22 | Ill

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✨double update✨

In a hurry, Jung Miso appeared in front of the school grounds, where she was already greeted by Jiwoo and the sick Yoongi. Miso quickly brought Yoongi home. She assured over and over again that everything would become a hat, as the young demon now turned in pain.

Fats automatically pulled the boy up the stairs to his and Hoseok's common room, supported by Miso. When the woman opened the door, Hoseok looked up limp and concern was written fat on his face. Yoongi simply lay down next to his lover in bed and enclosed him with his arms, which were not quite long enough to hold him tightly. Miso left the two alone.

"I thought you'd be a little better?" The demon asked reproachfully with a rough sickly voice.

"I didn't want you to worry too much..."


When Hoseok woke up, he found himself wrapped in his bed by Yoongi. Didn't Yoongi still have school? Did he get infected with him? With a loving caress, the fingers of the angel slid over the forehead of the demon. He was frighteningly hot and yet he trembled a bit. Yoongi's half-white half-black hair stuck in his forehead.

The younger male tried to get up but a tremendous pain twitched his entire body and he had to pull himself together so as not to scream, he would probably have woken up Yoongi with it otherwise. During the attempt, the ceiling slid down a little. Hoseok only realised that they were both torso free.

He stared at Yoongi's upper body. Even if he only saw his chest, it was covered with countless scars. Did these come from his father? Hoseok was horrified. His head boomed like twenty jackhammers at once.

The darkness reached around him again and the angel lay limp again next to his boyfriend. However, he would never forget this picture of his scarred upper body. It pursued him to his dreams.


The next time Hoseok woke up was as his mother put cold washcloths on their foreheads. It was already evening. The curtains had been pulled in front of his windows and the light of the sun only came into the room.

"Mom?" The voice of the angel was hoarse.

"Seok-ah! You're awake!" She whispered with pleasure. "Yoongi has been sleeping since he arrived here." She had been able to read this question in the eyes of her son. "I don't know what you both have... It's strange... there is no known disease that has the same symptoms as the ones you have..."

"Will we get well again...?"

"Yes, darling! I'm sure you'll get back on your feet!"

"Do you know what the cause of... Yoongi's... scars could be?"

"They come out from the inside and have certain... conditions that they emerge or are caused... These scars have a magical origin... What this origin is, however, I don't know exactly..." Miso looked at Yoongi thoughtfully and full of concern.

The Shadow! it flashed through Hoseok's head. With a dry voice he asked "Could I be the trigger?"

"Seok-ah! Please don't say something like that-"

The young angel got a cough attack. He curled. It hurt so terribly. His whole body was limp. Every movement hurt, he had a hell of a headache, his lungs were felt in flames, he was very nauseous, dizzy, his eyes were dry and he perceived everything only blurred, his skin was irritated and itchy. The only thing that didn't hurt but seemed healing to him were Yoongi's touches, they were like the cold sea on an unbearably hot summer day. Hoseok snuggled more in Yoongi's arms and breathed in his beguiling scent. His demon smelled of freedom, vastness and mandarins. That was his salvation in this hell. His anchor in the storm.


"NO! Leave me! All I want is to be a good boy! Not really good but I want that my father is proud of me! That my mom doesn't baby me anymore! That my siblings respect me!" Yoongi screamed at the mirror. Tears ran down his cheeks.

"Oh no! I'm so sorry!" the shadow looked at his host in the mirror and laughed honically. "But I wanna be a gangster. I'm stronger then you. But you could be the beauty and I could be the monster behind that beauty." the shadow laughed devilish "I just wanna destroy this lil angel and your annoying father. That's all I want."


"Oh sweet lil boy. I'm not yet strong enough to take over you completely, but remember: I'm getting more powerful from second to second and destroy you from the inside out and you can't do ANYTHING about it!"

Yoongi collapsed on the floor of the room, the tears just didn't want to stop flowing, his heart beat faster and his heartbeat boomed in his ears. The room seemed to get smaller and smaller, the demon felt like he could no longer breathe. He gasped helplessly for air. Everything turned.

Yoongi rushed up but much directly back into the sheets because a pain ran through him that was hard to stand. Tears gathered in his eyes. The dream had been so... real. As if it had not been a dream but a preservation of the shadow in the form of a dream.

Hoseok now also opened his heavy eyelids. Even this little movement was so exhausting. He looked at the side.

"Yoongi!" His voice was fragile.

The elder male laboriously turned on the since to face his lover. "Seok-ah... I-I had a terrible nightmare..." Tears poured down his cheeks.

"Don't cry, sweetheart. I'm here!" Now he also turned his body to Yoongi.

"How are you?" The demon wanted to know. They both whisper because something else was too exhausting.

"The scars are from the shadow, aren't they?" He asked a counter-question.

"Yes..." powerless, Yoongi shuttered his eyes. "It looks worse than it is." a narrow smile snealed on his face

"Is it my fault?"

"You are not to blame for anything... On the contrary, you are my salvation!" Yoongi sounded so sincere that it could only be true.

"Let's get some more sleep." Hoseok suggested. Whether they wanted it or not didn't matter, the darkness had its own plans anyway. So they fell asleep tightly intertwined around each other. The last thing they felt was the skin of their upper body, which touched gently and the heavy breath that irregularly escaped their lungs.


The next time both were awake at the same time was the next noon. Hoseok had done the proximity to Yoongi well and he was already better than the day before. Nevertheless, his eyes and head still hurt terribly and he preferred to stay next to the demon with his eyes closed. He still felt weak, but at least not everything hurt anymore.

After five minutes also Yoongi woke up. He looked still very weak. The two asked each other how they were. With Yoongi, everything was as before, only his skin was no longer irritated and itchy and the nausea had disappeared. After a short conversation they only laid in bed. After an while Yoongi fell asleep but Hoseok was still awake. Something triggered him but he couldn't say what it was. He stood up and sat on his desk chair. The angel wrote random things on a paper until it was full. As he read what he wrote the words half sister and Jiwoo were there the most.

He looked up and saw that Yoongi was shivering. He laid himself next to him. The headache Hoseok had was worse and so his body greeted that he laid next to his lover who immediately stopped shivering when he felt the angel's warmth. 



today is double update~ cause it's special day! You're happy, aren't you?

I've to say poor sope...but I made them ill...so everything has grown on my crap, hehe...everything has a reason or not cause we never know...no fr it has reason...arggh looks like i'm in hell but aren't we all?...

⋆⁺₊✧ lil funfact ⋆⁺₊✧ I was first worried that the title wouldn't work cause big i and two little l's but wattpad is smart and got it 

 anyways...you enjoyed? then everything is fine... 

Borahae sweeties 💜🌺

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