(Page 12) I hate you

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Once Gojo dropped off Yuji at his house he started walking to his own house his house wasn't very far from his boyfriends house but the only thing that kept him from getting there was his lover's older brother sukuna he would always walk past him and his friends they would sometimes block his way taking up the whole side walk and making him walk on the streets where passing cars would yell or sometimes even throw stuff out to Gojo from the blocking on the streets he would then just walk back on the sidewalk once sukuna and his friends walkind passed him they would laugh at him for being too soft Gojo didn't pay much attention to it as he didn't care what they about him but today was diffrent while Gojo was walking as usual in the streets before getting back on the side walk one of sukuna's friends tried making a joke about Yuji but didn't turn out so well for him "Hey albino monkey I'm going to Yuji's place at night and will start fucking him and his nice ass he will be screaming my name out, Haha!" Instead of sukuna laughing together with his friend he instead wasn't happy with that comment he said Gojo on the other hand as a protective boyfriend he started running towards the male that commented the 'joke' before the male could react Gojo kicked him in the stomach making the kid tumble down, Instead of Gojo punching him in the face Sukuna joined in the fight and started punching him in the face "You want to talk about my brother huh? YOU WANT TO HUH?" Gojo started kicking him, making the kid ache in pain. "DON'T YOU DARE PUT MY PARTNERS NAME INSIDE YOUR FILTHY MOUTH" Before Gojo could kick him again they boy kicked Gojo in the stomach Gojo falling back towards the road before Gojo could get back up to the sidewalk a car hit the compound between the two of them made a loud enough boom sound alerting Yuji to run towards the sound Yuji was excepting someone to get hurt but instead once he got the accident he saw Gojo lying on the ground and with the car that hit Gojo crashed into a nearby tree he saw more people running towards the scene some were running to the car but instead Yuji ran to Gojo trying to make sure if he was still alive "Gojo!? Gojo! Are you there!? Please answer me!" A few minutes later police, ambulances, and fire fighters rushed to the scence the paramedics carried Gojo to an ambulance same with the passengers inside the car while the fire fighters were taking out the fire on the front of the car the rest took out two children from the car sadly the mother and father died due to severe head injuries "Yuji I.. I'm sorry. " Sukuna tried cheering up Yuji. Instead, Yuji let out tears from his eyes."Tell me.. why... Who did this? Who hurt him!?" Sukuna was hesitant at first, but a few seconds later, he spoke."I'm sorry, Yuji, it.. it was me and my friends fault. I know I did something bad, but you have to understand they made a joke about you, Me and Gojo started beating them up. That was until.. Gojo was kicked to the streets and hit by the car. " Yuji was full of anger and terrified for dear life if Gojo was going to make it."WHY SUKUNA, WHY? WHY HIM THE ONE PERSON I WAS HAPPY AND IN LOVE WITH, WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE HIM!? I HATE YOU SUKUNA!" Yuji yelled out people around them could hear the pain Yuji was going through by his voice a few minutes later Nobara and Fushiguro arrived to the scene both ran once they got to yuji they were both panting but we're mostly about Yuji and Gojo "Yuji are you okay? Don't cry. What happened?" After Yuji explained everything to them Nobara and Megumi were feeling sorry for him news reporters started questioning the people who were first at the scene "I'm going home" Yuji said before walking away with Megumi and Nobara Sukuna was left alone being questioning "Why did it have to be him?" Yuji sniffed while walking."Don't cry Yuji maybe tomorrow we can go visit Gojo in the morning? How does that sound?" Megumi said with a calmer voice voice while nobara was walkiheshw kept her arm over Yuji trying to calm him down and not look at the bad side "Yeah how about us three go to the hospital next thing morning?" Yuji hummed in response that day Nobara and Megumi slept at Yuji's place
Yuji woke up early this day, and so did Megumi and Nobara Yuji skipped breakfast, and the three walked in a fast pace towards the hospital. Yuji couldn't wait any longer from walking, so he started running towards the hospital he only cared about Gojo at this point, Once Yuji made it to the hospital she ran past the nurses and doctors while Megumi and Nobara were still chasing him down once Yuji got to Gojo's hospital room he started calming down and started becoming more quiet he saw Gojo on the hospital bed sleeping peacefully he walked over to him not making any sound Gojo woke up opening his eyes and seeing his one and only lover Yuji beside him "..Yuji? Is that really you?..." Yuji's eyes started tearing up before he spoke with a soft voice and a smile on his face "Yes it's really me Gojo senpai it's me Satoru-kun" Yuji started crying tears of Joy happy that Gojo hasn't forgotten about him or lost his family with one hand Gojo cupped Yuji's cheek and with his thumb he wiped the tears off Yuji's eyes "Don't cry my love I'm still here how could I forget about you I will never forget about you baby" Gojo sniffed before sitting up from the bed and pulling Yuji into a tight embrace Yuji didn't want to let go so he placed a gentle kiss on Gojo's cheek Gojo blushed not expecting the sudden kiss but didn't resist or mind he quickly retrieved the kiss back kissing Yuji on the mouth, Before they could do anything else both Megumi and Nobara walked in the room disturbing there kissing session the only thing that connected the kiss was Yuji drooling and a string of saliva "Chill out love birds don't make out while we're in the hospital!" Nobara chatted Gojo, Megumi, and Yuji could already tell that she was jealous from their perspective."Come on, Kugisaki, are you really jealous of itadori being in a relationship instead of you?" Megumi teased her, although he was trying to be a bit funny. Nobara didn't find it anywhere near funny. Instead, she bonked Megumi in the head."SO WHAT IF I AM!? I WAS SUPPOSED TO BE IN A RELATIONSHIP BEFORE ITADORI!" "OW, that hurt.." Gojo and Yuji laughed they found it funny, seeing Yuji's two friends play a fight around them "Well actually I was thinking when Yuji graduated, then maybe once Yuji and I are ready then maybe we could get married, The room went silent it stayed like that for a few moments before Nobara spoke up "A wedding would be so cute! Yeah although I'm jealous of Itadori I will be happy for my friend" although Nobara was known for her cold hearted self she had a soft spot for her and her friends, before they could continue chatting the three had to leave since it was getting late Yuji didn't want to go but Gojo insisted on him going back home and getting some rest "Alright fine I'll visit you tomorrow morning" Gojo hummed in response before waving goodbye to Yuji, As Yuji walked out of the room he felt a sign of relief he felt calm inside his body he started walking feeling tired of the mess that was happening but he knew he would visit tomorrow


Words: (1360)
Time: (15 minutes)

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