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Autumn and Winter, in need of a break from the stresses that have been weighing them down, arrange for Scorsha and Clodagh to watch the twins for the afternoon. With Marjorie still recovering from her time in the hospital, she and Reece couldn't help this time, but Autumn knew that their girls would be in loving hands with Scorsha and her wife. For the first time in a long while, Autumn allowed herself to breathe, knowing that Harlow and Mayella were safe.The park they chose was one of their favorites — a peaceful oasis filled with vibrant greenery and the scent of blooming flowers in the air. Hand in hand, they walked through the sunlit paths, their footsteps quiet, hearts a little lighter with each step. The soft hum of nearby families and children playing created a joyful backdrop, but Autumn and Winter found their peace within each other.

Eventually, they reached a secluded spot under a giant spruce tree, its wide branches offering plenty of shade and privacy. The tree had been a witness to many of their quiet moments over the years — a place they had visited before when they needed to be alone together, away from the world. Today, it would witness another memory being made. With a soft smile, Winter helped Autumn spread out the blanket beneath the tree, setting up their small picnic. They had packed simple things: sandwiches, some fruit, a bottle of sparkling water, and a little surprise Autumn had added last-minute — their record player. As Winter unpacked the food, Autumn took the player out, setting it up carefully. She had chosen the record beforehand, one that was precious to both of them.

The needle hit the vinyl, and soon, the soft, familiar melody of their wedding song filled the air. The slow, nostalgic tune brought an immediate warmth to Autumn's chest, and when she looked up, Winter had that same gentle smile that always softened his features, the one that told her he remembered just as vividly. They sat down on the blanket, quietly eating, stealing glances at each other as the song played. It felt like they had traveled back in time — back to when life was simpler, to when their love felt invincible and the weight of the world wasn't resting so heavily on their shoulders. As the final notes of the song began to fade, Winter reached out and took Autumn's hand.

"Dance with me," he whispered.

Autumn looked up at him, surprised. "Here?"

He nodded, standing and pulling her gently to her feet. She laughed softly, shaking her head, but followed his lead. The sun bathed them in a warm, golden glow as they stood together under the giant spruce, their picnic forgotten for a moment. Autumn felt Winter's hand slide to the small of her back, his other hand holding hers as he pulled her close. She placed her head on his chest, listening to the steady rhythm of his heartbeat, their bodies swaying in time to the melody of their memories.

The soft hum of the record player echoed through the air, their wedding song playing once more. This time, it wasn't just a song — it was a reminder of everything they had been through, of the love they had nurtured through storms and sunshine alike. As they danced, Autumn felt tears well up in her eyes, a mixture of joy, relief, and love. She had been through so much, and there were times when she thought she wouldn't make it back to this — back to Winter, to the peace they had always found in each other. Now, here they were, wrapped in each other's arms as though the world couldn't touch them.

Winter felt her trembling slightly and pulled her even closer, kissing the top of her head gently. "I love you," he whispered.

Autumn's tears fell then, silently at first. "I love you too," she whispered back, her voice barely audible against his chest. She felt overwhelmed by the sheer weight of her emotions — everything she had kept bottled up for so long, all the pain and fear she had endured. But in Winter's arms, all of it seemed to fade, leaving only love.

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