hung up, shoving his phone back into his pocket. "come on. we're going out." he said as he grabbed my wrist and pulled me down the stairs and out of the house to his bike.

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