Chapter 2

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They carried on with their day full of classes. Typical first day of school stuff, which was a good thing because if there was a lesson, neither of them would have been able to focus. Once they had time to themselves, Red hurried to their dorm for some privacy. She quickly pulls out her looking glass. Her mother had given it to her before she left in case she ever wanted to call home and talk. "Hello, my darling! How are you? Have you settled in? Oh, i miss you so much!" Her mother greets her immediately. "Uh, hi mom. I miss you too." Red was still getting used to her mom being, well, her mom. More affectionate. "I just called" She wasn't sure, to be honest. What was she expecting? A new close relationship with her mom? That was what she wanted, right? A mom that cared about HER. What SHE wanted. Who SHE is. Not some carbon copy of her mother. But does she have that kind of relationship with her mom? If this is the mother that she grew up with, but she can't remember that she grew up with her, do they have that type of relationship? The kind where she can tell her anything? Come to her for advice? Even relationship advice?

"What is it darling? Are you alright?" Her mom asks after a moment of silence. "Um, I'm fine. I guess." Red shrugs. "Is it your classes? Is it the teachers? Are you being bullied? Is it a boy?" Red sighs. Normally her mother couldn't care less about her life, now that everything's changed, she wants to know everything about her. What she's thinking, who her friends are, who she's dating. Not that Red minds, at least she cares, she just wished she wasn't so confused so she could tell her about her relationship issues. Even a non-existent one. Would her mother care if she was interested in a girl? At home, she kept her bisexuality a secret, knowing how her mother would react, but now would she be more open? Would she be welcoming? Understanding? "It is, isn't it? I knew it! And only on the first day, that's my daughter! Who wouldn't love you? What's his name?" Red swallows the lump that suddenly grew in her throat. "Her name is Chloe." She holds her breath. Her mom stares at her for a moment. Suddenly she squeals. Red drops her looking glass and covers her ears. She quickly picks it back up and makes her the glass isn't chipped or broken. "I knew it! I've got to call your auntie Ella! I'm so happy for you two!" "Wait, wait! Mom! She doesn't know." Red quickly tells her before she ends up hanging up and gossiping with Chloe's mom.

"Oh, well it's alright, my darling. I'm sure she'll accept you for who you are. And if she doesn't feel the same way, then she isn't the one. You are beautiful, you're smart, you're everything i ever hoped for in a daughter." Red feels tears stream down her face. "You'll find your true love, i promise." Red nods. "Thanks mom, i um, i gotta go. Got a lot of homework to do." She lied. "Alright darling, well if you ever need anything, just give me a call. I love you." Red nods. "I will, i love you too." She hangs up and cries. She felt overwhelmed. Her mother cares about her, loves her, worries about her. She's never had that in her life, everything was a bit too much for her. The door slowly opens and she sighs as Chloe comes in. "Hey, are you ok?" She goes to sit next to her but Red quickly stands up. "Um, yeah. I was just on the looking glass with my mom." "Oh, that's nice. How is she?" Chloe smiled. "Uh, auntie Bridget is fine. Apparently we kind of grew up together? I mean, I'm assuming since she called your mom auntie Ella."

"Oh, that's cool. Auntie Bridget sounds weird but i guess that's what happens when you change the past, huh?" Chloe laughs. Red laughs. "Try auntie Ella. But hey, we grew up together. Summer vacations, holiday visits. It just kinda sucks we don't really remember any of it. I mean, we must, but the memories probably haven't hit us yet." Chloe nods. "Makes sense. So what were you talking about with your mom?" Red starts getting nervous. "Um, nothing important. Just that she loves me and she wanted to see how I'm settling in." Chloe gives her a hug. "Red, that's great! Isn't that what you wanted?" She asks. "Yeah but i don't know. I guess I'm just still getting used to everything." Chloe nods. "You know what i just realized? We don't really know anything about each other. We've spent the past few days trying to change history and we barely know anything about each other." Red points out. "You're right. Ok, come on." She sits on her bed and points to Red's bed on the other side. "Sit, let's get to know each other."

Glassheart (RedxChloe) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now