Letting Loose

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        i slowly got up the next morning feeling like complete shit, but there was nothing i could do, i had to get ready for school or i was going to be late. so i rubbed the sleep from my eyes and went to the bathroom. once i was done in the shower i quickly changed and ran down the stairs, the house empty meaning dad had gone to work. i sighed and grabbed my bag off the island chair before heading out to my car. as i parked my car in the student parking lot i noticed Matt jogging towards me. i quickly turned off my car and grabbed my bag before getting out right as he reached my car. "hey Emma!" he said happily and i smiled at him. "hi Matt." i said softly. "so Emma there is this party tonight, wanna go?' he asked as i began walking towards the school, him walking beside me. "what kind of party?" i asked and he smiled. "its a masked party. its gonna be sick!" he said and i bit my lip. should i go? i mean it would be nice to let loose for once, especially now.. "sure, sounds fun." i said and his smile widened. "great! Phil, Josh, and I will pick you up at 8." he said and i looked over at him. "who's Josh?" i asked and he chuckled. "a friend of ours, dont worry." he said and i nodded. "well i've got to get to class. see ya tonight!" he said before jogging off to class and i sighed before heading to my locker.

-skipping school-

~8 pm~

        i scrunched up my face as i looked at myself in the mirror. suddenly i heard some shouting and honking from outside and i smiled, im guessing they are here. i quickly put my mask on and then ran down the stairs and out the front door. i giggled at the three boys sticking their heads out the car windows and twirling around glow sticks. "guys be quiet!" i whisper shouted as i ran to the car and they all just laughed as i got in. the whole car reeked of weed which automatically told me they were all high and i rolled my eyes. "you want some?" a guy i didnt know, im guessing Josh, asked as he held a blunt out to me and i bit my lip before taking it from him. i put it to my lip and he lit the tip as i began to suck in the sickly sweet smoke. once my lungs were filled i pulled it away from my mouth and held in the smoke as long as i could. when i felt my lungs begin to burn i exhaled the smoke while coughing a bit as well and Josh smiled at me. he held up his lighter encouraging me to take another hit and so i did. after my third hit we pulled up to a house packed with people and parked in the front yard. i could hear the music pumping through the house and spilling outside as the high began to take over me making me giggle softly. "lets go love." Josh whispered in my ear as he leaned over and opened my door. i smiled and slid out, stumbling a bit on the lumpy ground as he got out after me. "lets get wasted!!!" Matt yelled at the top of his lungs before running into the house and i laughed before following him at a slower pace. once inside the large house i realized how many people were here and that was a lot, it was packed to the brim with sweaty drunk high schoolers. i took a deep breath and walked into the kitchen where i knew the boys would be because thats where the drinks were. "Em!!" Matt slurred as he walked over to me and hugged me and i giggled. "drunk already Matt?" i asked as i pushed him away a bit and grabbed a shot, downing it quickly. "no, just-just tipsy." he slurred and i giggled before downing another shot. "why dont we go dance?" i asked as i grabbed a bottle of Vodka and grabbed his hand. "hell yeah!" he hollered and i took a chug from the bottle before walking to the next room where everyone was dancing. i began dancing with Matt as i drank more from the bottle until i started to feel numb, my mum was forgotten, my dad was forgotten, Zayn was forgotten, nothing mattered at that moment and it felt nice. as i was taking another swig from the now almost empty bottle someone grabbed my arm and yanked me away from the group of people i was dancing with. "hey!" i yelled as i looked over at who it was and it was Zayn, at least i thought it was Zayn, my vision was slightly blurry. "what are you doing Emma?!" he asked as he kept yanking on my arm, pulling me out of the house. "im having fun Zayn! so let me go!" i said as i yanked my arm from him and he glared at me. "this is not the time to be going out and partying Emma! your mother just left!" he said and i became angry. "exactly!" i screamed as i threw my hands up in the air. "my own fucking mother left me for some younger guy and my stupid father is so miserable with his life that all he does is work and drink! im fucking alone Zayn! i have no one! so i have stopped caring! nothing matters anymore!" i yelled before chugging more Vodka until the bottle was ripped from my hands. "Zayn! stop being an ass and give that back!" i growled as i glared at him and he shook his head before chucking it into the road, causing it to shatter and i gasped. suddenly tears began to prick my eyes and i looked at Zayn as the tears began to fall and i began to sob. "Emma." i heard him sigh as i covered my face with my hands and then i felt his strong arms around me and the smell of his cologne overtook me. "im sorry." i sobbed into his chest and he rubbed my back soothingly. "sh, its okay." he whispered before pulling away slightly, still keeping me in his arms. "why dont we get you home yeah?" he asked and i sniffled before nodding. the rest of the time went by in a blur of bright colors and voices until we got to Zayn's house. "Zayn! what happened to her?!" i heard a familiar voice gasp as Zayn carried me bridal style into the house. "mum calm down, she will be okay." Zayn whispered and i buried my face deeper into the crook of his neck making his arms tighten around me. "im just going to take her up to the guest room." he told whoever it was and i heard a sigh before i felt us move again. suddenly the next thing i know i am being laid down on a soft bed and i whimpered as Zayn's arms let me go. "just go to sleep Emma." he whispered in my ear before taking of my shoes and covering me up. the last thing i remember is feeling Zayn kiss the top of my head before i passed out completely.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 04, 2014 ⏰

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