Chapter 4

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"Ugh! Nothing feels right!" Red throws the dress over the dressing room door. "Whoa!" Chloe is suddenly blinded by the dress that fell on her head. "Hey, watch it, will you?!" She throws the dress in with the rest of the pile. Red peeks through the door. "Oh, sorry. I'm just freaking out. I don't know what to wear." Chloe hangs the dress back on the clothing rack. "Don't you have dresses? I mean, i figured with your mom being your mom now, you probably went on lots of shopping trips with her." She walks over to another rack and searches among the dresses.

"Yeah, you'd think. And i do, but I don't know. I just, i want this to be perfect." Red sighs. She stares at herself in the mirror as she smooths out her dress. "I mean, i know we make a big deal out of it, but it's just a school dance. I'm sure whatever you wear, you'll look beautiful." Chloe looks at dresses for herself. Red was glad she was hidden in the dressing room, otherwise Chloe definitely would have seen her blush. She's not used to compliments. Much less from someone she liked. Chloe on the other hand was having gay panic. "I should not have said that." She whispered to herself. "You really think so?" She hears Red on the other side of the door, not missing the hint of insecurity in her tone. "Of course i do, Red. You're gorgeous." Chloe leans on the wall next to the door. Red takes a deep breath before walking out. "Ok, what do you think?"

(Just pretend she has her Red wig and make up on from the movie)

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(Just pretend she has her Red wig and make up on from the movie)

"Oh my god." Chloe mumbled. "Is it too much?" Red bites her lip. Chloe opens her mouth and she tries to answer, she swears she does, but nothing comes out. "It is, isn't it? I'll just change." Red hurries to change back into her original outfit. "No!" Chloe hurries to grab her arm and stop her. "I....sorry, you just.... you're really beautiful." Red blushes. "Thanks Chloe. So, you think i should get it?" Chloe nods. "Absolutely." Red smiles. "Ok then, um, let me just get changed and I'll help you pick out a dress."

Now she's nervous. Why is she nervous? Is this an official date between them? Or just as friends? Their mothers were gonna go as friends, right? But then again, they're not their mothers. Chloe anxiously waits with her dress in hand for Red to come out of the dressing room. Once she does, her heart nearly jumps out. "Your turn!" She didn't want it to be her turn. What if Red hates it? What if this is just a friends thing? Is that all she is to Red? A friend? What if this was more? Was she more? Were they more? Chloe didn't know which one made her more nervous. "Chloe?" Was it better to go as friends first? They barely know each other. Or would actual dates be better? "Chlo?" Maybe she should just ask. "Chloe!" "Is this gonna be a date?!" They shouted at the same time. Red was surprised while Chloe was horrified. "Um...." "Crap, I'm sorry, I didn't mean to shout at you like that. I just, I've been rattling my brain about this for a while and i just, i had to know. Is this a date?" Chloe holds her breath.

Red blinks at her. She'd be lying if she said she wasn't wondering the same thing. "Did you want it to be?" She counters. "I don't know." Chloe sighs. Red nods. "Right, um, well if this being a date is making you so nervous, like it is for me, it doesn't have to be. We can just go as friends, like our moms did." Chloe breathes out.  "I mean, i want it to be but then again i don't. I don't like being so nervous." She admits. "Ok, then it's a date. But let's just say it's two friends, trying something out. We're friends, first and foremost. If things don't work out, it wasn't meant to be. No hard feelings. We'll always be friends." Red smiles. Chloe smiles and holds out her pinky. "Promise?" Red rolls her eyes and wraps her pinky around hers. "I promise. And if we're being honest, I've been pretty nervous all day too. I guess i just hide it a little better." Chloe laughs. "Yeah, i guess so." "Now, go try on your dress." Red shoves her back in the dressing room. Chloe hurries to try on her dress to get back out to Red. "What do you think?" She opens the curtain.

(Pretend she has her Chloe wig and make up on)

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(Pretend she has her Chloe wig and make up on)

"Holy shit...." Red mumbled. "You like it?" Chloe bites her lip. "I love it!" Red smiles. "I love-" she stops herself. "Um, you should definitely get it." What the hell was she thinking? It is definitely too early for that. They barely just made this an official date. Which means they haven't even been on a date yet. Although, she's sure her mother would have a field day with this latest news. Being the Queen of Hearts and everything. If news of her romantic feelings for Chloe were enough to nearly shatter her eardrums, she can only imagine the reaction to her admitting her feelings have grown more and deeper. She'd probably go deaf completely. "Red? You ok?" She was so deep in thought, she didn't even notice that Chloe had finished changing. "Huh? Oh yeah, um, let's pay for these dresses." After they finish paying for the dresses, they decide to grab a bite to eat. "No meat?" Red asks once she sees a salad on Chloe's plate. "Nope, you know Princess Audrey? My brother's girlfriend?" Red nods. "Well, you know how her mom can communicate with animals? Apparently they don't like being eaten." Red freezes before pushing her burger away. So she opted out for fries instead.

Chloe laughs at the scene in front of her. "Changed your mind about the burger?" She teased. Red nods. "Yup." She munches on her fries. After they finish eating, they head back to school with their shopping bags. "So i know we've already seen each others dresses, so I don't want a full reveal with hair and make up until the night of the dance, deal?" Chloe smiles at her. "Whatever you say, Princess." Red smirks at her as she unlocks their bedroom door. Chloe blushes. "Stop...." "What? Why?" Red teases. "You know why?" Chloe tries to turn away and put her dress away in the closet. "Aw, but you are a princess." She feels Red come up behind her. "You're my princess." She whispered in her ear before walking towards her own closet. Chloe stands there breathless and a blushing mess. "You better stop before i tease you right back." She warns her. Red laughs as she zips up the bag and hangs up her dress. "I'd like to see you try, princess." She gasps as she suddenly feels a pair of lips on the back of her neck. "Chloe...." She practically moans. "What? What'd i do?" Chloe walks over to her desk and pulls out her homework. Red stands there and stares at her. "Yes?" Chloe smiles. Red huffs as she smirks. "Alright, touché. Two can play at that game. You've been warned." She opens her drawer and grabs some clothes before she heads to their bathroom to shower. Once Chloe hears the shower running, she lets out the breath she's been holding. She wasn't sure if she was nervous or excited. Or both for what's to come.


Originally, i was gonna split them up, Red and Crimson and Chloe and Cree but i thought I'd give you guys a full Glassheart chapter

Glassheart (RedxChloe) Book 1Where stories live. Discover now