Chapter 8

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"I can't believe you kept this from me!" Chloe shouts at her as they head back to their dorm. "I didn't keep it from you! I barely learned about not two minutes before I went to find you!" Red shouts behind her as she tries to keep up. "Slow down!" Just as Chloe was about to open the door, a voice made her pause. "I told you! I fucking told you-!" "Language!" "Oh i don't care about that right now! Mom knows! And i guarantee you, she is telling Ma right now! And they're gonna come in here and kill us!" Crimson sighs in frustration. "Well, at least if they do, technically speaking, we don't exist yet?" Cree tried to lighten the mood. "That's not funny." Red opens the door. "It's a little funny." "Mom's!" The twins were both startled. Cree falls off the desk while Crimson falls off of Chloe's bed. Red bursts out laughing while Chloe slaps her arm before going to help them.

"Ok, we're listening." She tells them as she helps Crimson stand. The twins look at each other. "You might wanna have a seat." They sit next to each other on Chloe's bed while their moms sit on Red's. "So, what are your official names?" Chloe asked. While the fact that she's actually speaking to their kids, hers and Red's kids, still shook her to her core. She still welcomes them with open arms and a list of questions. "Crimson and Cree Charming, prince and princess of Wonderland and Cinderellasburg." (A/N i was gonna put Hearts, but I'm not entirely sure if that's Red's last name, i always try to make my stories as canon as possible) Chloe slowly nods. "And you're both of ours kids?" They nod. "How did this happen?" Chloe looks between them and Red. "Apparently they got their hands on my pocket watch and accidentally sent themselves back. Remind you of anyone?" Red smirks. Chloe rolls her eyes. "Not now." She mumbles.

"We need to focus on getting them back." Chloe stands and walks over to Red. "How are we gonna do that?" She asks. Red shrugs. "I would give them mine if i could." "Then why don't you?" Red sighs. "Cause if i give it to them and they go back to the future, how am i gonna have it to give it to them when they're kids? Think about it, they already had the pocket watch to begin with, which I'm assuming because i gave it to them, but if i give them mine in the past to take home to the future, I'm not gonna have it anymore." Red explains. "My head...." Cree rubs his temples. "I know, i hate time travelling too." Red tells her son. "Ok...." Chloe slowly nods. "Um, is that the only pocket watch that Maddox has?" She asks Red. "I think so, unless he makes another one." Red starts pacing, trying to think of a way to send her kids back, safely. "So, we just gotta go to Wonderland and ask him to make another?" Chloe suggests. Red shakes her head. "We can't, the parts for the pocket watch are ancient, they don't even make them anymore." Crimson walks over and stops Red in her place. "Please don't do that, mom. It makes me anxious."

Red looks at her hands on either side of her. Strangely, the feeling isn't foreign or even uncomfortable for her. Another ripple effect of them changing Bridget into the nice and affectionate mother that she is now. "Sorry." She lets go of her mom. "It's ok." Red surprises them both, and everyone in the room, when she pulls her in for a hug. "Wait! I have an idea, but we ALL have to be EXTREMELY careful." Chloe suddenly interjects. "What is it?" Cree asks her. "We have to go back. If we need another pocket watch, then we need to ask the Mad Hatter. If the parts don't exist anymore, then we need to go back to when they did." Red looks at her with wide eyes. "You wanna go back?! Again?!"

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