The Waynes & The Bats

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Gotham has been in an uproar since the night I moved into Wayne Manor, I've been home twice, if that, in the past week. It just keeps getting worse. I've been living at the hospital, Alfred will bring me clothes or sometimes food, but Bruce? Only phone calls. Things have been super busy at Wayne Enterprises, he's been in meetings with Lucius constantly, or so he claims.

The Bat has brought me at least a dozen people this week, kids and teens mostly. He barely says a word to me, he won't look me in the eyes, he's either Bruce, or he knows I know Bruce works for him. Either way, I don't like it, I'm worried.

The fighting has been near constant since the breakout. Croc, Harley Quinn, poison Ivy and Two Face are all loose. Thank whatever god is listening that joker is some how still there, that's the last thing we need.

Tonight I was half way through rounds when I got the notification on my phone, the bat was on the roof. It was a simple digital doorbell, not nearly as cool as his bat signal, but it worked. I gave Kara the look and she instantly understood that I had to go. She's met the bat once, but that's it. She only comes up as a last resort.

I hurried myself through the halls to the elevator with my emergency cart to triage whoever was up there. It only took about three minutes to get from point a to b, but it always feels like an eternity. When the doors opened though, I saw something I didn't expect, a lone Batman hiding in the shadows.

"Hey Batsy, where's my patient? Not just here to see little old me are you?" I cautiously approached him as he stayed half in shadow. Something was wrong, very wrong. "Hey, Bat Brain, what's going on?"

"You don't have cameras up here do you?" He growled at me a I shook my head no, something was wrong I could hear it. "You're positive?"

"I'm positive, I check regularly, no one but us has access to this roof. The only camera is inside the doors." I took another step closer pulling my cart, the closer I got the more I could see. "You're hurt aren't you? Let me help, I promise, you can trust me."

"I know I have a broken rib, possibly a punctured lung, I need stitches." He groaned a little sitting down on the bench I usually eat my lunch on, I could see the blood clearly dripping down his suit now that he was in the light.

"You'll need to take the suit off. I can give you something to hide your face, some gauze, but you can ask my boyfriend Bruce, I know you're friends, I'm very good at keeping secrets. I'll even-" before I could finish, I looked up to see him removing the suit piece by piece. I knew it the second I saw his shoulder, the scar, Bruce's scar. The moment he looked up I could see the guilt, the regrets plastered on his face. "God you're a stubborn fool, I'm just glad you came to me."

"Sloane, please don't be angry with me." He was wincing as he pulled the last piece off, his body was black and blue and he was bleeding pretty heavily.

"Anger can wait, I'm going to start a line, luckily for you I know your blood type." I sighed turning around to the cart, carefully pulling out my IV kit along with a bag of blood.

"Do you just bring that up here every time?" He was still using the bat voice while I took his arm, carefully trying to find a vein.

"Yep, AB- every single time. I bring O- too, but I prefer an exact match when all possible. I typed your blood that time you cut your hand when we were making dinner." I kept my teeth clenched as I spoke, trying to steady my hands. "I'm just adding in an antibiotic to this, don't freak out."

"How long have you known for sure?" He couldn't make eye contact as I drew the antibiotic from the bottle, placing it into the IV.

"I've suspected it since the bank, I knew for sure when you showed me the photo, it was so obviously Dick in the suit." I chuckled at him as I knelt down to look at the gash in his side. "Croc?"

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