Ch 4: First clue, First Mistake

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Late Night

Under the cloak of darkness, Alex moved with practiced stealth. He wore a black mask and gloves, ensuring his identity and fingerprints would remain hidden.

His eyes, cold and detached, scanned the surroundings as he carried the lifeless body towards a nearby dumpster. The alley was deserted, save for the occasional stray cat or distant siren.His heart pounded with adrenaline, but his movements were calm and calculated.

Alex had done this many times before. He knew how to dispose of a body without leaving a trace. He tossed the body into the dumpster, wiped the area clean of any potential evidence, and quickly walked away, blending into the shadows. Alex's movements were precise and methodical. He had done this many times before and knew how to leave no trace. As he hoisted the body into the dumpster, he felt a sense of grim satisfaction.

This was his art, his ritual.

Unbeknownst to him, a small chain with a Jesus pendant slipped from his pocket, falling silently to the ground. He didn't notice it as he adjusted his gloves and melted back into the shadows, disappearing into the night.

Alex returned to his apartment, unaware of the mistake he had made. He removed his mask and gloves, carefully cleaning his tools and disposing of any incriminating items. His mind was already planning his next move, confident that he had left no trace behind. But as he sat down to relax, a nagging feeling tugged at the back of his mind. He dismissed it, believing his meticulous nature would protect him.

Little did he know, the chain he had dropped was now in the hands of the detectives, bringing them one step closer to uncovering his identity.


The Next Morning

The atmosphere at the detective headquarters was tense. Captain Reynolds was fuming, his voice booming through the room. "Another body has been found, and it's the same damn pattern! We need to catch this killer, and we need to do it fast!"

Emma and her colleagues listened intently, the gravity of the situation weighing heavily on their shoulders. "We're heading to the crime scene now," Reynolds continued. "I want every inch of that area searched for clues. No detail is too small."

The team quickly gathered their gear and headed out, arriving at the scene within minutes. The body had been discovered in a dumpster, just as before. The area was cordoned off, and officers were already canvassing the nearby streets for potential witnesses.

Emma felt a mix of determination and dread as she began her search. The sight of the body, brutally murdered and discarded like trash, fueled her resolve. She walked carefully around the dumpster, her eyes scanning for anything out of the ordinary.

As she roamed the area, her heels brushed against something small and metallic. She crouched down and saw a delicate chain with a Jesus pendant lying in the dirt. She immediately put on her gloves and gently picked it up, inspecting it closely.

Using her gloves, she gently picked up the chain and placed it in an evidence bag. "I've got something," she called out to her team.

Her colleague, Detective Martinez, walked over. "What did you find?"

Emma held up the evidence bag. "A chain with a Jesus pendant. It doesn't look like it belongs to the victim. It could be something the killer dropped."

Martinez nodded, his eyes lighting up with hope. "We'll send it to the lab for a DNA test. If it doesn't belong to the victim, it might give us our first solid lead on the killer."

Emma's heart raced with a flicker of hope. It was the first solid piece of evidence they had found, and it could be the break they desperately needed.

---At Alex's Café
Emma pushed open the door to Alex's café, the familiar chime of the bell signaling her arrival. She was exhausted, her mind heavy with the details of the ongoing case. The warm and cozy atmosphere of the café was a welcome relief from the harsh realities she faced daily.

Alex looked up from behind the counter, his face lighting up with a welcoming smile."Emma!" Alex greeted her with a warm smile. "The usual?"

Emma nodded, smiling back. "Yes, please. It's been a rough day."

As Alex prepared her coffee, they chatted about light-hearted topics, the kind of small talk that helped Emma momentarily forget about her demanding job. But the weight of the case still lingered at the back of her mind.

After a few sips of her coffee, Emma couldn't help but bring up the topic that had been consuming her thoughts. "Alex, have you heard about the recent murders happening around the city?"

Alex's hands paused for a fraction of a second before he resumed cleaning the counter. "Yeah, I've heard about them. It's all over the news. Terrible stuff."

Emma studied his face, searching for any sign of discomfort or recognition. "Yeah, it's been pretty intense for us at the station. We're working around the clock to catch the guy responsible."

Alex nodded, his expression neutral. "I can only imagine. Must be exhausting." Emma hesitated, then decided to share a bit more, hoping for some insight or perspective. "We actually found a clue at the latest crime scene. It's our first real lead."

For a split second, Alex's eyes widened, and a muscle in his jaw tightened. He quickly composed himself, forcing a casual smile. "Hu-huh?.. oh- That's great. Hopefully, it helps you catch the guy."

Emma finished her coffee, feeling a bit more relaxed after their conversation. "Thanks for the coffee, Alex. It always helps to take a break here."

"Anytime, Emma. Take care," Alex replied, watching her leave the café.

As soon as Emma was out of sight, Alex's calm demeanor shattered. He swore under his breath "fuck.. fuck..", anger bubbling up inside him. He had been careless, and now the detectives had a clue that could lead them to him.

Alex stormed into the "Staff Only" room, his anger barely contained. He slammed the door shut and paced the small space, cursing his own carelessness. The room, filled with the remnants of his crimes, seemed to mock him.

He pulled out a cigarette, lit it, and took a long drag, trying to calm himself down. He turned on the radio, and the soothing melody of "Put Your Head on My Shoulder" by Paul Anka filled the room. The familiar song helped to ease his tension, if only slightly.

As the song played, Alex sat down, smoking in silence. His mind raced with thoughts of how to cover his tracks and stay ahead of the investigation. After a few moments, he crushed the cigarette under his heel, his anger simmering just below the surface.

"Oh, Emma," he muttered to himself, a twisted smile creeping onto his face. "You stepped into something you shouldn't be..."

He stood up, walked over to a hidden compartment in the wall, and retrieved a handgun. He checked the ammunition, ensuring it was fully loaded, and then slid it back into its holster.

Alex knew he had to be more careful from now on. Emma and her team were getting too close, and he couldn't afford any more mistakes."I can't afford any more mistakes," he whispered, his eyes filled with a steely resolve.

The game had just become more dangerous, and he was ready for whatever came next. As he left the room, the echoes of Paul Anka's song lingered in the air, a haunting reminder of the double life he led and the deadly game he was playing.

Warning: Next chapter consists of some 18+ stuffs.

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