Chapter 4

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Nova's POV:

I had never witnessed darkness like this. It was pitch black, the only source of light were the few stars that were scattered across the night sky, like a children's jigsaw on the playroom floor. The howling wind bet against my eardrums repeatedly, leaving me defenceless, as I could not tell when my enemy would appear or which direction he could attack me from. I began to cry. Big fat salty tears rolled down my cheeks, which were already caked with dirt. I didn't know where I was, nor could I remember how I got there. I clambered over the uneven ground which was littered with twigs and jagged rocks that jutted outwards, purposely tripping me up.


It was barely a whisper. I wasn't sure if it was real or just my imagination straining to hear even the slightest noise. I stopped dead and waited to see if I could hear it again. But after several minutes the wind picked up again and chill started to creep up on my back, climbing up my spine until it reached every nerve underneath my skin. I began to  continue my directionless trek into the unknown.


The voice sounded again. This time though, I knew it wasn't just a fragment of my imagination. This time I knew something, or rather someone, was there. Someone strong and powerful. Someone who would help me understand where I was, and I why I was there.

"Hello?" I called out, desperate to hear the voice again.


This time i knew where the voice was coming from. I turned around so rapidly, I was sure I had given myself whiplash. But what I saw next caused me to forget all about it.


She was standing right in front of me. Her blue eyes sparkled as she smiled warmly at me. She looked exactly as I remembered. Her bright auburn hair tumbled freely down her back, waving at me through the movement of the wind.

"Mum, what are you doing here? What am I doing here?" I asked, my voice coming out in a horse whisper. It was so quiet in fact, I was afraid she wouldn't hear. But she ought to have, as she smiled again and voiced the answer I had been so desperate to hear.

"Nova, I don't have much time. I need you to listen to me"


"Nova listen, you need to know-"

My mother was cut off by a strong wind, aggressively blowing through the bare trees. She looked up at the trees with fright, panic clear in her oceanic eyes.

"Nova listen to me. Take this note. It will come to you when you need it"

She handed me a coffee coloured scrap of paper, which looked as if it had been used on a great amount of occasions.

"But mum, what is it?"

The wind picked up and the tress felt as if they were closing in on us.

"I don't have time, Nova. Just remember that I love you very much, and I am sorry for everything"

And with that she was gone, as quick as she came. The howling wind settled down again, and the tress relaxed, and stood tall in their original positions. It was as if she had never been there at all. Only I was certain that she was, as the was a small piece of paper, clutched tightly in my left fist.

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