64. Cont'd

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(Not edited)

Likkle most me tell unu say me not coming back!

Zaye's POV

After I finished pulling out Tristen's hair, we had sex...again and then I fell asleep. When I woke up he wasn't here but he already told me that he was going to the studio.

Wouldn't mind him say him a stay over him house tonight. Me front tired.

Nuh you did a bother the man fi sex?

I wanted the sex but not three, four or five rounds.

Me lil vagina nuh use to so much heckling.

I checked the time on my phone and it was 4:15pm. I had some missed calls from one of my assistant. So I call back to see what the problem was. I had plan to visit the office tomorrow because I've been working from home recently. I had a few things to finalize before I leave.

"Good day Ms Henriques."

"Good day I got some missed calls from you."

"Someone was here to see you and it seemed urgent."

Who could a deh a my business place fi see me and nuh call me first?!

"Who was it?"

"A young lady by the name of Tiara Walton."

A who name so? I thought to myself.

"I don't know of anyone by that name. Is it one of our clients?"

"Not that I'm aware of and she asked for you personally."

"Oh. I don't know anyone by that name, but if she do come again. Please to let me know."

"Ok Ms Henriques."

"Alright bye."

I don't normally have visitors at that office and that name doesn't even sound familiar.


My belly growled loudly because a girl was hungry. I called and ordered Chinese food because that's what I felt for. Even though I was home alone I still order the family size because Yazmin and Tristen might come in hungry expecting dinner and I'm in no mood to cook.

About an hour after the delivery guy came with the food. I shared out some in a plate, took a cranberry juice from out the fridge and went up back to my room. 

Searching through Netflix to find a show to watch before I start eating. Didn't see anything enticing so I went on Disney plus and searched for Maleficent part two.

Half way into the movie my phone started ringing. It was Yazmin...

"Hey yuh IG up?"

"Weh yuh mean?"

"Me know yuh did deactivate it wah day, that's why me a ask."

"Yea I reactivated it but remember I don't really use IG that much" I answered and she sighed.

"A wah happen?"

"Me just see something enuh and I'm not going to lie. I was contemplating if I should say it to you because..." She paused.

Immediately I became overwhelmed and anxious.

"What is it now?"

"Before me say anything, please just be calm. Please...ago send yuh something on IG."

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