Chapter 9 - Almost got caught

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Jaekyung's POV

Oh god! It was so close. She was so worried about her friend. I'm also worried about her. She's so lucky to have such a great friend.


Someone knocked on the door of my cabin And I asked him/her to come in. It was Jiya. She came to my cabin like a gangster who just got into his rival's location.

She didn't waste any second and asked, "Good morning, sir. Did you meet Kiaraa last night?" Why she's asking me about her?

"We found your wallet on the floor and she came to find you to return it. But she never returned." She said.

So Jiya was there too... What should I tell her? I can't tell her that I r*ped her friend last night. I have to tell her something. I gulped. And said, "Yeah, she came to me, and as soon as she gave me the wallet, she left. What happened?"

"She didn't pick up my calls from last night, and today she didn't come to work. I'm afraid if something bad has happened to her." She replied with a worried voice.

I made an 'ohh' and looked at my watch. It was 10.30 she should have gone home by now. I had to tell her something to make her feel relieved. An idea popped up in my mind. And I said, "Ah I forgot. I was about to leave then, so I asked her if I could drop her from her appointment. And she came with me."

She looked at me with disbelief. Did she find it suspicious? "Did she go with you without even informing me?" She asked back. I played along

"Nope. She said that you were waiting but I told her to come with me. She couldn't ignore her boss." I said with a smirk on my face.

She sighed, and I thought it was the end. But I was wrong.
"But she should have informed me. I was waiting for her till the ball got empty." She cried out.

"She tried to call you but her phone was dead. So was mine and nothing we could do." I replied

Then she nodded and left the cabin after greeting me. I sighed in relief.

Flashback Ends

Every single question of hers was answered by my lies.
I couldn't let her know anything unless Kiaraa let her know about it. I had to protect her anyway. And in the end, she's my friend.

I took my phone to call her to ask if she was alright.


Kiaraa's POV

I wonder what Mr. Kim had told her about me. It's clear that he had told her that he dropped me from my apartment.. but why she wasn't mad at me...?


I called Jiya to inform her that I'm okay. She picked up the call as soon as I called her. I couldn't even utter a single word as she shouted at me through the phone.

"Where the hell were you?!"

"I'm sorr-" "Okay Okay. Mr. Kim explained me everything.." I got cut off by her.

What?! Did he tell her about it? Why?

"Huh? Did he tell you everything?" I asked.

I was panicked.

"Yeah! What did you two do last night, hmm?" She teased me. This is not good. I felt terrible...

"Jiya! I'm sorr-" cut off again. -_-

"No need to say sorry girl. If I was there, I would have also told you to do the same."

Why is she so excited? I was puzzled.

"Ahh? Wha- no ah why-" I asked with surprise but again cut off by her.

"So, did he drop you from your apartment right away, or did you guys go somewhere else before that?"

Drop me? From my apartment? For what?

Ohh!! I see what he has told her. Such a nice excuse Mr. Kim..

I had to act along.

"Oh-ohh! Noo, he dropped me from my apartment"

I think she lost interest when I said nothing special between us..

"So you're not coming today?" She asked.

"No Jiya. I'm not feeling well" I replied.

Flashback Ends

As I said, I wasn't feeling well. My body was hurting so badly.

That drunken beast! He almost killed me-

I snapped out of my thoughts when I heard my phone ring. I took my phone to see who it was. It was Jaekyung...

Why is he calling me? To hear my crying? I wasn't in a mood to talk with him so I ignored his calls... He kept calling me for 13 times and I switched off my phone..

Again... Tears came down from my eyes. The wound he caused in my heart will never be cooled down...

I was crying the whole day. In the end... only tears were there for me to heal my soul....

To be continued....



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