Wedding night or Killer's night?

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The wedding party was a lively affair, filled with laughter, clinking glasses, and the unmistakable joy of friends and colleagues celebrating the union of Alex and Emma. The atmosphere buzzed with excitement as Emma glided through the crowd in her beautiful gown, her smile bright and infectious. Alex, dressed in a sharp suit, played the charming husband, sharing drinks and making small talk, but beneath his suave demeanor lurked the weight of his dark secret.As the night wore on, the couple found themselves surrounded by friends, but Alex's mind wandered.

He watched Emma as she danced and laughed, her energy radiating through the room. But as the evening progressed, he noticed her fatigue. She had been so busy entertaining guests and enjoying the moment that she seemed to have forgotten the toll the day had taken on her.

Finally, as the festivities began to wind down, they made their way back to their newlywedded home, Emma's apartment. The door clicked shut behind them, and the moment of tranquility felt palpable after the whirlwind of the night.

"Do you want to talk about the party?" Emma asked, slipping off her heels and stretching her toes against the cool floor.

Alex glanced at her, noticing how her shoulders sagged with exhaustion. "Honestly? I think we should just cuddle and sleep. You look like you need it. I mean, It's not our 'First Time'" as he told with a flirty wink.

Emma chuckled softly. "That sounds perfect."

They settled into bed, the sheets cool against their skin. Emma nestled against him, her head resting on his chest, and for a fleeting moment, everything felt right. Alex wrapped his arms around her, feeling the warmth of her body against him as he gently stroked her hair.

But as the minutes passed, Emma's breathing grew steady, and her eyes fluttered shut. It wasn't long before she fell into a deep sleep. Alex watched her for a while, a mix of emotions swirling within him. Here she was, the woman he had promised to love and protect, blissfully unaware of the monster that lurked beneath the surface.

As he lay there, the thrill of the hunt called to him like a siren's song. His heart raced with anticipation. He had promised himself he would not let his feelings for Emma get in the way of his true nature. And now, he had a chance—a perfect opportunity.

Carefully, he shifted to free himself from her embrace. He gently placed a pillow in her place, making it appear as though he were still there. He slipped out of bed, moving silently, and quickly changed out of his suit into dark clothing. He donned a coat and a hat, covering his identity, and slipped on a pair of gloves, feeling the familiar thrill of his other life coursing through him.

Once he was ready, he crept out of their apartment, closing the door quietly behind him. The night air was crisp as he stepped onto the street. It wasn't long before he spotted a figure staggering along the sidewalk—a drunk man, swaying as he walked, blissfully unaware of the predator lurking nearby.

A smirk tugged at the corners of Alex's mouth. This was too easy. He followed the man, waiting for the perfect moment. It didn't take long for the intoxicated stranger to wander into a dark alley, where shadows cloaked Alex in anonymity.

The thrill of the hunt ignited something primal within him, and he acted swiftly, a flash of movement in the darkness. When he was finished, Alex felt a rush of adrenaline flood through him, the weight of his actions stirring a dark satisfaction. 

Within moments, Alex had him. The knife flashed in the moonlight, and the sound of the man's gurgled screams echoed off the walls of the alley before silence returned. Alex worked quickly, his movements precise and calculated. The hunt was done.

With blood-soaked gloves hidden in his coat, Alex made his way back to the apartment. As he quietly opened the door, he froze.

Emma was awake, her brow furrowed in confusion and suspicion.

She sat up on the couch, her eyes narrowed with suspicion. "Alex?" she asked, her voice groggy but filled with concern. "Where have you been?"

His heart raced. He hadn't expected her to wake up. He quickly shifted his posture, hiding his hands behind his back, the blood on his gloves still fresh. His mind raced, searching for a plausible lie.

"Just out for some fresh air," he said with a soft chuckle, trying to appear calm and nonchalant. "I couldn't sleep and thought a walk might help."

Emma raised an eyebrow, clearly not convinced. Her eyes flickered to the gloves Alex was trying to keep out of sight. She couldn't see the blood, but the way he was acting set off alarm bells in her mind.

"You didn't take a jacket when you left," she said, her voice cautious.

Alex's mind raced. He had to tread carefully. One wrong move, one slip-up, and everything could unravel. But for now, he smiled, stepping forward as casually as he could. "I didn't think I'd be out long," he said smoothly, inching closer to the bathroom. "Let me just wash up and come back to bed, okay?"

Emma watched him, her suspicions still simmering, but she didn't press further. Alex disappeared into the bathroom, closing the door behind him. His hands trembled as he peeled off the bloodied gloves, tossing them into a plastic bag he kept hidden beneath the sink.

He stared at his reflection in the mirror, his heart pounding. This was too close. He couldn't afford any more mistakes. As he splashed water on his face, he muttered to himself, "Fuck. Get it together, Alex."

When he finally emerged from the bathroom, Emma was back in bed, though her eyes followed him, her unease still lingering. He slipped into bed beside her, pulling her close once again.

"I'm sorry if I worried you," Alex whispered, kissing her temple. "I'm here now."

Emma's suspicions lingered, but for now, she allowed herself to relax into his arms. She didn't know that the man holding her, the man she had just married, was a killer. Not yet.

But Alex knew it was only a matter of time before the real game began. And when it did, he had to be ready. "Come on, let's just get some sleep."

As he kisses her neck and cuddle her, he fought to maintain his facade, knowing that the darkness within him was inching ever closer to the surface.

Emma snuggled against him, seeking comfort in his presence, blissfully unaware of the monster she had invited into her life. But as he held her close, Alex knew the game was on. He had to tread carefully, for now, his two worlds were colliding, and he would do anything to keep Emma from discovering the truth.

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