(Volume 2) - Wedding day

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Months had passed since Alex had proposed to Emma in that dark, chilling warehouse, a proposal that had stunned her and her colleagues alike. Little did they know the man standing before them, the one holding her in his arms, was the very killer they had all been chasing. But Alex had played his role perfectly, becoming the loving fiancé and distraction Emma never suspected.

Now, it was their wedding day.

The sun shone brightly, casting a golden hue over the ceremony. Alex stood tall at the altar, wearing a sleek black suit tailored to perfection. His expression was unreadable as he waited for Emma, his mind racing. This was the day he had been planning for months, and yet something gnawed at him. He promised himself he wouldn't let emotion cloud his mission. His goal was simple: stay close to Emma, destroy any evidence she gathered, and keep her blind to the truth.

As the wedding march began to play, Alex looked up—and that's when his heart faltered.

Emma was walking down the aisle, and for a moment, everything he had planned felt insignificant. She looked stunning. Her wedding gown was a delicate mix of elegance and allure, a vintage-style dress that clung to her curves while maintaining a grace that made her seem like a vision from another time. The bodice was embroidered with intricate lace, and the soft fabric flowed down into a long, trailing skirt. Her veil shimmered in the sunlight, framing her face, which glowed with happiness. Her hair was styled into soft waves, cascading down her back, with a few delicate flowers woven in.

Alex's breath caught in his throat as she approached, his mind going blank. The promises he had made to himself—the walls he had built—began to crumble. Her smile was radiant, and as their eyes met, something inside him shifted. He couldn't deny it any longer: he was falling for her.

Emma reached the altar, her gaze never leaving Alex's. As the pastor began to speak, Alex barely heard a word. His mind was consumed by her—by the way she looked at him with such trust, such love. And yet, beneath that, he knew the game was still on. The danger of discovery lurked, but for the first time, Alex found himself questioning his ability to go through with his plan. Could he really destroy her?. How can he destroy her when she's smiling at him this beautifully?.

The pastor continued, asking them to exchange vows.

Emma spoke first, her voice soft yet full of conviction. "Alex, from the moment I met you, I knew my life would never be the same. You've been my support, my anchor, and my greatest love. I vow to stand by your side, through every storm and every calm. I love you with all that I am."

Alex swallowed, trying to maintain his composure. He hadn't planned to feel anything, but her words hit him harder than he expected. His turn came, and he recited the vows he had rehearsed so many times before.

"Emma," he began, his voice steady but his heart betraying him, "you are my everything. I vow to protect you, to cherish you, and to love you. Forever."

The words felt heavier than they should have. He wasn't just lying to her now—he was lying to himself.

The pastor continued the ceremony, leading them through the traditional vows. "Do you, Alexander Harper, take Emma Thompson to be your lawfully wedded wife, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Alex replied, his voice steady but his mind racing. He felt the weight of the ring in his pocket, a token of deceit.

"Do you, Emma Thompson, take Alexander Harper to be your lawfully wedded husband, to have and to hold, in sickness and in health, for richer or poorer, as long as you both shall live?"

"I do," Emma said, her voice bright with joy, oblivious to the turmoil swirling inside Alex.

As they exchanged rings, the pastor turned to them, his voice resonating with sincerity. "By the power vested in me, I now pronounce you husband and wife. You may kiss the bride." 

Alex hesitated, just for a second. This was the moment. He had to seal the deal, keep up the charade, and yet, as he leaned in to kiss Emma, it wasn't the cold, calculated move he expected it to be. His lips met hers, and the world seemed to disappear. For a brief moment, he was just a man, in love with a woman, with no lies between them.

The moment Alex leaned in and pressed his lips against Emma's, time seemed to stand still. A wave of applause erupted, and cheers filled the air. He felt the warmth of her body against his, the softness of her lips, and for a brief moment, he forgot everything—the murders, the evidence, the lies.

The crowd cheered as they kissed, but inside, Alex felt the weight of his secret more than ever.

As they pulled apart, Emma beamed at him, completely unaware of the monster she had just married. But for Alex, his heart hardened again with the weight of his secret. Emma was blissfully unaware that the man she had just married was the very killer she had been hunting. The thrill of the chase, the deception, and the mounting tension were a dangerous game—one he had meticulously orchestrated.

As they walked down the aisle together, hand in hand, smiles plastered on their faces, Alex's mind was already working through the next steps of his plan. He needed to ensure that Emma never discovered the truth about him. Marriage would only provide him with greater access to her life, making it easier to manipulate her, to distract her from the investigation.

Little did he know, the dark clouds of fate were beginning to gather. Emma's instincts as a detective had always been sharp, and her heart, while full of love for Alex, was still driven by the need for justice. She would eventually put the pieces together; she would uncover the truth. But for now, lost in the romance of the day, she had no idea of the storm that was brewing just beneath the surface.

And as the reception began, filled with laughter, toasts, and dancing, the couple took their first steps as husband and wife, unaware of the danger lurking in the shadows of their new life together. The game had only just begun, and the stakes had never been higher.

And now, Emma had no idea how dangerously close she was to the truth.

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