10. talk of the dorm

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Gigi stared at the pills, her mind racing. She knew what they were, had heard the whispers from the other men about the "growth supplements" they used to enhance their own physiques.
But for her, it was different. It was a means of control, a way to mold her body to their desires. She took them hesitantly, swallowing them down with a gulp of water.
Marcus's hand tightened on her thigh, his grip firm and possessive. "Good girl," he murmured, his eyes never leaving hers. The room was spinning, the voices around her becoming distant echoes.
The pills were already working, the chemicals racing through her bloodstream, setting her nerves on fire.

The other men returned to their games and conversations, their laughter and jibes now background noise to the pounding in her chest.
Marcus leaned in closer, his breath a warm whisper in her ear. "You're going to be so beautiful for us," he said, his hand sliding further up her thigh. "So obedient, so... perfect."
Gigi felt a strange mix of fear and excitement as the pills took effect. Her body growing more and more tender. She gasped as the pressure grew, the pain a stark reminder of her place. Marcus's hand stilled, his eyes watching her intently. "It's okay, pet," he said, his voice soothing. "Just breathe."
He stood, lifting her into his arms. She felt so small and fragile against his strong body, his muscles flexing as he carried her back to the cage.
"Master," she whispered, her voice weak.
Marcus nodded, his expression a mix of pride and something else she couldn't quite place. He laid her down on the cushioned floor of the cage, the metal bars cold against her back. "Rest now," he said, his voice a gentle command. "You've earned it."

Her eyes grew heavy as the pills took hold, her body succumbing to the weight of exhaustion and manipulation.
The cage was her sanctuary now, a place of safety amidst the chaos of her new life. Marcus's footsteps grew distant as he left the room, the door clicking shut behind him. The only sound was the soft whirring of the air conditioner and the occasional murmur of the other men in the background.

Giulia curled up in the cage, her new tail poking out from the small hole in the back of her shorts. She felt the collar around her neck, the constant reminder of her servitude, and she closed her eyes, letting the darkness take her.
Her dreams were filled with flashes of pain and pleasure, the lines between reality and fantasy blurring into a kaleidoscope of submission.

When she woke a few hours later, her body felt different. Her chest was a bit fuller, her hips wider, and her waist smaller. The pills had done their work, and she was now a little closer to being an 'appropriate' size for their twisted amusement. She sat up with a start, her eyes going to the water dispenser attached to the side of the cage. It was a clear glass bottle with a steel valve to drink water out of.
Marcus had thought of everything, it seemed. He had turned even her most basic needs into a source of degradation. The idea of using it filled her with a mix of embarrassment and a strange sense of excitement.
It was another layer to her new identity, another way to serve her masters.

Her hand trembled as she reached for the tube, her mind racing with thoughts of what the men might think. Would they watch her? Would they laugh?
The collar around her neck grew tighter, the unspoken threat of the shock collar keeping her in line. She had to be a good bunny, to please them.
With a deep breath, she brought the nozzle to her mouth, the steel cold and unyielding. She took a tentative sip, the water cool and refreshing. As she drank, she couldn't help but feel a perverse thrill at her newfound animalistic state.
It was a stark contrast to the human dignity she had once known, but here, in her cage, she found a twisted comfort in her degradation.

The door to the room creaked open, and Gigi's heart skipped a beat. Marcus's footsteps grew louder as he approached, his presence like a storm cloud looming over her.
She sat up straighter, her body instinctively preparing for his scrutiny.
He stopped in front of the cage, his eyes raking over her new form with a predatory gaze.
He reached out and twirled her tail, his smirk sending a shiver down her spine. "Look at you," he cooed, his voice sickly sweet.
"Our little bunny is growing up."

Marcus pulled out his phone, his thumbs flying over the screen.
Giulia felt a jolt of fear as she realized what he was doing. He was taking a picture of her, a trophy to show off to the others. She knew the implications, knew that once the image was out there, she would never be able to take it back.
"Look at you," he said, his voice a mockery of affection as he snapped the picture. "So adorable, so obedient."
He leaned closer to the bars, his eyes gleaming with triumph. "You're going to be the talk of the dorm," he murmured, his breath hot on her face.

With a flick of his wrist, he sent the image to the dorm chat, the ping echoing through the room. Gigi's cheeks flushed with a mix of humiliation and fear. The photo was met with a barrage of responses, each one more crude and demeaning than the last. The men of The Den had seen her in her most vulnerable state, and they were reveling in it.
Marcus set the picture as his phone's background, ensuring that every time he glanced at it, he would be reminded of his power over her. The sight of her in the cage, her body contorted in a way that emphasized her new "assets," brought a smug smile to his face.
He knew the image would serve as a constant reminder to her of her role, a visual cue that she was nothing more than a pet to be used and displayed at their whim.

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