25. serve

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"Now, let's see how well you can serve your masters."
He nodded to the other residents, who had been watching the scene with growing interest.
Gigi felt a rush of fear and excitement at the prospect of serving them all. She knew what they wanted, what they expected from her. The plug inside her buzzed with anticipation, a silent reminder of her place. She stood up, her legs wobbly from the intense vibrations.

Marcus looked around the room, his gaze stopping on each of the other residents. "Line up," he said, his voice a firm command. They did as they were told, a line of hungry predators waiting for their turn to use her.
Gigi's heart raced, her breath coming in quick gasps.

The first resident stepped forward, his eyes on the plug tail that wagged slightly as she shifted her weight.
Marcus nodded to him, his hand never leaving the base of the plug. "Remember the rules," he murmured to Gigi, his voice a gentle warning.
"You're ours to play with."

Her eyes darted to the floor, the weight of their expectations crushing her.
She knew what was coming, had been conditioned to crave it. The resident's hand reached out, his fingers wrapping around the base of the plug. He twisted it slightly, the vibrations changing patterns. Gigi bit her lip, her eyes squeezing shut as a moan slipped out.
Marcus chuckled, the sound echoing through the room. "Remember, pet," he whispered, his voice a gentle command. "You're here to serve."

Gigi nodded, her eyes still on the floor. The first resident stepped closer, his hand still on her plug tail. He twisted it again, the vibrations growing stronger.
She gasped, her body trembling with the sudden onslaught of pleasure.
The room grew quieter, the anticipation thick as the vibrations grew more intense.

"Good girl," Marcus murmured, his voice a gentle praise that sent a warmth through her.
She felt the resident's hand on her shoulder, guiding her to face him.
He was tall, his muscular frame towering over her. She knew his name was Alex, but now he was just another master to serve.

Alex's eyes swept over her, his gaze lingering on the plug tail that wagged in response to her heightened arousal.
He leaned down, his breath hot against her ear. "Show me how much you want to serve," he demanded, his voice a growl that sent a shiver down her spine.

Without a word, Gigi dropped to her knees, her hands clutching the edge of the plug tail.
The vibrations grew stronger, a silent urging to give them what they wanted. Alex's hand moved to her head, his fingers tangling in her hair as he guided her closer to his crotch.
Gigi felt the fabric of his pants against her nose, the scent of his arousal thick in the air.
She opened her mouth, her tongue darting out to taste him through the material. The vibrations grew more intense, a reward for her willingness to please. Alex groaned, his hand tightening in her hair as she worked her mouth against him.

The room was a cacophony of sounds now, the men's breathing heavy and the constant buzz of the plug a backdrop to her service. Marcus watched with a smirk, nodded to the next resident, his eyes never leaving Gigi's face.

Another man, Daniel, stepped forward, his eyes dark with desire. He reached down, his hand cupping her chin as he lifted her face to meet his.
"On your back," he ordered, his voice firm. Gigi complied, her body moving without thought.
She lay on the floor, her legs splayed open in an inviting pose.

Daniel knelt beside her, his hand sliding down her body to the base of the plug.
He twisted it again, the sensation shooting through her like a bolt of lightning. She gasped, her body arching off the floor. He leaned in, his mouth capturing hers in a brutal kiss.
She could taste the need in him, the desire to claim her fully.
The kiss grew more aggressive, Daniel's tongue exploring her mouth as he twisted the plug. She moaned into the kiss, her body writhing beneath him.
The other residents watched, their eyes hungry as they awaited their turn. Marcus's thumb slid over the button on the remote, the vibrations growing even stronger.

Gigi's body responded, her hips bucking as she neared climax.
Daniel broke the kiss, his eyes meeting Marcus's for a brief moment. They shared a knowing smile, both enjoying the power they held over her.

"Beg for it," Daniel growled, his voice a command that resonated through her body. Gigi's eyes searched his, desperation in her gaze. She nodded, her voice a breathless whisper.
"Please, Master, let me serve."

The room grew quiet, the only sound the buzz of the plug and her own ragged breathing. Marcus nodded, his hand moving to the zipper of Daniel's pants.
Gigi watched, her eyes wide with anticipation. This was it, the moment she had been trained for.

With trembling hands, she reached up to undo the zipper.
She pulled his cock free, her eyes never leaving his. The vibrations grew stronger, a silent demand to perform.

Her mouth watered at the sight of him, her body responding to the scent of his arousal. She leaned in, her tongue darting out to lick the tip.
Daniel groaned, his hand tangling in her hair as he pushed her head down further.

The other residents watched, their own arousal growing with each moan that filled the room. Marcus's eyes never left hers, his thumb still on the remote. He was the puppet master, orchestrating her every move, her every breath.

Gigi took Daniel into her mouth, her mind a blur of pleasure and pain. The plug inside her pulsed in time with her heartbeat, urging her to serve, to please. The room grew tense as the other residents gathered around her, their cocks out and ready, each waiting for their turn to claim her.

Their eyes bore into her, a mix of excitement and amusement at her plight. She could feel their anticipation, their desire to use her as they saw fit. The vibrations grew stronger, a silent command to perform, to satisfy them all. She took Daniel deeper, her throat tightening around him as she choked back a gag. His hand tightened in her hair, guiding her movements, setting the rhythm for her service.

The sound of zippers and belts filled the air, the rustle of fabric a symphony of lust. Marcus's hand slid down her body, his fingers tracing her spine. He leaned in, his breath warm against her ear.
"Good bunny," he murmured, his voice a gentle praise that sent a shiver through her. "Keep going."
Her eyes watered, her throat aching, but she didn't stop. The other residents stepped closer, their hands reaching out to touch her, to claim her.
She felt the tip of one cock against her cheek, another against her forehead. They were everywhere, a wall of hard flesh that surrounded her, that owned her.

Marcus's hand left her neck, his eyes scanning the room. He nodded to the next man in line, a smug smile playing on his lips. "Your turn," he said, his voice a low growl. The man stepped forward, his cock in his hand.
Gigi's eyes met his, a silent plea for mercy that was met with a cold stare.

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