Chapter 10

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The twins follow their moms to Cinderella's house. "This is where Cinderella grew up?" Red asks as she looks around. "I hope not." Chloe replies. "Wait, did Ma not know that grandma grew up like this?" Cree asks his sister. "I guess not." They watch from around the corner as their moms interact with Ella. "Is that what grandma looked like when she was young? Damn, she looks nice. I mean, for someone who's literally wearing cut up pieces of fabric for clothing." Crimson shrugs. "Crimson!" He scolds her quietly. "What? Grandma looks good, that's all I'm saying." They follow them into the foyer and watch from the window. "Does it really count as being a good person if you're getting a reward for it?" Ella asks Chloe, regarding her shoes. "So, Ella, that thing with Uliana at school, it's pretty wild, huh?" Red quickly interjects. They watch as the conversation carries on. "I wonder how mom's are, right now?" Crimson asks her brother.

They knock on the door and wait for an answer. "Are you sure this is the right place?" Chloe asks her. "You're kidding right? The house is the shape of a hat!" Red points out. "Ok, fine. But is this a good idea? What if he tells someone? Or Bridget?" Chloe asks. "So? We're not gonna run into her." Red shrugs. "We're not, but our other selves will. Remember, we went to Bridget about the cookbook before we went to Merlin's office." Red nods. "Ok, so we just ask him not to tell anyone we were here." They knock on the door and anxiously wait. "Can i help you girls?" The Mad Hatter answers the door. Hat as tall as a tree, face white as snow and that crazy glimpse in his eyes. Then again, he wasn't called the Mad Hatter for no reason. "Um....yeah," Red pulls out the broken pocket watch, "we have this pocket watch, we were kinda hoping you coud help fix it?" She asks. "I'll see what i can do." He looks at the watch and looks around his shop for spare parts to repair it.

The twins watch as Red hits the eel? Slug? Whatever from the Black Lagoon with a stick. "Thanks." Chloe tells her. Red places her hand on her arm. "You're no good to me fish food." Red shrugs. That's kind of like a you're welcome, right? Or an i care about you, i couldn't let you get hurt? Hopefully even an i love you and i can't bear to lose you? "Mom's sure did have a weird way of flirting back then." Crimson tells her brother. "Hey, I'll take this over their lovey dovey kissing any day." Cree smiles. "No, Ma is lovey dovey, mom just goes with it to make her happy." She corrects him. "Psh, you say that as if mom wasn't half as in love with ma as she is." Cree looks at his sister. "Ok, i get you. To be honest, i kinda miss them. Like the real them, from our time." Crimson nods. "Yeah, me too. I even miss Ma scolding me for not doing my homework on time." She smiles at the thought. "I miss mom helping us sneak out of the house to go to the movies." He smirks. Crimson laughs. "And then Ma gets mad at us and mom pretends she doesn't know we sneaked out." A silence fills the air. "You think we'll ever get home?" Cree asks her. "We have to." Crimson tells him.

"Alright girls, there you go. Good as new." The Mad Hatter hands them the pocket watch. "Thank you so much. We really appreciate it." Chloe smiles and shakes his hand. Red rolls her eyes at her politeness yet secretly smiles. Unbeknownst to all of them, they all head back to the school around the same time. They all meet in the garden after everyone's asleep. Before anyone could say anything, they all heard a wolf howl out of nowhere. Odd. "What was that?" Chloe asks. "I have no idea but it'd be really great if we'd all get out of here. Like now, i do not want to run into our other selves right now. We're currently breaking into Principal Merlin's office, remember?" Red asks her. "It was for a good reason." Chloe tells her. "And again, justifying our crimes. I'm so proud." Red smiles at her before pulling her in for a kiss. "Ugh, moms!" The twins complain. "Oh alright fine! Get the hell out of here!" Red hands them back their pocket watch before she pulls out her own pocket watch.

"I guess this is goodbye huh?" She asks the twins. "Not for long, we are family after all, we're your kids. You're never gonna get rid of us." Crimson smirks. Chloe frowns. "I don't want you guys to go." She pulls them both into a hug. "We have to Ma, we don't belong here." They all let go and press their finger on the button. The twins both hold their pocket watch while Red and Chloe both hold onto theirs. "Ready?" They all nod and press the button at the same time. They look around to find themselves back in Red and Chloe's dorm room. Red quickly checks her desk, bedside table, pictures on the wall, everything to make sure that nothing has changed. "Ok, all good. Chloe?" Chloe is doing the same, pictures of her parents, Chad, and even a picture of Red and one of her and Red. "That's new." She points to the two additional pictures on her night stand. One of her and Red when they were kids and the other is from their first date. The two of them looking loving into each others eyes. "Not that I'm complaining." She smiles at Red. Red walks over and grabs her face in her hands and stares into her eyes. "Neither am i." She smiles at her future wife before pulling her into a kiss. "Eww moms!" They roll their eyes and pull away. "Ok, time to go, you've been here long enough." Chloe tells them. The twins both hug either of their mothers before reluctantly pulling away. "We'll miss you." Red tells them as she holds Chloe's hand. "We'll see you soon." Crimson smiles at them before holding Cree's hand and pushing the button. Chloe slowly let's out tears that she didn't even know she was holding back. "Hey, I'm gonna miss them too." Red pulls her in for a tight hug.

Back in the future, the twins look around to find themselves in their dorm room, which yes, used to be their moms'. "We're home." Crimson whispered. "It all feels so....surreal. Where is everyone?" She looks out the window at an empty campus. "It's winter break, remember?" Cree smiles. "Oh yeah, we better get home!" They hurry to the car, courtesy of their grandma Bridget, and drive home to Cinderellasburg. They open the door and look around. "Ma?!" They shout. "Twins! What are you doing here? Did mom flake again?" Flake? What was she talking about? "What do you mean?" Crimson asks her. "Ugh, this is just typical of Red! I'm gonna give her a call. She was supposed to meet you at the rabbit hole!" Chloe walks away, phone to her ear and no doubt plenty of words ready at the mouth for whenever the line gets picked up. "What is she talking about?" Cree whispered to his sister. "I wish i knew. I hope we didn't screw anything up." Crimson bites her lip. "Kids! I just got off the phone with your mom, she said-" "Mama! Mama!" Little voices can be heard from upstairs, followed by tiny little footsteps. The twins watch in astonishment as two little kids, a boy and a girl, dressed head to toe in purple, run down the stairs and into Chloe's arms. "Oh, hold on kids. Let me talk to your older brother and sister ok? Go play, I'll be right there." "Cromwell, come get me!" The little boy shouted. "Wait up! Cruz! Slow down!"

They had little siblings?! Since when?! Their parents aren't together?! When did that happen?! What did they do?! What happened after they left?! They both look at each other. "We have to go back...."


You didn't think this was the end of the story....did you?....


However, this is the end of book 1, i hope you enjoyed it. I have never written/finished a book this fast before in my entire life

Glassheart (RedxChloe) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now