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Winter and Autumn sat in the waiting room, hands tightly clasped together, their anticipation palpable. This was the day they had been looking forward to for weeks—their 20-week scan. Autumn's small baby bump had grown more noticeable, a constant reminder of the precious life growing inside her.

"Are you nervous?" Winter asked, his voice soft and reassuring.

Autumn nodded, her fingers tracing small circles on her belly. "A little. But mostly excited. I just want to see our baby again."

Winter squeezed her hand, leaning over to kiss her temple. "Me too, my sweet. Everything's going to be perfect."

A nurse called their names, and they stood up, exchanging a glance filled with love and hope. They followed the nurse into the ultrasound room, where the sonographer, Maddison, greeted them with a warm smile.

"Good to see you both again," Maddison said as she prepared the equipment. "How are you feeling, Autumn?"

"Better," Autumn replied, her smile reflecting her cautious optimism. "Just eager to see our baby."

Maddison nodded, applying the gel to Autumn's stomach. "Let's take a look then."

As the ultrasound image appeared on the screen, Autumn and Winter's breath caught in their throats. There, in the black and white image, was their baby, moving gently within Autumn's womb. Maddison pointed out the baby's features, explaining each part as she went.

"Everything looks great," Maddison said, her tone reassuring. "Your baby is growing perfectly."

Tears welled up in Autumn's eyes as she looked at the screen. "Oh, Winter, look at our baby. It's incredible."

Winter's eyes were also misty as he gazed at the image. "It's amazing, my love. We're really going to be parents."

After the scan, Maddison printed out some pictures for them. Autumn held them tenderly, her heart swelling with love and gratitude. "Thank you, Maddison."

Maddison smiled warmly. "You're welcome. Take care of yourself, and I'll see you at the next appointment."

Leaving the clinic, Winter and Autumn felt an overwhelming sense of joy and connection. They decided to celebrate the milestone by going out for a meal at their favorite café. Sitting across from each other, they talked about their dreams and hopes for their baby.

"Can you believe it?" Winter said, looking at the ultrasound pictures again. "We're halfway there."

Autumn nodded, her eyes shining. "I know. It's surreal. I feel so blessed to have you by my side through all of this."

Winter reached across the table, taking her hand. "We'll get through everything together, my sweet. I promise."

The next day, as Autumn prepared for work, she felt a wave of gratitude wash over her. Her hand rested on her belly, feeling the gentle movements of her baby. Despite the challenges, she felt stronger and more connected to her little family with each passing day. At work, Autumn's colleagues noticed the subtle changes in her demeanor. Her face was slightly flushed, her movements more deliberate. Marjorie, ever observant, caught sight of Autumn's hand resting protectively on her bump.

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