Chapter 7

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Peter's POV

"Hurry, they are after us!" Mr Beaver shouts.

"right then.." Mrs Beaver says packing away different types of food in to a white cloth.

"What is she doing?" I ask no one in particular

"Don't worry, you'll thank you me later. it's a long journey and a beaver gets cranky when he's hungry." Mrs Beaver replies

"I'M CRANKY NOW!" Mr Beaver shouts

"Do you think we should bring jam?" susan asks as she and Nova help Mrs Beaver

" Only if the Witch has toast." I reply Sarcastically.

Just as Mrs beaver Is finished, the wolves start clawing at the dam, growling as they do so.

"Quick get in the tunnel!" I say frantically pushing everybody into it before crawling in myself and closing the door.

"me and Badger dug this awhile ago, It ends up right at his place" Mr beaver says as we make our way through the dimly lit tunnel

"I thought it lead to your mums!" Mrs beaver asks Mr beaver while glaring

all of a sudden Nova trips and falls down on her leg

"Nova! Are you alright?" I ask bending down to her

"I think I cut my leg" she says grabbing it in pain

"Quick! Their in the tunnels" Mr beaver says as we hear howls growing louder and louder every second

Without even thinking I picked up Nova bridal style and ran to catch up with the others

"You should have brought a map!" Mrs beaver exclaims

"There was no room next to the jam!" Mr beaver snaps as he jumps out of the hole and everyone else follows.

The icy temperature outside crawls up my arms sending an icy chill down my spine.

Mr beaver pushes a barrowl on front of the whole to prevent the wolves from bursting through.

"Are you okay Nova?" Lucy asks running over to us with Susan following close behind

"Yeah, I think so, my leg is just a bit cut" Nova explains

"It's not just a bit Nova, your whole leg is cut!" Susan says worriedly

Sure enough as i looked at it, nova's whole leg was very badly injured, blood pouring out of it.

"oh my goodness! Nova that looks awful!" Lucy says softly

"I must of fell on a rock or a piece of glass " Nova says through gritted teeth, the adrenaline from the wolves wearing off and the pain catching up with her

"is it very painful?" I ask her looking directly into her dark brown eyes

She nods and bites her lip as a few tears roll down her cheeks

I hug her tighter and she relaxes a bit, putting her arms around my neck and burring her head into my chest

My attention snaps towards mr and Mrs Beaver as i hear them talking

"He was my best mate" Mr beaver says sadly looking at a Badger that was turned to stone among other animals.

"What happened to them?" Lucy asks curiously

" This is what happens to the enemies of the White Witch." a fox says coming out of nowhere causing us all to take a step back.

" take one more step traitor and I'll chew you to splinters!" Mr beaver treatens

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 28, 2015 ⏰

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