Runaway baby(kailor/jaya)

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(I like Bruno Mars, ok?)

Jay stood before the door practically shivering in his boots, or so to speak, this was it, this was the moment that he most likely would die, dead, finished, done for, a goner... you get the gist.

Nya stood with him outside, her arm linked with his, she was focusing on trying to get his breathing to slow down while Jay silently panicked "Okay Jay, let's go over this again, we are going to go in there, we're gonna tell them calmly and if, no, WHEN he lunges or swings, you need to duck and run, okay?" Nya asked, cautiously going over their initial plan of how to hopefully handle this.

Jay nodded stiffly, his shoulders tense, the chances of him actually getting out of this alive were definitely alot lower than he would have liked but there was unfortunately no way around the situation. He took a deep breath, in and out "okay, i think I'm ready" he said, that was a lie, he was definitely not ready, but if he was lucky, kai would instantly cremate him, he'd rather that fate than any of the others that he was sure kai had in store for him.

Entering through the monesteries door was where Jay and nya were met with all the ninja, plus skylor and pixal, gathered round on the couch as per their request. Cole was sat with his arms crossed waiting patiently, Pixal had challenged Zane and Lloyd to a game of go fish and kai and skylor were just sat talking about whatever, Jay wasn't sure what, he'd been to panicked to pay attention.

One thing that had bought Jay a little comfort was that kai genuinely seemed to be in some sort of a good mood, and to be honest, that was the best outcome he could have hoped for, question was how long was it going to last?

Nya had nudged him slightly to sort of snap him back into a sense of reality as she had dragged him over with her so that they now stood before the others, this was it, Jay was just praying that the first spinjitzu master would atleast have a tiny bit of mercy on him, maybe he could even get away with just a few broken limbs.

Nya cleared her throat which gathered the attention of all the group in the room " I- we have some very important news to tell you.." Nya began to speak, Jay started to fidget with his hands "Soooo....Um Jay, honey, you wanna tell them?" She said nudging him forward, Jay turned back to look at her with an expression of genuine, undiluted horror and fear.

"how could you" Jay silently mouthed to her, looking betrayed.

"I'm sorry" she silently mouthed back, looking genuinely apologetic. Well there was nothing left to lose now, if you didn't count his life. Jay stepped back next to Nya and put a hand to her stomach "Me and nya..uh Nya and I- um.
" he stuttered "-We..are having a baby.." Nya said with a nervous smile "Surprise..?" She added.

The others sat there shocked for a second before standing up and all gathering around them and giving both Jay and Nya a hug, congratulating them with big smiles. At first Jay and Nya accepted the hugs and thats when they looked over to a certain red ninja who remained seated on the couch, kais face darkened and you could almost see the red steam steam radiating off him. Jay and nya exchanged a look of panic, especially when kai mouthed the word "run" as he stared at Jay dead in the eyes. skylor picked up on their looks and it instantly dawned on her why, she immediately dashed over and restrained a very pissed kai before he had the chance to lunge at Jay

Jay took that as his que to absolutely book it as far away as possible, the rest of the group finally read the room and all had a collective thought "Oh. Shit" kai looked ready to commit homicide and make it look like an accident, if it weren't for skylor who was quite literally restraining him as if she was a human straight jacket, Jay might as well have been as good as Ash.

Jay meanwhile legged it out the room, all of them chanting for him to run. Eventually, after a fair bit of struggling, kai broke free from skylors grasp and immediately gave chase, in the end the rest of them hadn't bothered to stop kai, instead taking much pride and entertainment in watching it happen.

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