Chapter 8: Penelope's plan

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   Erik's underground apartment was surprisingly warm. That made Penelope feel very good because she was still cold from the outside.  ,,Do you want to sit near the fire?" Erik asked when he noticed that she was destroyed by the wind. ,,Yes, it would be so kind of you, Erik" Penelope nodded. He tried so hard to make her comfortable. She saw that immediately. And an immortal idea hit her mind. If she was a closer person to him would he kill for her? Would he be able to help her to get rid of the abusive husband? It didn't make her happy to think of using Erik like that but what could she do? Arthur represented a danger for her. It wouldn't be possible for her to live in safety if he was still there. She feared him more than the masked man that was sitting near her. ,,You are so unhealthy and skinny. Christine said that you always were like that but maybe I would try to change that. I think you'd appreciate something to eat" she said after a while. Erik looked surprised but didn't refuse. ,,Do you have some preference?" She asked but then realised how stupid that question was. Of course he didn't. A man that grew up abused and starved. ,,I actually don't" he said quietly. ,,I am so sorry for that silly question, Erik. I should have thought about it before". She knew that he wouldn't like to discuss his past or even childhood. She tried to be careful with him. Her whole future and freedom depended on it. ,,It's alright" Erik answered quietly. 
   Penelope cooked carefully and with passion. She didn't feel so happy while doing it since her love for Arthur disappeared. Erik still tried to help her which Arthur never did. Let alone all his crimes Erik seemed quite good behaved and very well raised. They ended up cooking together. It was fun. It was the first time Penelope saw Erik laughing. He himself didn't know that he was even able to laugh from pure happiness. He never felt like that before. With Penelope he wasn't nervous. He knew that she knows everything from Christine and there is almost nothing to hide.
They ate the roasted fish they just finished and took some potatoes with it. ,,Does it taste good?" She winked at him. ,,I've never had something so delicious" he replied. ,,Also..." his voice was quieter now. ,,I am ashamed for it but I still didn't ask you what is your name" That made her smile. It reminded her how she fell in love for the first time in her life. The man also asked her name like that. ,,I am Penelope" she answered to Erik. ,,Penelope" he repeated. ,,I will probably have to hide for longer. So Arthur wouldn't find me" Penelope admitted. That was true and she also would need to stay to get Erik's trust and set herself free from her abusive husband. ,, Of course. Your husband is violent. And you need a place to hide. So behave like at home. The whole Louis Phillipe room is yours since now" Erik's words actually sounded caring. How this man could ever kill someone or threaten Christine to let the whole opera house explode? Maybe Christine's marriage gave him a tough lesson. He probably needed it though being traumatised enough even before. She made a tea for herself to begin to act like at home.

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