Chapter 10

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Cover by _drizzle09


That night neither Valora nor Altair could sleep after leaving each other at 2 am from the pit. To be honest, Valora wanted to take Altair to her home and to enjoy him as much as he could pleasure her. But she knew it was wrong to suddenly impose him with such kind of behaviour, yet she couldn't believe he kissed her willingly and almost made her beg for him at her office. Nor she could forget his words that said he liked her face and voice. That was a lot of progress they made in 1 day when compared to what they did in two months.

Next day, she was apparently in a good mood and was already at the office by 9 sharp awaiting Altair. But soon enough her mood turned sour when she heard about the new gossip or something cooking between her and her secretary. She couldn't let this get to her father's ears, for god only can save her then. So she straightened her head and was ready to lash out at Altair when he comes to the office.

But before she could say anything, Altair entered the office with tooth grin while his words were uttering an apology.

" I'm so sorry for being so late, here's your coffee madam. And I am also sorry for ruining yesterday's presentation, I promise to not do such a thing again. Also I request you to give me a day's time to make it up to you. I had the pre work in the last meeting itself but was unwilling to show you cause of my arrogance. Again for which I apologise but I am requesting you to give me another chance. Thank you" he finished and walked back to his office without as much as sparing a glance back at her.

Shutting her open mouth, Valora tried to compare DNA whatever just happened. Did she give in to him without a word cause he smiled with lascivious lips of his or cause he said he had already done the pre work for the presentation. What stalled her even more was did she give a yes or he just presumed to take an yes from her.

"Mr Secretary, a word in my cabin!" Valora stated as coldly as she could muster her voice to be. And within in a minute, without a knock the problem made its presence infront of her.

"You had asked for me ?" It stated while making itself home at her leather couch, that was at the further end of the room.

Slowly Valora felt her temper raising but trying to conceal, she spoke without looking out at the creature that make her laugh and cuss within a day.

"This is not your house for you to make yourself home. Please get up and stand infront of me as I'd like to dictate some notes to regarding the new developments on the building plans. Also stop me if I am wrong, cause I don't remember giving you any permission to redo the presentation. Listen I don't know where you got this attitude but I'll tell you this  only once, this is my office and I would not tolerate such kind of lewd behaviour again. And as far as your marketing presentation about finding potential clients, you may forget about it. I have handed the work over to the general manager of the marketing department." She finished with a stop of her pen on the paper and placing it back on the stand while looking up to the ridiculed secretary.

"But..but you were normal yesterday night at the club, and I just did one mistake like you said you did when you traumatised me into being a sex slave"

"Yes that is right but that is a matter of personal business while this isn't, you can hand over your pre work to me and I'll think of anything else. You also shall speak about our meetings outside the office when you are at the office. This is actually stated in the agreement you signed which legally imposes me to fire you on the case of false accusations against the employer in the case of you not obeying me. I hope you understand that and please take your writing pad, as I do not want to waste my time talking about such things."

"So whatever between us, right in this office is also lie huh?"

"It's not but you can never you're innocence if you go against me. Also it won't happen again, I promise you that much. Now let's get to the plans on each building of the Trident complex, firstly the......."

And so she went on, not bothering about him even a bit. But after an hour or so, when she felt her throat turn dry for speaking so long did she notice the hostile face on Altair. Looking into his glassy eyes she realised, he's just not mad but hurt as well. And she felt her heart tug, suddenly she didn't like what she was doing. She didn't even like the world around her cause it stopped her from caressing his beautiful face and making him smile. It stopped her from seeing his goofy side like she saw yesterday and heck it stopped her from enjoying herself.

"Is that all?" unblinking he asked.

Suddenly woken up from the daydream, Valora couldn't see or think straight. She took the water glass at her desk and started gulping it down in one go. Finally she felt she had some control over her senses but boy she was wrong cause her voiced and words betrayed her.

"I..I would like to see you at my home by 7 in the eve today..........I don't want any excuses. That is all" she squeaked half and tried to finish the rest in whatever firm voice she felt she could make up. But she didn't see the reality behind her words until she reached her messy condo.

Great..she should have called the maid but she totally forgot about it until now. And with less than an hour left, she put herself to work. From vacuuming the whole house and throwing all the clothes into the laundry bin and finally washing all the vessels she used in two days. Sweating profusely she forgot to check the time or who was at the door when the bell rang and opened to reveal and musky smelling perfection.

"Umm....." Valora got her roaming all over Altair body and then her own. Shit! She thought and literally shut the door back.

"So much for calling me to your house, I can see how much I am welcomed here. I shall take a leave, thank you" Altair uttered frustratedly.

Double shit. Valora again opened the door and let him while looking anywhere but him. "Look I have been working, so if you can just wait here and watch some tv. I'll clean myself by then." She vanished immediately after answering him.

Hitting her had to her wardrobe mirror a million times for being so caught in work and turning to look like the slug she is generally at home. Valora went to shower, still processing the fact the Altair showed up and looked so dashing. But what she didn't think of was the plans of Altair had for arriving at her place.

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⏰ Last updated: Jan 29, 2017 ⏰

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