Chapter 7

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"Why? Why would you do this?!" Red shouts at her kids. She has kids. Twins. With Chloe. The revelation still sends her head spinning. "It was an accident. We were talking about how you and Mama met. We were messing around with the pocket watch and next thing we know, we're here." Crimson bites her lip. Red rubs her temple. She was not made for this. Mm-mm. Nope, she was not meant to be a mom at sixteen. "Me and your other mother. I- we-" Red groans. "How? Just how?" She asks. "Um, how we came back or how you and Mama...." "How you came back! Why?! I think i know how babies are made, even if your other mother and i are both girls, i came from Wonderland, I'm pretty sure anything is possible at this point." Red sighs.

"It was an accident. We wanted to know how you two met and how you were back when you were our age. And then we accidentally pushed the button on the pocket watch." Cree shrugs. Red sighs. "We have to tell your other mother." She goes to the door but is stopped by the twins. "No! We can't." Red scoffs. "Why not?" "Because, because. Because we can't!" Crimson begs her. "Mhmm. Both of you, sit back down. Now!" She points to her bed. The twins sigh but they both know that they have no choice but to listen. Red is still their mom. As the twins sit down, Red goes to the door. "Both of you sit here until i come back with your mother!" Red leaves and shuts the door behind her. "Oh, this is not good." When you mess with the fabric of time, there could be severe consequences. Maddox' words echo in her head over and over as she tries to find Chloe. She tried the quad but it was filled with cheerleaders. Probably practically their routine in-between dances with their dates. Normally, she might have stayed back to watch the show, but she was a girl on a mission. A taken girl on a mission, regardless of whether Chloe was mad at her or not.

She turns the corner and sees a head of baby blue hair. She quickens her pace before Chloe spots her and turns the other way. "Damn it, Chloe!" She shouts. Red understands that Chloe doesn't want to see her right now but it was important. "Red, just leave me alone!" Oh good, she did hear her. "Chloe please, we need to talk!" Red begs her. They really did need to talk. About the twins, about what happened just a few minutes ago at the dance, about their relationship, if they even have one. Not to mention running around in a dress is not easy nor comfortable. After a while of playing cat and mouse, Red gets too tired to follow Chloe around the whole school. She drops to her knees, crying. "Chloe!" She begs one last time. "Please don't leave me." If they never end up together, does that mean Crimson and Cree will cease to exist? She doesn't dare bear the question any attention. She's afraid of what the answer might be. When she dares to look up, she expects Chloe to be gone. Taking full advantage of Red not following her anymore. But to her surprise and relief, Chloe was walking toward her. Very fast paced, might she add.

"Wha-?" Chloe throws herself onto Red and hugs her tight. Red after wanting, begging for Chloe to stop. To just come back and hold her and they can figure this out together, for whatever reason, she was frozen. Her arms, still in place. "Please don't cry." She hears Chloe whisper. Chloe pulls away and cups Red's face. "I can't stand to see you cry." Red looks into her eyes and smiles. "I'm so sorry, Chloe." "Me too. I don't know what happened. I was just so....i figured you were hiding something from me. But you know what? Forget it, you can tell me when you're ready." Chloe moves a strand of hair out of Red's face. Red smiles and cups Chloe's face. "I will tell you, i promise. But first, we need to head back to our dorm." Chloe nods. "Yeah, i think the dance is pretty ruined." She holds Red's hand and helps her up. "I mean, i wouldn't say so. The night hasn't ended yet." Red smirks. "Would you like to dance?" She playfully bows and offers her hand. Chloe laughs and accepts. "Why, of course I would."

From a distance, they can still hear the music from the dance, barely but enough to make out the song and lyrics. But they didn't care, they held each other and danced in almost silence. After a few minutes, Chloe pulls away, her arms still draped over Red's shoulders, and looks at her. "Red?" She whispered, worried speaking at normal volume would ruin their precious moment. "Yes, my love?" Red smiles. Chloe blushes. "Can i kiss you?" She smiles. Red nods and leans in. Their lips meet in what starts out soft but soon becomes longing and full of love. A love they don't dare speak of yet. But knowing who's waiting for them in their dorm room, Red sighs and pulls away. "I really hate to ruin our moment, but we gotta go." Chloe's brows furrow in confusion. "Why?" Red bites her lip. "To talk to our kids...." She looks at her shoes, suddenly more interested in their design, lace, something, anything to avoid looking at Chloe. "Our what?"

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