22. listen

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Marcus's hand slid from the leash to her thigh, his thumb brushing against her collar. "Now, pet," he said, his voice a gentle purr. "We're going to practice your listening skills."

Gigi's eyes remained on the floor, her breathing shallow as she waited for his next command.
The plug inside her pulsed with a gentle reminder of her submission. Marcus leaned closer, his breath warm against her ear. "Whenever I say the word 'bunny', you will hop."
Her heart skipped a beat, but she nodded, understanding the game.
"Bunny," he murmured, his voice a soft command.
Gigi's body responded, her legs bending and then pushing her into a clumsy hop. The plug shifted with the movement, sending a fresh wave of pleasure through her. The room erupted in laughter, the sound sending a shiver down her spine.

Marcus grinned, pleased with her response. "Again bunny," he ordered, his voice firm but not cruel.
Gigi hopped again, her movements more graceful this time. The vibrations from the plug grew stronger, urging her to continue. The men around the room watched, their eyes glued to her body as she moved.

"Good bunny," Marcus praised, his thumb tracing the edge of her collar.
"Now, let's try something a bit more... challenging." He held up the next card, the word "fetch" written in bold letters. Gigi's eyes widened, her heart racing with anticipation.
"Fetch, Master," she murmured, her voice shaking slightly.

He tossed a small rubber ball across the room, the bright blue color bouncing off the walls.
"Fetch," he said simply, his voice a command that sent her body into motion. She crawled after the ball, her movements clumsy and awkward with the plug inside her. The vibrations grew stronger, urging her on as she chased after it.

The men watched, their eyes hungry as she scurried back and forth, her breaths coming in quick pants.
Each time she returned with the ball, Marcus would praise her, his voice a gentle coo that sent shivers down her spine. "Good bunny," he'd murmur, his hand stroking her hair. The vibrations grew softer, a reward for her obedience.
As the game went on, the tension in the room grew palpable. The men's laughter was no longer just amusement; it was a predator's growl, a celebration of her degradation.
Gigi could feel their eyes on her, their desire a tangible force that made her skin crawl. Yet, she continued to obey, the need to please them overwhelming any sense of self-respect she had once clung to.

Marcus held up another card, the word "beg" written in stark black letters.
Gigi's heart sank, but she knew better than to hesitate. She got onto her hands and knees, her eyes on the floor as she whispered, "Beg, Master."
The vibrations grew more intense, a punishment for her reluctance.

Marcus sighed, his hand resting on her head. "We'll work on that one," he said, his voice a mix of disappointment and amusement. "But for now, let's try something else." He held up a card with a picture of a bunny sitting and the word "sit" below it.

Gigi looked up at him, her eyes questioning.
He nodded, his smile growing. "Sit," he said, his voice firm but kind. She sat back on her haunches, her legs folded beneath her. The vibrations grew softer, a reward for her quick obedience. Marcus nodded in approval, his hand reaching for the leash to give it a gentle tug.
"Now, when I tell you to 'sit', you will do so immediately," he instructed, his eyes never leaving hers.
"And if you're a very good girl, I might just give you a treat." He reached into his pocket and pulled out a small, round object.
It was a small treat, the kind you'd give to a well-behaved pet.

Gigi's eyes widened, her mouth watering at the sight of it.
The thought of being rewarded for her obedience sent a thrill through her, despite the degradation.
She nodded eagerly, her voice a whisper. "Yes, Master."
Marcus held the treat just out of reach, his eyes gleaming with mischief. "Earn it," he said, his voice a soft growl. He held up the card again. "Sit."

Gigi's body responded before her mind could fully process the command, her legs folding beneath her as she sat back on her haunches.
The plug inside her thrummed with approval, the vibrations a sweet symphony of pleasure. Marcus leaned down, the treat hovering just above her mouth. She waited, her eyes on the treat, her breathing shallow and quick.

"Good bunny," he murmured, his voice a gentle praise. He placed the treat on her tongue, watching as she closed her mouth around it, her eyes never leaving his. She chewed slowly, savoring the taste of victory, her body a vessel of obedience and desire.
The room was still, the only sound the muffled crunch of the treat between her teeth.

Marcus leaned back, his hand on her neck. "Now, we're going to work on your reactions," he said, his voice a soft command.
"Whenever I snap my fingers, you will purr like a good little bunny." He demonstrated, his fingers snapping sharply.
Gigi's eyes widened, the shock of the new command causing a whine to escape her lips.
The room grew quieter, the anticipation palpable. Marcus snapped his fingers again, his eyes expectant. Gigi took a deep breath, her body tense with the effort of controlling herself. But the sound of his snap was like a trigger, and she felt a strange vibration in her throat, a sound that was half whine, half purr.
The other residents leaned in, watching her closely. Marcus's hand remained on her neck, his grip firm but gentle.
"Again," he said, his voice a command.
He snapped his fingers once more, and this time the purr came out smoother,
more natural.

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