11. perfect

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He unlocked the cage with a dramatic flourish, the sound echoing in the tense silence.
Gigi felt a strange mix of fear and relief as he scooped her up into his arms, the cold metal bars of the cage no longer confining her. Her body was sore from the pills, her muscles protesting against the sudden changes, but she bit back any sounds of discomfort. She knew better than to complain.

Marcus carried her into the living room, his steps sure and confident. She was light in his arms, her body feeling boneless and pliable. The room was dimly lit, the curtains drawn to keep the harsh light of day at bay.
The men looked up from their various devices, their eyes raking over her new form with a mix of hunger and amusement.

Her cheeks burned as she realized she was still in her bunny outfit, her breasts threatening to spill out of the corset. Marcus set her gently on the floor, his hand lingering on her hip.
"Walk for us," he ordered, his voice a velvet purr that sent shivers down her spine.
Giulia's legs felt like jelly as she tried to stand, her new curves and the shock of the sudden attention making her wobble.
She took a tentative step forward, the men's eyes following her every movement. A wince of pain crossed her face as she stumbled, the too-tight corset and the weight of her new bunny body making it difficult to move gracefully.

Marcus's hand shot out, catching her before she could fall. "Careful, bunny," he said, his voice filled with mock concern.
The room erupted in a chorus of "Awws" and "Look at the clumsy bunny," and she felt her cheeks burn with embarrassment. She was their entertainment, a living doll for them to play with and critique.

He picked her up, cradling her against his chest, his arms a prison of comfort. She buried her face in his shirt, her body shaking with sobs.
The fabric smelled faintly of laundry detergent and his cologne, a scent that had become synonymous with safety in her twisted world. He rocked her gently, his hand moving in slow circles on her back.
"It's okay, bunny," he murmured, his voice a soft lullaby in the sea of her pain. "You're doing so well."
His words were a balm to her bruised soul, the gentle strokes of his hand a stark contrast to the harsh reality of her new life. Her tears soaked his shirt, the fabric growing damp and warm against his skin.

He held her closer, his arms a steel band of comfort. Her breath hitched in her chest, the sobs growing quieter with each pass of his hand over her back. The collar around her neck was a constant reminder of her submission, but in his embrace, it was almost... tender.
Marcus leaned down, his lips brushing against her ear. "You're so beautiful, Gigi," he whispered, his voice a seductive promise. "Our perfect little bunny." His words sent a shiver down her spine, the manipulation wrapping around her like a warm blanket.

He settled into the plush chair, her body nestled in his arms. His hand stroked her hair, the gentle rhythm lulling her into a sense of calm amidst the chaos of her new reality. The other men's eyes were on them, but she couldn't focus on their leers and snickers.
All she knew was the comfort of Marcus's touch, the sound of his voice as he talked to the others, his words a gentle hum in the background.
Marcus spoke to the room, his voice a low rumble that seemed to soothe her racing thoughts. She felt his chest rise and fall with each breath, the steady beat of his heart a metronome to her own erratic pulse. His hand moved from her hair to her shoulder, his thumb tracing lazy circles on her bare skin.

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