Ch 6: Realization

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Next day

The first light of dawn filtered through the curtains, casting a soft glow across the living room. Clothes were strewn haphazardly over the floor, remnants of the passionate night. Alex blinked as the sunlight hit his eyes, bringing him back to consciousness. He looked around, trying to piece together what had happened.

Their clothes were scattered across the floor, remnants of the passionate encounter that had consumed them. Alex was lying on the couch, naked, with Emma cuddled up on top of him, equally unclothed beneath the blanket. He could feel her steady breath against his chest, her warmth seeping into him

He let out another groan, not just from the uncomfortable position but from the realization that he had come here with the intention of killing her, not sleeping with her. But despite his initial plan, he couldn't deny the growing attraction he felt towards her.

Carefully, Alex maneuvered himself out from under Emma, making sure not to wake her. She murmured softly in her sleep but remained blissfully unaware. He gently placed her on the couch, covering her with the blanket, and stood up, stretching his stiff muscles. As he took his boxer and wore them.


Alex stood up, stretching his muscles. His mind quickly refocused on the task at hand. He needed to find the evidence Emma had mentioned. The chain with the Jesus pendant. If it fell into the wrong hands, his carefully constructed facade would crumble.

Alex moved silently through the house, his senses heightened as he searched for any clue of the evidence Emma had mentioned. He started in the living room, rifling through drawers and checking under cushions. Nothing. He moved to the kitchen, opening cabinets and searching through files and papers.

His heart raced as he tiptoed to Emma's bedroom, where he found a small desk cluttered with papers and documents. He rifled through them, careful not to make too much noise. cluttered with papers and files. His instincts told him this was where she would keep anything related to her work. He rifled through the documents on the desk, scanning each one quickly but thoroughly.

In a locked drawer, he found a folder labeled "Case Files." Alex's heart pounded as he picked the lock and opened the drawer. Inside, he found a collection of files related to the recent murders, including photos, reports, and the evidence bag.

He picked up the evidence bag, holding it up to the light. His chain. He swore under his breath, anger flaring at his own carelessness "fuck..". He had to get rid of this evidence before Emma connected it to him. He slipped the bag into his pocket, intending to dispose of it later.

Alex made his way back to the living room. Emma was still asleep on the couch, looking peaceful and innocent. His conflicting emotions churned inside him. He had planned to kill her, but now, after everything that had happened, he found himself hesitating.

He leaned down and brushed a strand of hair from her face. She stirred slightly but didn't wake. "Emma," he whispered softly, his voice tinged with a mix of regret and resolve. "You have no idea what you've gotten yourself into."

With one last look at her, he stood up and began to get dressed. He needed to leave before she woke up. He needed to get rid of the evidence and figure out his next move.

He took one last look around Emma's sleeping state. He can't help him as Alex leaned down, pressing a gentle kiss to her forehead. "I'm sorry," he murmured, standing up and slipping out the door as quietly as he could.

Few moments later, Emma woke up slowly. A smile tugging at her lips as the memories of the night before came flooding back. She chuckled to herself, feeling a warmth spread through her at the thought of Alex. She had enjoyed every moment, especially with someone she had liked for a long time. But as she fully woke up, a pang of worry quickly followed.

She glanced around the room, noticing the absence of Alex and the eerie silence that filled the house. The blanket she had shared with him was still warm, but he was nowhere to be seen. Emma called out his name, but there was no response. Her heart began to race, different thoughts forming in her head.

Emma quickly got up, pulling on her robe. She tied it tightly around her waist, trying to steady her nerves. "Alex?" she called again, her voice tinged with worry. She walked through the house, checking each room and looking for any sign of him. She can't help but to feels worried about that he got missing after their night.

The game was getting more complicated, and he wasn't sure how it would end. But one thing was certain—Emma had unknowingly become a crucial part of it.

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