13. good bunny

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Marcus stood up, setting Gigi on her feet. She wobbled slightly, her legs still weak from the shock and the pills.
He took her hand, leading her to the center of the room. "Let's show the boys how a good bunny behaves," he said, his voice a gentle coaxing that sent a shiver down her spine.

The floor was cold under her bare feet, the fabric of her costume rubbing against her over-sensitized skin.
The men leaned in, their eyes raking over her body with eager anticipation. Giulia felt exposed, a feeling that only grew as Marcus unclipped her leash, leaving her to stand on her own.

"Stay," he ordered, his voice firm and commanding. She obeyed, her legs trembling slightly. He stepped away, leaving her in the center of the room, surrounded by the hungry stares of her masters.

The men began to murmur among themselves, placing bets on how well she would perform. Gigi felt a mix of terror and excitement, her heart racing in her chest. She knew what was expected of her, had been trained to satisfy their every whim.

Marcus circled her, his eyes assessing. "Spread your legs," he said, his voice low and commanding. Giulia immediately complied, feeling the cool air against her bare thighs.
He stepped closer, his hand trailing up her leg to the elastic band of her shorts. With a sharp tug, he pulled them down, exposing her completely.
The room went quiet, the only sound the rapid beat of her heart and the shallow breaths she took in and out. She felt their eyes on her, burning into her skin, but she didn't dare move. Marcus's hand remained on her thigh, his thumb tracing lazy circles that sent waves of pleasure through her.

"Now, pet," he said, his voice a soft command. "Show us how much you've learned."
Gigi took a deep breath, her chest heaving. She knew what was coming, had been trained for this moment. Her eyes searched the room, finding the approving nods of the other residents.
She felt a strange mix of anxiousness and excitement, her body responding to their gazes despite her mind's protests.
Her hand moved to the collar around her neck, a silent plea for guidance. Marcus's eyes narrowed, a flicker of something dark passing over his features.
"Show us your tail," he murmured, his voice a silky command.

The room remained still, the only sound the rustle of fabric as she presented her tail to them.
Marcus stepped closer, his hand cupping her chin, tilting her head up to meet his gaze. "Good girl," he murmured, his eyes gleaming with satisfaction. "Now, wag it for us."
Gigi's face flushed a deep crimson as she slowly began to wag her tail, the motion awkward and unnatural. The fluffy tail slapped against her bare skin, sending a thrill through her body that she couldn't explain.
The men watched, their eyes glued to her, some smiling, others licking their lips. The sensation of their eyes on her was overwhelming, making her feel both violated and oddly powerful.

"Good bunny," Marcus said, his voice a mix of pride and amusement. He reached out and stroked her cheek, his thumb brushing against her lower lip.
"Keep going."
The men's eyes were on her, their gazes intense and demanding. Giulia's tail wagged faster, the motion becoming more natural as the shock of her new reality began to wear off. She closed her eyes, focusing on the sensation of the soft fur brushing against her skin. It was a strange sort of comfort, a reminder that she belonged here, that she was theirs.
Marcus stepped away, leaving her standing in the center of the room, exposed and vulnerable.
"Now, who wants to play with our little bunny?" he called out, his voice filled with glee.
The men's murmurs grew louder, hands shooting up in eager volunteerism.

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