Cake & The Court Of Public Opinion

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After the party, I realized, it was never for me, never about me or my hospital, it was about the JLA. Bruce had this bright idea that he could make some elite squad to fight super criminals. He wants to call it the Justice League of America, build some satellite.

I found out about the plan from a woman named Diana Prince, she spoke to me after I gave my little speech, turns out she's Wonder Woman, Hal is the Green lantern, I found out Bruce's friend John was Martian Manhunter, and then I met the god damn king of Atlantis.

Clark was of course here to report on the event, and he's the one who realized something was wrong. After the guests left, everyone else was in the batcave planning, all but he and I. He was walking around the gardens when he "accidentally found me."

I'd been out here star gazing, looking at photos of me and Harv, me and Bruce, even photos of my adoptive father back in metropolis. Everything seemed so wrong, things were just wrong. Clark saw it unfolding, he was sweet when you got to know him, and I knew by his face he'd been looking for me.

"Having second thoughts?" Clark motioned to my stomach while he sat down next to me on the bench.

"I'm well aware that the baby was a mistake, and I'm well aware that Bruce is just using me for a cover story. So yes, Clark, I'm having second thoughts. Can I tell you the horrible thought that crossed my mind?" I moved my eyes from the full moon to him before looking at the manor wishing Bruce would come rushing out and tell me how wrong I was.

"It can stay between us, that's the thing about secret identities, they make you good at secrets." Clark put an arm around me leaning my head onto his shoulder. He's always been good to me, we bonded over a favorite pizza place and he brings me some every time he visits now, that's why I know I can trust him not to judge me.

"It's just, I shouldn't of gotten pregnant. Usually Bruce and I are so careful, I had the implant but it literally got torn out of my arm and he knew about it. I mean Bruce initiated the inciting incident and, I don't know, I wonder if-"

"You think he did this on purpose?" Clark interrupted me as I took a deep breath nodding.

"He didn't want me in the field, despite the fact I can handle it. I just feel so weak and vulnerable now, and so alone. I can live with him being the Bat, I can live with that, but I don't know if I can live with raising a baby with the bat." Clark's eyes traveled to the manor and then back to me, he sighed before speaking again, still keeping his arm tightly around me.

"Bruce loves you, and I have to admit, I asked him if he planned this, I really don't think he did. He's scared, it was an emotion I didn't know he could really feel, then I realized," Clark pulled away so we could face each other, "he's always been scared. Bruce puts on that costume because he's scared. He never moved past his parents death."

"I know that, this manor is a shrine to them. He'd kill me if he knew I told you, but he has nightmares sometimes. That's when he sleeps, he's trying to make me develop a drug so he doesn't need to." I chuckled to myself leaning my head back as I felt the baby start kicking. She's only just now started to get really strong. Not that I know if she's a girl yet because of Bruce. "Give me your hand Clark."

"Wow, they're getting so strong. It's really amazing Ru, do they have a name yet?" Clark smiled while I felt the baby go absolutely nuts despite the fact it was around three in the morning.

"Not yet since I don't know if it's a boy or a girl. We had a cake Bruce was supposed to help me cut, but he never did. The caterers just put it in the big fridge." Clark's face sank a little before he gently pulled me up from the bench. "What?"

"Let's go take it down to the batcave and make him participate. This was supposed to be your night, I didn't realize he was going to commandeer it like he did." Clark proceeded to playfully drag me into the kitchen, only letting me go when we got to the walk in fridge. He walked in pulling out the four tier cake covered in bows, bottles and bears like it was nothing. It's easy to forget he's Superman when he's not in the suit.

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