28 | Anxiety

19 6 2

I sketched if by myself but the idea is from Pinterest

 I really struggled to write this chapter cause i first had a write block but here  you go~~ 

The air in the Grey Library was thick with an otherworldly energy, a blend of light and darkness that coiled around the towering shelves like a living entity. Books of every color and size lined the walls, their spines shimmering softly, as if whispering secrets to anyone who dared to listen. It was a sanctuary for those who sought knowledge, but for the three demons within its walls, it was a battleground of conflicting forces.

Namjoon stood with his arms crossed, his sharp features illuminated by the ethereal glow of the library. Beside him, Seokjin his gentle smile a stark contrast to the shadows lurking in the corners. Yet, it was Yoongi, who drew the most attention. His pale skin seemed to radiate a soft light, but beneath that facade lay a tempest of turmoil.

As they wandered deeper into the library, Yoongi felt the familiar weight of anxiety settle in his chest. It was a sensation he knew all too well, a creeping dread that whispered insidious thoughts into his mind. The shadow within him stirred, restless and angry, as if it was aware of the positive energy that permeated the space.

"Yoongi, are you alright?" Namjoon's voice cut through the haze, his brow furrowed with concern. He turned to face his friend, sensing the unease radiating from him.

"I'm fine," Yoongi replied, though his voice lacked conviction. He clenched his fists so that he could feel his nails deep in his sensitive palms. "Just... tired."

Seokjin stepped closer, his eyes filled with empathy. "You don't have to pretend with us. We're here for you."

Yoongi's gaze dropped to the floor, the weight of their concern pressing down on him. The library, with its vibrant energy, felt suffocating. The shadow inside him writhed, its whispers growing louder, urging him to release the darkness that threatened to consume him. He could feel its desire to lash out, to destroy the very essence of hope that surrounded the place.

"We can sit for a while."Namjoon suggested, his voice steady. His finger pointed at one of the benches.

Yoongi nodded, grateful for the distraction. As they sat down, Yoongi tried to focus on the books surrounding them, but the shadow continued its relentless assault. He could feel its claws digging into his consciousness, pulling him down into a spiral of despair.

"Yoongi," Seokjin said softly, breaking the silence and snapping the white demon out of his thoughts. "We shouldn't have some here when you are tired"

The white demon shook his head, a bitter smile gracing his lips. "You don't understand. I've to know what's written at this paper."

"We will find out Yoongi but maybe not today. I promise you we'll find out." Namjoon said. He rubbed the elders back comfortably but the shadow was relentless, its whispers morphing into screams, echoing in Yoongi's mind. You're weak. You don't belong here. Destroy it all.

He could feel the energy of the library pressing against him. It was suffocating.

Suddenly, a wave of panic washed over him, and he gasped for breath. "I can't... I can't do this!" His voice cracked, and he felt the world around him begin to spin. The shadow surged within him, a tempest of rage and despair.

"Yoongi!" Seokjin reached out, but the white demon recoiled, overwhelmed by the onslaught of emotions. The room seemed to darken, the positive energy turning into a blinding light that only intensified the chaos within him.

"Go away!" Yoongi shouted, his voice echoing in the big library. He didn't know to who the words meant. To the shadow wich sent overwhelming waves of anger over him or to his best friends who he might hurt.

"Yoongi, listen to me!" Namjoon's voice was firm, cutting through the din of shadows. "Everything will be ok. You only have a panic attack. It's going over soon."

The shadow only laughed, its voices a cacophony of derision. They'll abandon you. You're nothing without me.

In that moment, something inside Yoongi snapped. He felt the darkness clawing at the edges of his mind, threatening to spill out into the world. The urge to unleash it, to let it consume the library and everything within it, was almost overwhelming.

But then he felt something else — warmth. Seokjin's hand. "Yoongi calm down... We are here. Nothing can harm you. We protect you, I promise. We'll not let anything happen to you." his voice gentle.

Tears flowing down the white demon's cheeks. The shadow grew louder and louder not letting him hear any words of his friends anymore. The paper in his hand fell down when he covered his ears. He shook his head but the voice only grew stronger.

Jin's hands found their way to the white demons cheeks, forcing him to look up at Jin who kneeled in front of him and Namjoon who took his hands and slightly removed them from his ears.

They begged away for a second because they saw the bloody red moon on his forehead where tiny trickles of same blood red seemed to drip down from it, his eyes had the same colour and threads and his wheeling tattoos shimmered slightly, same red, same trickles. The little second of begging away where enough for the shadow to take control over Yoongi's mind. They will definitely abandon you now. How couldn't they after you showed me to them. You are worthless without me. You really thought you could find a way to destroy me and safe your little, precious angel.

More tears flowing down Yoongi's face. How could he let his two friends see this side of him? How could he dare?

"Yoongi, baby, please listen. This will go away. Please don't let it take over you. Whatever this is if can't win. You are stronger than this. We are by your side we will never leave you. Never. Please listen to me, baby. Calm down. Everything will be okay." Seokjin murmured in the white demons ear.

The two demons hugged Yoongi tightly and whispered good words in his ears. After a felt infinite eternity, Yoongi began to come down. The tears subsided, the delicate body was no longer shaken by such strong and the trembling also subsided.


Heyy everyone this chapter is a kind of welcome back for our Hope! I can't really believe that he's finally back 🥹💜

Hope you are doing well

Thank y'all for reading <3

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