(Page 9) One word for you

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'Come on, Satoru, just say it, you love yuji, right? Then just say it!' Gojo thought fot a moment before speaking.'Will you..will you be my boyfriend..."

Yuji sat stunned by the words Gojo said he was completely frozen, no knowing what to say, he thought to himself, then thought about his answer before he could say anything they both heard a knock on the door, Yuji's eyes widened once he heard his older brother Sukuna's voice behind his room door Yuji quickly got close to Gojo whispering something to him "Hurry up and hide" Gojo understood Yuji by his tone of voice Gojo quickly hid under Yuji's desk behind a closet Yuji walked up to the door and opened it seeing his older brother Sukuna "WHY aren't you at school? Huh?" Sukuna said with a serious tone."I uh, I forgot to do the homework, and I'm staying home to do it so I don't get in trouble," Yuji said in a nervous tone while looking up at Sukuna "Huh okay, also one question who was that boy you were hugging" Sukuna asked Yuji with a confused but also serious tone "Which boy? How did he look like?" Yuji asked he thought he was talking about Gojo, but he waited for Sukuna to answer him."Don't play dumb with me. I'll give you a hint he has white hair and blue eyes. Does that ring a bell in your dumbass head?" Sukuna said once more with a more irritated tone. Yuji stood their frozen for a second before snapping back to reality "Oh uh he's just a friend. Why do you ask?" Yuji said, locking his eyes on Sukuna."I don't like him the way he was hugging you. I don't get a good vibe, so stop hanging out with him, and if you don't, I'll make sure to do something about it, " Sukuna said with a serious tone and a smirk on his face Yuji stood their before answering "...Alright" Yuji looking down to the floor "Good now go do your missing homework idiot" Sukuna said before leaving and going downstairs Yuji caller out for Gojo he could come out of hiding now Gojo heard his voice and came out "Well what is wrong with your brother? What kind of idiot is he? I don't give off bad vibes, right? Yuji?" Yuji stood their before snapping back to reality."Huh oh uh yeah, you don't. " Gojo looked at yuji, lifting his face up to him with his finger."Look something up with you. I get you don't want to talk about it, but if you ever need anybody to talk to, I'm here, " Gojo said with a soft smile on his face. Yuji stood their slightly blushing before they could kiss each other. Yuji's door opened up revealing Fushiguro in the doorway with a shocked expression on his face "Uhh I think I came in the wrong time." Fushiguro still standing their stunned by what he was witnessing. Gojo looked up at him with a grin on his face before speaking, "Oh no, you're not interrupting anything you came in perfect timing," Gojo said, Yuji blushing even more "Come in we don't bite unless you want us to especially me" Gojo said looking at Fushiguro "I guess you will see how I will devour your friend Fushiguro" before Gojo could do anything to Yuji Megumi grabbed Yuji's hand pulling him away from Gojo "Alright you guys can stop now I've been knowing you guys had a thing for eachother just don't kiss in public especially infront of me" Fushiguro said "Sorry Fushiguro Gojo just got carried away" Yuji said with a soft smile of his face Gojo looked at both of them slightly laughing "So are we going to school or not were about to be late" Fushiguro said in his school uniform "Oh yes right let me just finish my homework and get ready could you two get out for a bit please?" Fushiguro went downstairs waiting for yuji, Gojo stood their asking yuji if he could be with him after a few seconds. Gojo finally went downstairs with Megumi, both waiting for him. After a few minutes, Yuji went downstairs, and the three left Yuji's house. Once they got to school, Fushiguro waited for Yuji to go to their class. "So what's your answer? Will you be my boyfriend Yuji-kun?" Gojo asked again in a nervous tone "Yes I do!" Yuji said, kissing Gojo in the mouth before walking away with Fushiguro and waving goodbye at Gojo. He stood their frozen blushing but happy that he's a couple with Yuji. Now, he started to walk to his classroom he looked back at Yuji with a smile and blowing a kiss to him before entering his classroom with a smile.

This page was kinda rushed since I am mostly looking forward to page (10), but you guys gotta wait for page (10) for some interesting parts, Lol

Words: (839)
Time it took: (15-20 minutes)

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