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One morning, Winter received an urgent call from work. They were short-staffed and needed him to come in to meet the required adult-to-child ratio. Despite his reservations about leaving Autumn and Harlow, he knew he had to go.

Winter approached Autumn, who was feeding Harlow in the nursery. "I'm so sorry, love. I have to go into work. They're short on staff, and they need me for the ratio."

Autumn's heart sank, but she nodded, understanding the situation. "It's okay, Winter. We'll be fine. Just be safe."

Winter leaned in to kiss her forehead and then kissed Harlow gently. "I'll be back as soon as I can. If you need anything, call me, okay?"

Autumn forced a smile. "We'll be okay. Don't worry."

As Winter left, Autumn felt a wave of anxiety wash over her. She was used to having him around, his presence a source of comfort and support. Now, she was alone with Harlow, the responsibility of caring for their daughter resting solely on her shoulders.

Autumn took a deep breath and focused on Harlow, who was still feeding. She whispered softly to her daughter, "It's just us today, sweetheart. We'll be okay." Autumn gave Harlow a little kiss, which Harlow opened her eyes at, if she was trying to say something. 

After feeding Harlow, Autumn carefully changed her diaper and dressed her in a cozy onesie. She tried to keep herself busy, focusing on Harlow's needs and the small tasks around the house. But the nagging thoughts about her insecurities and the fear of being alone crept into her mind.She held Harlow close, rocking her gently and humming a lullaby. The soothing rhythm of the rocking chair and Harlow's soft breaths provided a temporary distraction from her worries. Autumn looked down at her daughter's peaceful face and felt a flicker of hope. She wanted to be strong for Harlow, to be the mother she deserved. Throughout the day, Autumn kept Harlow close, finding comfort in the bond they shared. She spoke to her daughter softly, sharing her thoughts and fears, even though Harlow couldn't understand the words. The act of speaking helped Autumn feel a little less alone. As the afternoon turned into evening, Autumn felt the weight of exhaustion settle in. She fed Harlow once more and then settled her into her crib. Autumn sat beside the crib, watching her daughter sleep, and allowed herself to feel the emotions she had been holding back all day. 

Tears streamed down her face as she whispered, "I miss you, Winter. I need you."

At that moment, her phone buzzed with a message from Winter. "Just checking in. How are you both doing?"

Autumn quickly wiped her tears and replied, "We're okay. Miss you. Can't wait for you to be home."

Winter's response was immediate. "I miss you too. I'll be home soon. Hang in there, love."

Autumn took a deep breath, feeling a little reassured by his words. She knew she could get through this, even though it was tough. She had to be strong for Harlow, for Winter, and for herself. As the hours passed, Autumn continued to care for Harlow, drawing strength from the love she felt for her daughter. She knew that, despite the challenges, she was doing her best. And when Winter finally returned home, exhausted but relieved, he found Autumn and Harlow peacefully asleep in the nursery, a testament to the resilience and strength that bound their little family together. Winter arrived home late in the evening, quietly opening the front door and stepping inside. The house was dimly lit, and he could hear the faint sound of Harlow's soft breaths coming from the nursery. He made his way to the nursery, where he found Autumn sitting beside Harlow's crib, her eyes red and puffy from crying.

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