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Autumn's tears soaked into Winter's shirt as she clung to him with everything she had. Her body still shook with sobs, even though the worst was over. She couldn't stop thinking about how fragile Harlow looked, her sweet little girl about to wake up from surgery, and it felt like the weight of the world was pressing on her chest.

Winter kept his arms around her, rocking her gently, his hand running through her hair. "It's okay, Autumn. She's okay now," he whispered softly, kissing the top of her head. "She's so strong, just like her mum."

Autumn couldn't respond, her voice caught in her throat as more tears fell. Reece sat beside them, his hand never leaving his sister's back. He didn't say much; he knew there were no words that could take away her pain. But his presence was steady and calming, grounding her just a little.

Marjorie watched them from a few feet away, her own emotions swirling. She held Mayella close, swaying gently to keep the baby content. She felt for Autumn, her heart breaking for her friend, knowing that fear—the terror of something happening to your child—was unbearable. But she couldn't help feeling a little helpless too. There was nothing she could say that would fix this for Autumn, so she stayed quiet, letting Autumn have her moment with Winter.

After what felt like an eternity, Autumn's sobs began to quiet down. Her face was flushed, her eyes swollen and red from all the crying. She wiped at her face with the back of her hand, still leaning heavily into Winter.

"I'm so sorry," she whispered, her voice hoarse. "I'm just... I'm a mess. I shouldn't have lost it like that."

Winter tilted her chin up gently so she'd look at him, his eyes filled with love and reassurance. 

"You have nothing to apologize for, Autumn. You're scared for Harlow. That's normal. You're her mum, and she means the world to you. Anyone would feel the same."

Autumn shook her head, more tears threatening to spill. "I feel like I keep failing her. I'm her mom, I'm supposed to protect her."

"You do protect her," Winter insisted, holding her tighter. "You're the best mom Harlow could ever have. This was an accident. It wasn't your fault, okay?"

Reece nodded, backing up Winter's words. "Harlow's tough, Autumn. And she's going to be okay because she has you and Winter."

Autumn sniffled, her head falling back onto Winter's shoulder as she tried to calm down. She wanted to believe them, but the guilt still sat heavy in her chest.

A little while later, the nurse came in and informed them that Harlow was awake and doing well. Autumn immediately stood, wiping her eyes once more and moving toward the door. Winter stood with her, his hand never leaving hers.


ogether, they walked into the recovery room, and Autumn's heart nearly stopped when she saw Harlow. Her tiny arm was wrapped in a cast, but she was awake, her bright eyes looking up at them as if nothing was wrong.

"Mummy," Harlow said softly, her voice sleepy from the anesthesia.

Autumn rushed to her, crouching down by the bed and gently cupping her daughter's face. "I'm here, baby. Mummy's here."

Harlow blinked up at her, confused by the cast on her arm but still trusting that her mum would make it all better. Autumn kissed her forehead, more tears falling, but this time they were tears of relief.

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