I hate being sick.

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Kai was frustratingly stubborn at the best of times, refusing help whenever it was offered to him, and right now was certainly no different as he was bedridden with a fever ultimately made worse by his element, causing his body to overheat far too much. Ofcourse, since skylor unfortunately cared about kai too much for her own good, she was taking care of her sick boyfriend while ignoring his protests of being "perfectly fine"

"Kai for the love of the first spinjitzu master just eat the soup" skylor scolded him, like a child, and shoved the broth filled spoon near his mouth, only for kai to purse his lips shut, like a child, and dramatically whip his head away, like a child...

"I don't need it, im fine, im perfectly fine..." he argued, his voice weak and strained from the obviously overwhelming affects of his fever. "Kai I swear to god I will force feed you this soup if you don't eat it yourself" she spoke, her tone becoming more impatient, but kai still refused to eat the soup, crossing his arms over his chest and huffing "kaiden smith I mean it." She snapped again, a warning tone in her voice. Kai immediately stiffened at that, full name meant business, and not the kind he wanted to be involved in. Kai huffed and ultimately gave up his protests and with reluctance, ate the soup from the spoon she'd offered him, his eyes briefly lighting up at the rich taste of it, seemingly tasting even better than it usually did in the haze of his fever, but skylor was always an amazing cook and he knew that for definite.

Skylor always made him her special soup whenever he was ill, which only tended to happen when he overworked himself to the point of exhaustion or if he was dealing with a large amount of stress, she felt her frustration melt as she watched Kai's tense shoulders relax as he finally took the bowl of soup from her, he continued to eat the rest of it with small individual spoonfuls, skylor could tell he was struggling to keep things down, he'd been up all night practically vomiting out everything in his system he'd eaten the day before.

Kais face finally softened aswell, his frustrated expression giving way to a tired and fuzzy gaze as he finally let his guard down, showing he was finally ready to accept skylors help, he allowed himself to be vulnerable around her, taking great relief in knowing he could and that she'd just be there for him when he needed her and she wouldn't judge him. Kai didn't say anything but his silent expression spoke volumes as skylor wrapped her arms around his slightly shaking frame and pulled him against her chest as his body just went limp against her. The moment was silent but comfortable, well silent except for kai still eating his soup.

"Still feeling perfectly fine?" She asked sarcastically
"As I thought" she chided with a small smug grin, she gently rubbed his back as he melted into a puddle against her. Skylor put her hand to his forehead and he still felt ridiculously warm, she couldn't tell what was caused by the fever and what was just his Elemental powers.

Kai finally slurped up the last bit of his soup and skylor took the bowl from his shaking hands, placing it down on the bedside table as kai collapsed backwards on the bed, tucking himself tightly in the blanket, his body couldn't make up its mind whether it felt hot or cold, switching between the two rapidly putting kai in a cold sweat.

"I hate being sick..." kai sniffled weakly "I can't do anything, it sucks..."
"Well the sooner you stop whining and actually rest, the sooner you'll feel better, okay," Skylor spoke, stroking his hair which was dishevelled from tossing and turning in bed all night.
"But sleep is boring, I wanna get up and train and do something, anything at all" kai continued to whine in frustration as his body refused to let him even move without sending a stab of pain through his head and a wave of nausea through his system.

Skylor hated when kai was sick, not just because he was insanely stubborn and frustrating when he was sick, but also because he was like an entirely different person. Kai was always so out of it when he was ill, his fiery spirit reduced to mere embers what it was usually like, he constantly looked miserable and upset and she hated to see him that way.

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⏰ Last updated: Aug 09 ⏰

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