24 | Rap

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Thank you so so much for the 1k!!!

you are nice keep going 

"Yoongi! Where the hell were you?" Nishi said a bit too loud for the younger's taste while she hugged him tightly. He hugged her back.

Yoongi was home. After a long time he in a house what he used to call his home. Now it didn't felt like home anymore. He immediately started missing the Jung's house.

"I... was with... a friend." Yoongi answered.

"You don't talk about this angel, right?!" the upset voice of Yoongi's father sounded. He came down the stairs and walked directly to the siblings.Nishi stood protectively in front of her brother, but was forcibly pushed away.

"Dad!" She didn't want to see her father to lay a hand on her younger brother so she put herself between them again.

"Min Nishtha! If you don't go out of my way-" he didn't even ended his sentence when Nishi created a lightning and let it hit the ground in front of her father's feet. Bad decision. With the sole power of his thoughts, their father hurled Nishi against the next wall, where she bounced off and lay down for a while. Her gasp echoed through the room. Their father turned around to Yoongi at this moment the shadow took control of him. In some kind Yoongi welcomed it cause if he could keep his father busy, he (the father) would not have time for Nishi.

"You come with me!" their father growled and took the young male's wrist.

"Don't you dare to touch me!" the black-withe haired shouted, eyes gleaming dangerously red. Mr. Min got lost of his arm and left the room followed from his son.


"Where is Yoongi?" Hoseok whisper-asked Jiwoo. It was Monday and they had a double hour history.

"I don't know" the female responded.

"What are you guys talking about?" Mr. Tigerlily asked one eyebrow pulled up. He looked directly at the siblings. The two looked at each other then Hoseok asked the teacher where Yoongi was. Mr. Tigerlilly said that the demon was on sick leave for today and the next few days.

Hoseok cursed silently. Why hadn't he tried harder to stop Yoongi from going home yesterday? Why hadn't he just tied him to a chair or done something similar?


In cafeteria Hoseok and Jiwoo argued angily about why Yoongi was sick leave for so long. They had been somewhat dismissed from class. After five minutes, Jungkook, Taehyung, Namjoon and Jin, who was watching the day of an art and music teacher, joined in.

"What if his father does something to him?" Hoseok asked worried.

"He is on a business trip." Jiwoo argued.

"No he came back yesterday..." the black angel was now wide beyond worried.


"What the frick frack tic tac patty wack snick snack quarterback big mac heart attack race track double back guy named jack did you just say?!" During his little rap, Jin got up so fast that his chair was about to fall over. Namjoon reacted quickly but thanks to his clumsiness he fell over with his own and Jin's chair. A crack were too hear and when the male stood up with one broken chair. They sighed or shook their heads in amusement but as they looked at each other all of them had to laugh a little.

"Yahh! You still didn't answered you litte-" Jin said played angrily towards Jiwoo.

"What did you said again?" she asked teasingly.

"Yah! You litte brat! Don't even listen when I say something! How can you dare?! I'm you hyung! When you will not listen to me I have to take out my pink slipper!" the eldest rapped again.

Jiwoo had to laugh hard. She remembered a rap her hyung once rapped while a drive and started rapping "Is there anyone who will heal my pain" she couldn't even rap clearly cause of her laugh.Now Namjoon got in too "It'll only get deeper over time" they told the others so many times about Seokjin's legendary raps that they all rapped the last parts together. "I'm so afraid of people and love I'm scared of being alone scared of being forgotten" Also if the text is sad the kind how they rapped made it funny as fuck. Only Jin and Hoseok didn't rap. Jin because of his windscreen wiper laugh. Hoseok just smiled. It was adorable how Jiwoo, Namjoon, Taehyung and Jungkook rapped together. They didn't even care that other people gave them weird looks.

When all came down again they started talking about Yoongi's situation again. Out of nowhere suddenly Jimin came over to them.

"May I sit down?" the small cute boy asked shyly and a bit embarrassed. Everyone were looking at him. He pointed at the chair between Hoseok and Jin.

"Why should we let you sit there?" Namjin asked protective. At same time Jiwoo said "Move your ass away!" and Taekook said "Yoongi is already sitting there!"

"Yoongi is not here today..." the pink haired murmured. "And i know I didn't behave right way... I... maybe overreacted a bit... but I don't want that Yoongi gets hurt... i know his father..." 

"Where do you know-" Hoseok cut himself down.

"I heard you both talking" the young boy bit his bottom lip. The gaze's of the others made him nervous.

"Why should we trust you?" Namjoon asked. He got no answer at first. The younger had to contemplate. He was not allowed to say anything that could be misinterpreted. Finally, he justified by saying that he sees Hoseok as a friend. It sounded lame but Jungkook and especially Taehyung stood up for him. (I mean they are still friends) At the end of the lunch break they had agreed that Hoseok, Jiwoo, Namjoon and Jin would go to Yoongi's. 


So my dears 

our loved Jiminie is back in picture 

Hope you enjoyed reading 

See y'all next chapter 

Shameless selfmarketing: For all who didn't know I'm writing a second book rn Forbidden Love of Sea I think it's worth to read it and I would like to see you there ☜(⌒▽⌒)☞

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