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As Autumn and Winter finished setting up the nursery, Autumn began to feel the strain of the day. Her back ached, and with each step, the discomfort seemed to grow more pronounced. She tried to push through it, but her movements became slower and more deliberate.Winter noticed her slowing down and the slight grimace on her face. 

"Hey, are you okay?" he asked, his concern evident in his voice.

Autumn nodded, though her face betrayed her discomfort.

 "Just a bit of back pain," she admitted, trying to keep her voice steady. "It's been a long day."

Winter didn't hesitate. He gently placed his hands on her lower back, offering a bit of support. "Let me help you," he said, his voice soothing. He guided her to a nearby chair and helped her sit down, but he could see that the relief was only temporary. As Autumn shifted uncomfortably, Winter had an idea. He carefully maneuvered behind her and gently lifted her bump with his hands. The sensation of being supported from below brought immediate relief to Autumn's aching back.

"Oh, that feels so much better," she said, her voice filled with gratitude as she relaxed against him. The pressure on her back eased as Winter continued to support her gently.

Winter smiled, feeling a sense of satisfaction knowing he could ease her discomfort. "I'm glad," he said softly. "Just let me know if you need anything else."

Autumn leaned back into him, her eyes closing in relief. "Thank you, Winter. I don't know what I'd do without you."

Winter leaned in, pressing a gentle kiss to the top of her head. "You don't have to do anything alone. We're in this together."

They stayed like that for a few moments, with Winter's hands supporting her bump and providing much-needed relief. The closeness and tenderness between them made the pain seem a little more bearable. When Autumn finally felt ready to move again, Winter helped her up gently. She stood, her back still sore but noticeably more comfortable.

 "Let's finish up for today," she said with a determined smile. "I want to see our baby's room finished."

Winter nodded, taking her hand and guiding her back to their tasks. "Absolutely. We're almost there."

Together, they completed the final touches on the nursery, their bond growing stronger with each shared moment. Despite the challenges, they knew they were building something beautiful—a space that would soon be filled with the joy and love of their growing family. The weeks seemed to pass in a blur as Autumn approached her 38-week scan. Her pregnancy had progressed to a point where her bump was now undeniably massive, stretching her skin and making her feel both heavy and cumbersome. The discomfort was a constant companion, and even simple tasks had become increasingly challenging. At work, Autumn had long since stopped coming in. The physical strain of her enormous belly made it difficult to manage even the most routine activities. Her days were now spent in a mix of rest and preparation for the arrival of their baby, but even that was often overshadowed by her discomfort and emotional fluctuations. As the day of her scan approached, Autumn found herself feeling more emotional than ever. Her moods swung between excitement and anxiety, each day bringing new waves of feelings she tried to navigate with Winter's steady support. She would often sit in their nursery, gently rubbing her belly and talking to their unborn child, trying to soothe her own nerves.On the morning of the scan, Autumn woke up feeling particularly vulnerable. Her bump felt heavy and tight, and she had trouble finding a comfortable position to sleep. Winter, ever attentive, noticed her restless state and helped her get ready for their appointment.

"How are you feeling today?" he asked gently, helping her into a comfortable outfit and ensuring she had everything she needed for the visit.

Autumn sighed, wincing slightly as she adjusted her position. "Just really uncomfortable," she admitted. "And I'm so emotional. I feel like I could cry at the drop of a hat."

Winter brushed a strand of hair from her face, his eyes filled with concern and love. "We'll get through it, love. Just focus on the scan. It's going to be amazing to see our baby again."

They arrived at the hospital, and Autumn felt a mix of anticipation and apprehension. The hospital seemed both familiar and foreign, and the waiting area felt like it was stretching out endlessly before them. Autumn's bump was so pronounced that it was hard for her to find a comfortable position in the waiting room chairs. When their name was finally called, Autumn struggled to her feet, Winter helping her as they made their way to the examination room. The walk felt like a marathon, her every step a reminder of her growing belly and the weight it carried.

Inside the examination room, Autumn settled onto the table, her bump taking up most of the space. The ultrasound technician, a calm and friendly woman, greeted them warmly. "How are you doing today, Autumn?" she asked, preparing the equipment.

"Just really ready to meet our baby," Autumn replied, her voice trembling slightly. She took a deep breath, trying to steady herself as the technician applied the gel to her belly.

The screen flickered to life, and Autumn's heart skipped a beat as the familiar image of their baby appeared. The technician began to take measurements and check on the baby's progress.Winter stood beside Autumn, holding her hand and offering reassuring smiles. "Look at that," he said softly. "Our little one is growing so well."

Autumn's eyes filled with tears as she watched the baby move on the screen. The sight of their tiny, wiggling form brought a wave of emotions crashing over her. She felt a mixture of relief, excitement, and overwhelming love.As the scan concluded, the technician gave them a thumbs-up. "Everything looks great. Your baby is doing well and appears to be in a good position."

Autumn let out a sigh of relief, her emotions finally getting the better of her. Tears rolled down her cheeks as she turned to Winter. "I'm just so ready for this," she said, her voice choked with emotion. "I can't wait to hold our baby."

Winter wrapped his arms around her, holding her close. "I know, love. It won't be long now. You're doing an amazing job."

With the scan behind them, Autumn felt a renewed sense of hope. Despite the discomfort and emotional rollercoaster, the sight of their baby had reminded her of the incredible journey they were on together. As they left the hospital, she felt a sense of anticipation building for the next chapter of their lives.

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shorter chapter i know loves, if your new there's more context on my other story if you want to go take a looksies. 

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