Chapter 3 - Ignore me

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Kiaraa's POV

Next day I went to work as usual and I was dying with curiosity about Mister Kim's reply.


Dear Kim Jaekyung,

I joined your company 2 years ago...
I first saw you on the day I had my interview at the Linos company.

On the day you called me to your cabin for the first time because of the successful presentation I prepared... I got to know you were my boss. I had feelings for you and till this day my feelings never faded...

This day even I don't have any confidence to confess my love; I'm writing it to  you... I LOVE YOU JAEKYUNG. I truly do.. Not for your wealth or the beauty... I'm in love with your soul...

I only ask you one single question..

Yes or no?

Your dearest,

I asked him for an answer through the letter... Through the love letter I gave him...  'What if he say no?' It was the only thing that replayed in my mind....

He usually calls me to his cabin in the morning. I call it "daily responsibilities". Even if I was not a senior; I was given a big responsibility in the company. But him calling me in other times like day before yesterday,  It's kind of confusing..

But today he didn't even call me even in the morning as usual. I thought if he would've been absent but I saw his  car at the car park this morning... I kept waiting...

An employee came to my cabin after a while and gave the "daily responsibilities" I used to receive from Mr. Kim.

" Thank you. But where is Mr. Kim? He usually calls me but today he didn't." I asked the employee and she replied "Yeah.  But today our sir seems like having fever. He didn't want anyone in his cabin."

"Oh..."  I nodded.  And she left..
I think I have to wait a little bit longer...

Days passed.. He never called me to his cabin or talked to me when we see each other. I guess he is ignoring me.

"Still no reply from him?" My thoughts were interrupt by Jiya who also had a sad face as mine.

"Yeah...(sigh) I guess he doesn't like me. I shouldn't have confessed him" I replied.  "It's okay. I'm sorry.  I'm the one who pushed you for that" Jiya said while patting my back.

We were walking towards the cafeteria for the lunch break. And saw a girl taking coffee for someone. I guess she's going towards Mr. Kim's cabin. So I asked her..

"Excuse me. Are you going to Mister Kim's cabin?" She replied a yes and again I asked "Is this for him?" And again she said yes.

"Let me take it. I'm also going to meet him. Thank you.." I took the tray from her gently and we both went together his cabin.

"We're also going to meet him? I see.." Jiya teased from the back. Oh this girl!!

"Ahh.. It's serious. I'm just going to keep it there and tell him if he doesn't like me it's okay with me. And never to ignore me" I said.
"But it's not okay for real right?" Jiya's voice saddened.

We reached his cabin and I went in while Jiya was waiting outside. 


I kept the tray on his table. He didn't look at me. He was focusing on his he didn't see I'm here. I was about to leave but stopped to tell him

"Sir It's okay if you don't like me back. But just don't ignore me.. I know why you don't like me. It's my skin colour right? I need to keep this friendship good so let's forget it. Have a nice day sir." And I left his cabin.

I was back facing him. I couldn't see his reaction but he didn't utter a single word. I hope he was listening.

To be continued....



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