Chapter 2

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The following week Valora took over her father's place in his head quarters - the multi-storey building with beautiful heading had VS written on the top meaning Valdir Stevenson which coincides with hers. The building was situated the in the central location of New York City surrounded many other companies similar like hers.

Today was Monday, her first day all by herself. She wore a sleek black and white suit of Valentino with black high heels and minimal make up. Completed her look with shades which made her look cool and strong getting out her car.

But then she changed, wore black rimmed spects while getting into her office with expressionless face. The intimidating walk she had clinking her heels on the tiled floor and the way she took no recognition of the good mornings she got by her employees made her way to grab a lot of unwanted attention and gossip.

But she could care less as she didn't come her to make friends. She only came to work and so did they,but she had a nagging feeling in her mind stating they enjoyed their work hence made friends to talk and gossip unlike her who had no friends.

Deep down she knew what she liked and rejoiced doing. And for that she didn't want a third eye to know abt it as it was secret to all even her family. Now here she was happy like this as none could even touch her for she's the head of all. She loved this control she had over others.

And according to her the more people knew about you, you're likes, dislikes, vulnerabilities etc the more you give them a chance to harm you. Sharing your secrets just makes you a weak person at the end of day.

Hence this emptiness of no one close to her was good. As now she could concentrate on her work giving her 100 percent impressing everyone especially her father.

For she had once broke his trust and made him think she's the worst daughter he could get. Now again she didn't want that to happen, she'd rather die. Now she wanted to turn a new leaf from in her life that gave her a second chance.

Keeping that in her mind,Valora started to work enthusiastically but that lasted only for a few minutes. For she had realised browsing through the work (he had yet to inform her about) that the present secretary was a lazy old hag.

She felt disgusted thinking about his dedication to the company and hence called him to her office ASAP. "Do you plan to give an explanation as to why the financial records haven't been updated yet?" She asked in a calm tone.

"Umm... Everything was changed under you name madam, so rewriting all the documents again, I might have forgotten to complete this" he replied. She stared at him for few seconds before she flipped the question about the errors in the accounts of calculating the sales and investments.

But got no proper reply, then she looked at him quietly but her blazing eyes gave away that she was angry, that too very much. Sending death glares she said" if you're slow and have no proper reason for not completing you're job without errors on time, then I am sorry to have to say this but I have to terminate you."

"What madam ?" Asked the stunned secretary. "Mr Phil Brown, you are being terminated from the job of secretary henceforth for the reason of negligence in completing the work on time without errors" Valora said in affirm voice.

"But madam I have been working here for years now." Said the old man coming out of his state of astonishment. "Yes that thought is making me wonder too but I wish not to dwell on it. For one I'm not my father nor I want to work like him. And for me I didn't like your work, so please clean your desk. I will write up an early retirement letter instead of termination one for it will include a fair amount as well as retain you the respect for your work and experience etc. I am sure it will suffice you for a long time."

Stung by her words Phil nodded and was about to leave when he turned back on last time saying " You're right, you aren't like your father, you're much worse". He slammed the door after said that to wait for no reply from her.

Valora was hurt but she did not want to feel such petty emotion. It made her a slave once and made her do stupid things out of impulse. But now she has grown and became this quiet, cold and calculative woman who was hollow from the inside out. Staring at the door she realised she's good at being sinister like she is now. This made her smile wickedly as now she's ready to play the games of world without being played.

Thank you all for reading my book!! Hope you like this chapter :) :) :)

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