17 | Seokjoon

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Ik I'm late I'm very sorry sweeties

btw when it starts to doesn't make sense anymore I'm really really sorry my brain is sometimes (most of time) leaking :3

Hoseok and Yoongi sat in peacefully silence in Hoseok's room. The taller one sat on his desk chair the demon flared on his lap. It was already evening and the last light of the sunset kissed the details of Hoseok's furnitures. The sky had all kinds of colours from pastel purple to raven black from pink to the deepest red.

"It's so peaceful" Yoongi sighed happily.

"Yeah" Hoseok had his eyes closed but could feel the glance of Yoongi on his face. "Stop looking at me with this eyes!" he laughed and playfully concealed the eyes of the male on his lap.

"Wich eyes?" his demon asked innocent.

"This eyes full of love, loyalty, playfulness, longing, happiness and sadness at same time."

"But why shouldn't I look at you?"

"Cause of my pas- cause I've no got memories of glances... But it doesn't matter." his voice changed to a quiet melancholy voice.

"It does matter a lot to me! Please Seok-ah, please tell me." the smaller one turned around in the male's lap to face him.

Cut! I guess you ask yourself now what happened with Hoseok's mother. How did she react? What did she said? Was she mad? Do she support them? Are she against it? How does she stand to the demon and angel thing?

Soooo~ Before Hobi will tell us bout his past we'll skip some hours back and will see what happened :)))

~Time skip some hours ~

"You did what?" Mrs. Jung asked.


"Wait." she interrupted her son then she said sweetly "Seolya, baby, go downstairs. I, your brother and his friend have to talk."

"Will they get punished?"

"I said go downstairs and I'll not say it a third time so go!"

The little angel jumped the first stairs down till, still fixing her son and the other male, her mother said "And don't you dare to jump the stairs down! Your elder sister already broke her leg cause of that!" Then they could only hear small steps which went down.

A shiver run down the spine of the males. Now they were here, upstairs, alone with this woman. They couldn't interpret her glance. Her eyes jumped back and forth at an almost uncanny speed between the face of the angel and that of the demon. The two boys shrunk together, they felt as if they had committed something and would now be punished.

"We should sit down" Miso Jung emphasized every word and pulled it a little long which caused another shiver to run over the back of the two 18(0)-year-olds. Even Hoseok didn't know how his own mother would react.

The white-black haired loved his mother and knew she always meant well with him but now he was afraid. He began overthinking. What if Miso was against the relationship with the demon? Would Hoseok then have to choose between the two? If so, who would he take? The mother who loves him an always had taken care of him or the boy he loved and meant the world to him, who had stolen heart and entrusted him with what he couldn't even entrust Jiwoo, his childhood friend? The boy he had a mystical bond with. What if he made the wrong decision? What if Yoongi wouldn't love him anymore at some point when he chose him? What if he broke his heart forever and his own too, if he didn't choose the demon? Would he regret it forever? He started panicking inside but tried to hide.

Yoongi noticed the restlessness in the male who was sitting on the bed next to him. Miso, who sat on the opposite side on a chair, couldn't noticed. So she was a little surprised when Yoongi knelt down on his knees in front of her son and stroked tenderly through his hair, let his hand slide on the soft cheek of the angel and rest it there. "Everything will be fine. Trust me," he smiled, Hoseok nodded slightly and then got a tight hug. Mrs. Jung's face went from surprise to a warm smile as her heart melted when she saw how lovingly Yoongi dealt with Hoseok and his panic. The curly haired wiped the crocodile tears away who were about to roll out of the gorgeous dark eyes of the angel. They kept holding hands also when the demon sad down on his place again and faced the woman. Determination to read clearly on his face. Determination not to give up Hoseok.

The female angel turned to Yoongi. She spoke "You really like my son, don't you?"

The demon agreed with a smoky voice, he had smoke one or two cigarettes on the way to the Jung house. Her voice on the contrary, it was soft and smooth.

Now she turned to Hoseok who squeezed Yoongi's hand and looked afraid in his mothers eyes. Her honey like voice were used again. "And you know I want always the best for you, right?"

Also the younger angel agreed with his, at the moment, a bit brittle voice.

"It seems like Yoongi is the very best for you." her smile was like warm sunshine wich reached the cold earth in the early morning.

"Re-really? You're not against... us?" Hoseok asked carefully.

"Why should I?" she laughed heartily.

"I-I don't know..." and now his wonderful sunshine smile slowly came up. He looked joyful at his right where the demon sat and they fell into each other's arms as if they had been separated from each other for ten years.

(I'm sorry ,I don't know really how situations like this expire but I tried my best... Hope it's good like this 😅)

"You don't know what that means to me, Mrs. Jung! Thank you so much!" Yoongi smiled his gummy smile from one ear to the other.

"Call me Miso, darling."

"But Miso..." the curly haired face went serious again. "could you do me one favour?"

"Yes of course."

"As if you didn't done already enough for me but..." he went silent. Miso waited that he started speaking again. "if you'll ever meet my father, mother or siblings... could you please don't tell them... they wouldn't allow us..." It was the first time Hoseok saw his demon tearing up. "Our connection isn't that good especially the connection to my father..."

"Of course I do you this favour, darling!"

"Momma? Could he stay for some nights? Please? It's really important!"

"I've to talk to dad but I think it will be ok."

"We've to call Jiwoo and-"

Miso was already out of the door as she heard the name of the girl. She went back and asked "Jiwoo like Jiwoo Lee? Daughter of Lee Seokjoon?"

"Yes, you know them?" Yoongi asked interested.

"Ye-yes, I a-and Joon we-we was ver-very good friends in high school but-but lost sight o-of us aft-after we had our firs-first children..." It hurt her to pronounce his old nickname. She had loved it and she liked him.

"Very good friends? Why don't I know him from your stories?" Hoseok wondered loud.

"Another time, baby..." with these somewhat absent words, she finally disappeared from the door.

"Strange... she never told me about him but she told about so good like every of her school friends..."

Yoongi said the angel should not be so surprised and that Miso would already tell him what kind of connection she had to Seokjoon if she was ready for it. Hoseok only nodded.


Heyyy... uhm... I know I know I'm very very evil but here's the cut... it's difficult too keep all the details of story in mind... sometimes I forget things... and they are not that present in some chapters like in others *I'm-just-a-baby smile*(j)hope you could enjoy ;) Soon next chapter will be uploaded... thanks for reading, voting and for leaving comments... I purple you 💜... See us next week 

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