Chapter 21 - Saahar's POV

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Cai Castillo and I were friends. I had done exactly what my father had told me not to do; befriend the enemy.

The weeks following our friendship's beginning were the most peaceful weeks I had had in years. Instead of avoiding him, I found myself looking for Cai around school. Instead of wishing our maths lessons together were over, I found myself wishing they were longer. This made school a lot more enjoyable. I found myself waking up before my alarm because I couldn't wait to go get to school and see him.

As Hadley and Lola would say, this was a clear sign of having a crush. But I refused to believe it. I didn't have a crush on Cai, he was just my friend. My friend who was helping me get over my childhood trauma. My friend who was helping me embrace my talent. My friend who was really helping me improve in Maths. My friend who I just wanted to be with all the time.

Okay, not all the time. I wasn't with him all the time- when it was home time, I went home. I'd go home... just to call him straight away. But, I didn't have a crush on Cai.

No one found our friendship more unsettling than Mr Colin. Turns out he loved our rivalry; he found us challenging each other's existence the most entertaining part of his job. But now we were friends, I never challenged Cai. Even when he'd say an answer I wasn't sure was correct, I'd ask him about it outside of class. It happened quite a lot actually. Sadly, I was wrong more times than I was right.

The guy was unbelievably smart and, usually, it triggered my anger, but, I admired it. I admired how interesting everything he said was. I liked how he knew exactly what pages of the textbook I needed for guidance from the look of confusion on my face. I liked the way he said certain mathematical words with his Spanish accent. I never noticed how his accent slipped out with certain words. But still, it didn't mean I had on crush on him. That was something I stood by.

Even at lunch when we sat apart because I always sat with my friends, I didn't spend the whole time staring at him like his other admirers. I'd only glance at him every now and then but, it wasn't too much. I'd smile when he'd smile at me but that's it. All I'd do is smile. I mean, I would wave the first time we made eye contact but that's it. Okay, maybe I would text him my thoughts on whatever was for lunch that day but still:

"Sandy?" Lola called, catching me smiling at Cai.
"Hm" I answered, looking at her nervously.
"You know you could just go sit with him" she teased, nudging my shoulder.
"For real, we won't be offended" added Hadley, "We feel bad for keeping you away from your boyfriend".
"You're not keeping me away, I want to be with you guys" I confirmed.

They both stared at each other with gleeful smirks on their face.
"She didn't say he's not her boyfriend" grinned Hadley.
"I got that" laughed Lola.

I rolled my eyes at my friends before taking a sip of my water. Then the sound of my phone vibrating caught my attention. I picked it up to see a message from Cai. As I smiled, my friend giggled. I shot them an annoyed look before returing my focus back on the text.

Cai: No review on lunch for today? I think I miss Spanish food.

I looked towards him and grinned widely before typing.

Me: It's Wednesday, roast dinner day. What's there not to love about a roast dinner?

Cai: The brown sludge that tastes like a crayon.

Me: You mean the gravy.

Cai: Look at me.

I looked to see him mixing the thick gravy on his plate. I laughed as I typed my reply.

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