Chapter 6

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Red knocks on her bedroom door. "Chloe?" Chloe and Dizzy turn their heads to the door. "You almost ready?" "Crap, it's Red." Chloe stands. "Uhh go into the bathroom and change into your dress." Dizzy shoves her dress into her hands and pushes her into the bathroom. "Alright, come in Red!" She shouts. Red opens the door and looks around. "Where's Chloe?" "She's changing in the bathroom, now come here. I'll help you with your hair and make up and then the both of you can have a reveal." Red hesitates but sits down regardless. "So, how did you two meet?" Dizzy asks as she heats up her curling iron.

"Dizzy!" Chloe warns from the bathroom. "Oh calm down, I'm not grilling your girlfriend, just asking some simple questions." "DIZZY!" Red laughs. "Um, we met on the first day, at orientation." Dizzy nods. "Ok, and you guys hit it off right away?" Red scratches her head. "Uh, not exactly but we did warm up to each other eventually." "And now you guys are what? Dating?" "DIZZY!" "Oh come on!" Dizzy groans. Chloe hurries to open the door. "Stop." She tells her. "Oh my god...." Red stares at her. "I could say the same thing. You look beautiful, Red." Chloe smiles. Red bites her lip. "Thanks. So do you." Dizzy look between them. "Ok, this right here, it's giving 'in love'." Chloe glares at her cousin. "Dizzy." Dizzy puts her hands up in defense. "Alright, alright. I'm done. Now, go have fun." She shoves Chloe towards Red. "Whoa!" She nearly trips before she catches herself on the wall behind Red. She turns and sees that they're very close. "You ok?" Red nods. "I'm perfect." Chloe smiles. "Yeah, you are. You ready to go?" Red blushes and grabs her hand. "Let's go." They both walk out as Dizzy watches them walk away. "Your honor, they're in love."

"So, your cousin seems....interesting." Red laughs. "I'm glad you got to meet her before I killed her because of what she just pulled." Chloe shakes her head. "Oh my, Chloe Charming has a dark side? Hmm, maybe I'm starting to rub off on you." Red smirks. "No, I've always had a dark side, i just never showed it." She lied. "Mhm, and here i thought you liked it when I rubbed off on you?" Chloe blushes. "Stop it." "Ok, ok. I'm not rubbing off on you, you've always had a dark side. Which by the way, i like it." She whispered into her ear as they reached the ballroom. Chloe shoves her arm "Red!" "Oh wow...." They look around at all the decorations and lights. "They really went all out." Red sees the twins working the snacks table. "I'm gonna grab something to drink for the both of us." Chloe smiles. "Ok." She goes back to admiring the scenery.

Red walks over to the snacks table and grabs a couple drinks. "Hey twins!" She greets them. "Hey Red!" They both smile at her. "Two punches please?" Crimson grabs a cup and starts filling it up. She hands it to Cree to give to her while she fills up the other cup. "Thanks. Hey, who did you say your parents were again? Did they used to go to school here?" A Dream is a Wish Your Heart Makes starts playing in the background. "Red! Come on, let's dance!" Chloe pulls her away and onto the dance floor. "Whoa, Chloe! The drinks." "Oh here!" She quickly grabs them and places them on a table nearby. "Dance with me!" Chloe rests her arms on Red's shoulders while she places her hands on Chloe's hips. "Hey, can i ask you something?" Red bites her lip. A habit that Chloe's noticed that she only does when she's nervous about something. "What's going on?" Chloe spins her before holding her close again. "Um, are you sure the twins don't seem the least bit suspicious to you?" Red dips her before Chloe sighs and lets go of her. "Red, not this again. What is it with you and those twins?" She asks

"I'm sorry. I know this is a dance and we're here together but i just can't help but feel like they're hiding something. I know they are! I just can't figure out what." Red sighs. "You can't just forget about it for one night? One night! We came here together, to have a good time!" Chloe shakes her head. "And we still can! Look, forget i mentioned them ok? Let's just dance, drink some punch, say hi to some classmates, look! Mai is waving at us, you know Mai. Lonnie's little cousin? Come on, let's go say hi!" Red grabs her hand before Chloe pulls away. "You can go say hi, I'm just gonna go." Chloe walks away. "No, Chloe. Wait!" Red hurries to follow her but loses sight of her in the crowd. She looks around and sees the doors close. She quickly follows her and pushes open doors into the corridor. She looks around but doesn't see Chloe anywhere. She sighs and runs to their room. She hears footsteps behind but ignores them. Probably just kids running back to the dance after getting some air or using the restroom or something.

She unlocks their bedroom door and nearly bursts into tears when she doesn't see Chloe. Where could she have gone? "Red?" Red quickly turns around but is disappointed when it's not Chloe but Crimson. Her disappointment turns into rage as she walks up to her. "You better sit the fuck down and explain right the fuck now!" She shouts as she points to her bed. She spots purple out of the corner of her eye and quickly grabs Cree by the collar. "Oh no you don't!" She pulls him in and throws him on her bed next to his sister. "You have five seconds before i off your head and feed it to Jabberwocky!" The twins both cringe at her loud volume. They both open their mouths but fail to say anything. "I'm right, aren't i? I know who you are. I know exactly who you guys are. Now the better question is, what are you doing here?! Didn't we warn you or something? About when Chloe and i went back in the past?! Why would you do that?!" The twins suddenly both find their shoes, the floor, the lights, anything more interesting than looking at her right now. "Twins! You better answer your mother right now!" Red yells at them. They both sigh. "We're sorry mom, we didn't mean to do it...." Crimson apologies. Red sighs. So she wasn't wrong. She wasn't going crazy. Her kids time travelled from the future. Her and Chloe's kids. Fuck....

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